Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Gloss Kaiser Schlund Pranks Getting up so early in the morning pisses me off. I've made my bed, organized things and cleaned my room. I thought about packing my clothes, leave for a few days, stay at my friend's house so I could think with peace. The aura around the house was thick it's starting to suffocate me. I can't look at mom in the eyes. In fact, I can't look at her face, or even her shadow. I know I didn't text her, and she got worried about me, about my condition. But she didn't let me explain myself. So I woke up early, at exactly 4:44 in the morning, I was already at school. So I was at school, staring into the sky with emotions swarming in the pit of my stomach. I didn't bother to go my classes, I was just at the back of the school, my body was slumped against Mr. Tree. We call the tree Mr. Tree because it, according to the people here, is more than 100 years old tree. And my Dad used to say that when you call a man Mister, it means old enough. I didn't get him at first, but I eventually did. Mom was a distraction to that. Because my mom always call me mister whenever she's angry, or whenever I'm in trouble, or whenever I did something wrong. The time passed by quickly, and I was still here, not bothering to move, even though the warning bell has rung 2 hours ago. Night. The stars on the dark sky are shining brightly, twinkling happily as it gives light to the place. The lights are off, the place around me is dark. The soft breeze of air flying around the area. It makes me shiver. Getting up, dusting myself, since it's late, I decide to go home. I hope people in the house are already sleeping. I just don't want to deal with them. Richard's sympathy looks. Mom's apologies. Noah's bullying. As I step inside the house, I think 'maybe not' because Noah, Richard and Mom are fully awake, watching TV together. They all have a worry expressions on their faces. I look at Noah and immediately frown. God, what's with his face? He lifts his head up and decides to look at my way, sadness swarming in his eyes. But then it disappears as it lands on my green eyes. Mom looks up and sees me, her eyes are puffy and red. She's been crying. At the sight of her like that, I immediately hate myself for it. She stands up as soon as she sees me and makes her way towards me. I refuse to look at her in the eyes. As she is about to caress my cheek with the back of her hand, I quickly head upstairs and slam my room's door shut. I put myself on bed, just staring at the ceiling. My room's door opens, the door creaking, sound of light footsteps filling the room. It's Richard. For about 5 minutes, nobody speaks. Nobody dares to break the silence. Neither of us speaks. This kind of situation is awkward. Richard and I are not totally close, but he always tries his best to get along with me, and so far, he's doing great. "Look, I know your mother is wrong about hurting you," he says softly. "And I know that she regrets hurting you. But you can't just block her out. To be honest, I'm kinda hurt that you're blocking me, too." "I'm not blocking you," I counter, my voice is monotone. No emotions. Lifeless. Nothing. "But you're ignoring me. Us." Richard says as he shifts his body, to look at me. His eyes tell something. "Look, I know that I'm not your father. Or not as great as your father. But... like it or not, I want to be your dad. I know I can never replace your father, but I will do everything so you can look at me as what I want, and that is to be your father. Forget, Gloss. Forgive. We are a family here. Family forgives each other. Family helps each other. Mostly, family loves each other. Ohana." I look at him, hearing the word ohana. Mom must have told him about my favorite cartoon. "It means family. And family means no one gets left behind." I continue and nearly cry at that. I sit up, cross-legged, and hug Richard. He seems shocked at my action, but he hugs me back, his hand rubbing my back. "Thanks for comforting me... Dad." I whisper the last part. I pull away. And he seems happy. So happy that it almost makes me smile, to forget the problem. "I'll talk to Mom tomorrow. I'm tired. Thanks again. Dad." He smiles at me, gets up, and does my favorite thing in the world. Dad used to do that to me. My eyes swell at the action. I feel like Dad is here with me. Richard kisses my forehead and tells me 'good night, young mister'. He looks at me over his shoulder as he walks out of my room. I can see him smiling. I smile, lie down on my back, shut my eyes, and sleep. But this time, the pain in my chest is gone, and my body relaxes as unconsciousness greets me. +++ Bang! Bang! Bang! Jumping out of the bed, nearly pissing myself, I glare at the one who is banging the table beside me. It's... Noah freaking Gerald f*****g Sky. He has an evil grin plastered across his face. What an asshole. I glare at him and launch myself. But he runs. Unfortunately, my body is still tired. Scratch that, my body is not fully awake yet. Noah laughs, finding this quite amusing. I growl at him and he stops laughing, looking at me as he furrows his eyebrows. But then he laughs again, shaking his head. Asshole. I roll my eyes at him and shuts the door, locking it. I head inside the bathroom to take a shower. After I take a shower, I wear my uniform and get out of the room. As I am about to head downstairs, Mom sees me and her eyes fill with sadness as she looks at me. No one moves. I watch her watch me. Richard. Richard's words pop into my head. 