Mi. triantafyllo

1274 Words
Song Recommendation: My Rose by Ciamara A lady believes a gentleman’s feelings is known by the flowers he offers, said lady is indeed well informed… He lead the way as they started along the path. She unfurled the free hand that wasn’t held in his warm embrace, she used it to brush along the lilies as they walked towards a purple bush in the form of a heart. They walked in silence except for the buzzing of bees. She smiled and she fought the urge to face him though she could feel his eyes on her They walked the path in each other’s embrace, taking in the startling variety of wild flowers “Did you know the lavender flower represents serenity, calmness and grace?” He said to her just as they walked by the Purple delicate flower it’s sweet powdery scent lingering in her nostrils and she looked at him truly perplexed, He knew about flowers too, and he was sharing that knowledge with her. “Hmmm” she smiled teasingly and he smiled back and she vaguely wondered that this was the longest they had spent in each other’s presence having a decent conversation it brought a genuine smile to her face and she lit up. This was Hapiness she realized, and happiness meant being open and vulnerable, letting one’s guard down. “Are you perhaps in doubt of my knowledge as a florist” he must have felt her state cause he added “I am that, I assure you” she was holding back fits of laughter, she simply couldn’t imagine him being a gardener tending to all these beautiful natural flowers with those sturdy and big hands “Not at all, I am merely surprised my lord, that a man such as yourself would be concerned with such matters” like his mama she thought in her heart but she wouldn’t say that out loud, she didn’t want to risk ruining what they had now, whatever it was it was certainly very fragile and she liked it. “It’s quite the hobby for me I admit but the beauty of the end result is totally worth all the trouble” They had turned towards the west path and this view was simply magnificent, Roses lined the path in different shades of red on the left and on the right she saw them in other colors, white, blue, and black. She had never seen a more glorious sight, She simply stared and smiled “It’s a beautiful view” he commented “The Roses?” She asked, her eyes were still on the flowers “Your smile” he replied and her breathe caught, she turned to face him and she had to swallow down passed the tightness of her throat, how was she to reply to that she wielded herself to calm down “ you do not struck me as one inclined to flattery My lord” she said looking straight ahead anywhere but at him “Ah, so it goes to say it is merely the truth I speak” she blinked up at him “you’re beautiful madame wife, surly you hear it often, do you not?” He asked looking genuinely interested in her answer she flushed “Not often enough” she replied and turned her gaze by to the roses, they were so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes or perhaps it was it words that made her eyes water. He told her she was beautiful and he looked like he m any it. she was no longer hanging on to his arm and she placed her hands on her heart willing it to be calm. she stepped towards the roses “Tell me something about them” she blurted out, seeking a diversion and he almost laughed “How well do you know your Greek mythology?” He asked with that side smile plastered to his face “What?” She asked him in return He cleared his throat “I would gladly be your tutor then” he took a stance like one who was ready to speak in parliament. she chuckled slightly, then folded her lips to listen “I’ve been told how good of a student I am your grace” she said and he looked at her with an odd expression. “Well, the creation of red roses have been linked to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, though said to be created by goddess chloris, Tis known to signify long and true love” “Hmm true love” she said dazed “do you believe in it?” She asked “No. But I do believe in wanting someone so strongly even more so than Ares wanted Aphrodite” he was mere inches away and somehow the conversation had stirred from flowers to love “How about you?” He asked and she thought on her answer for a while Then she said “Yes I believe there is true love, and surely if gods and goddesses were capable of love then we mortals are worthy of it too” he stared at her not saying a word “You have felt it before then” He was too close and she wasn’t sure he asked a question or made a statement he said it with an almost pained expression on his handsome face and she suddenly longed for a change in subject “I’ve always wondered if goddess Artemis had a flower to her name, something that perhaps represented a softer side to her than her fierce nature” he asked, pulling her back to earth “ I think not, she was a goddess of the hunt, she seems to me like a woman who saw love as fragility and perhaps even weakness” “You think the Rose weak?” “No, i find it odd that it is a flower of love, love is a strong emotion, and the rose flower, I think it beautiful but not strong, rather fragile and flawed.” She replied and He regarded her thoughtfully then asked “How so?” She shrugged “it’s a very complexly pretty flower with delicate petals, the flaw however is in its thorns, why thorns, it is most absurd, I’ve never been able to wrap my head about it” “I do not think it flawed in anyway but elegantly perfect and strong” he looked at her seriously and she listened with rapt attention “the grave irony of its thorns against the delicate petals perhaps exist merely for protection, I believe the Rose’s thorns serve as a survival mechanism, Like a woman who knows she’s fragile and adapts a difficult exterior, so when an unwanted person pokes she fights back with a sharp pierce..” “You have been a most gracious tutor your grace” she smiled “Efharisto” she laughed up into his face. She was happy. And the smile was back on his face “My student speaks Greek” he said offering “I am indeed enlightened my Lord” she avoided his last comment,she had been caught up in the moment and had thanked him in greek and now he looked at her a mighty curious. she shivered as the air grew chilly and he offered his arm for the second time today, this time she took it without hesitation and as he led her through the way they had come he kissed the top of her head murmuring something that sounded very much like “mi triantafyllo” ..my Rose
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