Episode 4; The Birth Of Witch

1052 Words
The next day Lame woke up and get down from her bed walk towards her mother's dead body but the body has changed to an elderly man's body(The Messenger). "I knew my mother died immediately I was given birth to, and you're only using her body! thought you will be nice to me but you're not!  you wicked old man!"   Lame walk out to the town and saw two kids playing under a tree (Sara and Johnson) Sara is four years while Johnson old is 6years. Lame walked up to them and started playing with them.  "Hey kid what is your name?" Sara asked "Lame"  Sara scream and said her name is scary because her mother always tell them, anybody that bears Lame is a monster!!  Lame was so angry at Sara. "Hey monster, leave here! you're scaring" Johnson shouted at Lame. Lame look at Johnson with an angry expression on her face then stretch her hand towards Sara and used magic to kill her. Johnson scream and ran home to call his parents but on is the way he meant one of a knight, he grabs Johnson from behind and asked what happened? where are you running too.   Johnson was breathing heavily and said one little monster killed his little sister with magic and he need help. The knight calls his bird with a whistle and sent a message to the palace that someone has magic. The message was delivered to the king and the king ordered his knight to bring that person to the palace now! when there got to where Lame was she was sitting beside Sara's body, the knights were so confused because Lame is just a kid.          But Lame was brought to the palace with Sara's body, then the king ordered that Lame should be a cage for life and nobody should go near her again that she will be there till she dies... Twenty years Lame stop growing and many years passed by so many generations have passed away but Lame still looks like twenty-five years, old lady. *************** A goldsmith, Gorge who had 2 children Katrine and Reuben. Gorge lost his wife when Katrine was born but he devoted his life and love to Katrine and Reuben so much.  He showed them so much love Katrine is 14years while Reuben is 17years, Reuben loves beautiful girls he never gets serious he's so playful the name of their Kingdom is Mirror.  They live by law and magic, everybody has magic and they use it anyhow. The name of their king is Alora and the name of the king's wife is Jesse she is the most beautiful among young and old women in that kingdom, king Alora has a son his name is  Andrew.         Prince Andrew is a very handsome young man, he's well build up with six-packs, his hair is not too long his very tall and has a very soft romantic voice, his very strong he can fight thousands of battalion without getting hurt the kingdom depend on him when it comes to battle.  Because he has won a lot of battle all the ladies in the Mirror kingdom are crushing on him but he does not have time for a lady. Katrina has a friend name Rosita who lives in Dragon kingdom.  Rosita always visits Katrine but Katrine has never set foot into Dragon kingdom. Once upon a time Rosita visit Katrine in her kingdom they have a lovely day, they ride horse to the playing around.  Then Katrine tells Rosita that they should visit the town square because she knows that prince Andrew will be there training most of the ladies do go there just to drip on him.          On getting there prince Andrew was at the town square training as he used to do, Rosita fell in love with Prince Andrew, love at first sight. Katrine noticed the way Rosita looked at Prince Andrew.  "Hey, you! get your eyes off him, stop staring" Rosita look at Katrine and said no! I wasn't looking! "I saw the way you looked at him it obvious that you like him!"   Then Rosita admits that she fell in love with the prince "I'm in love with the prince also, so please don't let us fight about it, I will do anything for you just don't fall in love with the prince"  "Okay but you will do one thing for me," Rosita said calmly  Katrine said anything then Rosita tells Katrine to follow her to her kingdom, Katrine accepts the challenge then said they should go right now. Both of them went back and go to Dragon's kingdom before entering the kingdom the view look strange to Katrine when they enter the kingdom a strange voice screamed Katrine was so scared but Rosita cheer her up that it's nothing. "That was a witch, she was cage for thousands of years and refuse to get old though have never seen her before but my grandma tells me the witch story before she passes on." Katrine looks interested in knowing the whole story she begs Rosita to narrate it but Rosita refuses and said she has forgotten that all she knows is that the witch is very beautiful, both of them get down from the horse they both tie it down. Rosita tells Katrine to follow her, Rosita took Katrine to her house they are a lot of beautiful flowers that surround Rosita's house her mom was cooking when they arrived Rosita introduced Katrine to her mother Benita. Benita asked both of them to come and have a sit. Katrine was about to sit down then she saw a snake coming towards her she stretches her hand to use her magic and Kill it but her magic did not work! then she screams Rosita took wood and kill the snake Benita asked what happened? Katrine said she saw a snake but she couldn't use her magic to Kill it, Katrine was so scared and said I don't have magic again then Benita told her to calm down that magic can't work in Dragon kingdom ever since the witch in the dungeon was born.   Then Katrine said she is going back to her kingdom, Benita and Rosita try to stop her but she refused. Katrine took her horse and leave.
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