'Family forgives each other. Family helps each other. Mostly, family loves each other. Ohana.' He said. And I'm going to forgive mom, help mom, and love mom. I walk towards her and hug her. "Mom, I'm sorry." I whisper. "I'm sorry, too, Honey." She says as she runs her hands on my back. We just hug each other. "Let's go. I don't want dramas. Let's go downstairs and eat breakfast." "But you love to watch cliché love stories," I tease her. She slaps my arm lightly and playfully as I chuckle. "Let's go, so I can punch Noah for doing a morning prank on me." Mom rolls her eyes at me, smiling. We head downstairs. Richard is in charge of frying several strips of bacon, eggs, and french toast. Considering he's rich, I never knew that he knows how to cook. Until now. I mean, he has maids and shits all over the house. Noah's eating, stabbing a bacon and shoving it into his mouth. I smack the back of his head and he chokes on his food. I laugh. Mom gives Noah a glass of water and Noah quickly grabs it and downs the water in just one swift move. Mom glares at me and Noah gives me a furious look. "Payback time," I snap, glaring back at him. "It's not nice of you to bang the table to wake me up. But then again, you are never nice. You're one of a hella asshole, Noah Gerald Sky." "Shut up, I'm not talking to you." He spats, still looking at me with malice. "You just did. In fact, we are making a conversation." I tease, smirking evilly at him. He raises an eyebrow at him. "You really don't want to talk?" "I don't," I stand up, walk inches away from him, and sing, "You're beautiful! You're beautiful, it's true. I saw your face in a crowded place, and I don't know what to do! Because..." He grits his teeth, shutting his eyes, mumbling about something I can't catch. "Oh s**t. The volcano is about to erupt!" Then I run, grabbing my bag placed on the sofa and head off to the car. Jes, my personal driver, starts the car immediately and takes off. Arriving at school, I thank Jes and he just smiles and nods at me and I take off at school, running. The last thing I want to happen today is Noah demanding a payback time, and I don't want that to happen. The junior hallways is crowded, as usual. The girls are looking at me, giving me a lustful smile, biting their lips seductively. What can I do? I'm just hot. But then my world shines when I see her. "Lip Gloss!" Kaila screams as she runs towards me, jumping on me. I nearly fall and land on my butt if it weren't for the locker on the side. "Amishoo, Glossy Poshi Poo!" She kisses me all over my face and I just laugh at her. The girls are scowling at her, giving her death stare. "What are you doing here, Kaila Shasha Poo?" I ask her, looking at her. She just pouts at me. "What? Don't you want to be with your best friend? Have you found another one? Ha? Ha? Hmpf!" She asks dramatically. I laugh at her. Kaila and her sass and dramas. Shaking my head, hugging her, I say, "Oh come on, Kaila Shasha Poo, you're the only girl best friend I have. I swear." I kiss her temple and she smiles at me. "Come! I'm sure as hell we have the same schedule. Because... let's just say I threatened the girl." She says, smirking at me. We laugh and head to our first class. The bell rings. It's lunch break! Kaila has been ranting about my friends back in old home, telling me about what's their condition there. She tells me they are okay and they mention me a lot, that they miss me so much. We head to the cafeteria and hell, it is packed! As we enter, all attentions are suddenly at us. They are looking at me. Or Kaila. Or us. Kaila keeps talking and talking and I just cover her mouth with my hand. She licks it. "Eww!" I whine. She just rolls her eyes at me playfully. The students are still looking at us, probably wondering why I know her. As we walk, we pass Noah's table. He's looking at us, brows furrowed, like he's searching for some answers as to why I know this girl. Kaila abruptly stops. At the middle. Just beside Noah's table. Noah's friends, including him, are still looking at us. Geez, what's the big deal? "Glossy Poshi Poo?" Kaila calls me. "What is it, Kaila Shasha Poo?" I ask her, walking towards her. She looks at me for a while. "I'm hungry." She states simply. We burst out laughing. "Let's take a food! Damn, my stomach is grumbling, demanding food." She takes my hand as she leads the way. I swear this girl is crazy. Mostly, the guys are staring at her like Kaila is a Goddess or something. Well, can't blame them. Kaila is a hell of a beauty queen. She has this curly brown hair, and it reaches her hips. She doesn't want to cut it. Her hair is in a pony tail, and it looks cute on her. She's wearing a black sweater and a black leggings, matching it with black high heels. Her height is 5'7. Beauty Queen. We order our foods and head to my table, where my other friends are waiting. The people in the cafeteria start to chatter about the new girl, which is Kaila. As we pass Noah's table again, I see him studying me and Kaila. Why is he looking at me like he wants to eat me?
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