Heated Passion

520 Words
Song Recommendation: Talk by Khalid A man’s vigorous appetite when aroused cannot be doused. This, mi lady has nothing to do with food.. Mere few words. The wrong words had caused this much damage between them and he loathed her anger, worst was the silence card she pulled on him She couldn’t stand the sight of him, it irked him to no end. He had kept his distance not wanting things to take a turn for the worse but it had become apparent that she had no desire to reconcile with him. She became a distant shadow, taking her meals without him, on the singular occasion he had insisted she come down to sup with him, he had been given the cut direct and that stayed him. Now he held her in his arms, thankful she had not landed on the hard ground, reluctant to set her down and let go. Could he simply hold her like this, with no arguments between them, he would like that very much, but she squirmed, bodily requesting to be set down. He let her go and stepped back inputing his hands into his pocket. She tucked a strand of hair in place, today was one of those very few days she let her hair down and he knew she was fighting the urge to knot it up in his presence. That hair that tumbled down in shiny waves. He ached to run his fingers through them and feel the texture. “I didn’t think you frequented these parts of the mansion your grace” she said a tad too formally. “I don’t” she bite on her lips, the action stirred him for some reason “still mad at me, are we” he asked “Since when did my feelings on any subject at all it matter to his grace?” She said grinding on her teeth angrily. He could tell she wanted to cause him physical harm and yet he probed her father, testing the limits of her anger. “You should be more careful when you climb and I think it’s best you call for help when you can’t reach a book” ,he said to her frowning, ignoring her lash at him “I’m not a child your grace” she said seething “No, not a child, just a woman” he retorted hinting at their argument last night. Somehow he found himself irking her to her wits end, she raised her hands to strike him full on across the face but he expected it, so he caught her hand in a tight grasp and jerked her to him, she bit down on her lips, breathing into his face, her eyes daring him to r****h her mouth. He breathed hard into her face, angry at her attempt to hit him, and aroused beyond control at the passion and deep emotions she could harness. Her lips parted and they drew him closer. He placed his forehead over hers and groaned loudly “Damn you Artermis” he said almost painfully and captured her lips with his.
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