Aftermath |

692 Words
Song Recommendation: Dancing with a stranger by Sam smith A lady’s passion, intricately delicate yet wild! When he got back to his study He sighed and sat on the chair Rourke had just evacuated and poured himself the last of the brandy. His lady wife was messing with his head. He drank it all in a big gulp and closed his eyes, as the hot burn served a temporary distraction. Artemis, she had been much easier to read when they were little, she would laugh when he made her happy, she would cry when she was unhappy. She would tempt him and annoy him to see his reaction. She was an open book. Now she was much different. All that had changed her, toughened her, he hadn’t been there and he wished to hell he had never left but he had and he couldn’t take that back. Present day Artemis confused him to distraction, one minute she was wild and happy and free the next she was b****y angry at him and the very next she was kissing him angrily, with so strong emotions, and then boom she was running away from him. he wanted to rave and scream and shake her all at once. But he didn’t want to frighten her away, he would let her think on what had happened between them then he would seek her out, when she was ready to talk. And talk she will. He wouldn’t leave this hanging, he had to know where they went from here, if she still desired to abide her b****y little rules. Or embrace the desire she felt for him. She had kissed him so passionately like a siren, and she had f*****g fled. At least she hadn’t bit him today, that had to be a good sign. Artemis lay in bed, wishing she would never have to get up and walk through the Doors. How would she face him after today. She had kissed him and he had kissed her back and oh it had been the most glorious thing. He had light something within her, something she wasn’t quite sure she could handle, and she had never been so overwhelmed by emotions. His lips on hers. heaven. She touched her lip absently. It felt full and bruised and she could still taste the brandy he had drunk in her lips, they had fit like a missing puzzle in place and it had felt so so good. But it couldn’t happen again, she remembered what this was, who she was. The many reasons she should not want him, from what she knew of his reputation he was a man who could effortlessly keep his emotions out of coupling she certainly couldn’t, she had hated to admit to herself that she hated him a little less everyday but she did. and she was terrified of the strange new feelings bubbling up in her chest. She hated the way she looked forward to seeing him everyday. The way her heart skipped a beat when he was near. The way his green eyes crinkled a little at the sides when he smiled, the warmth and strength of his embrace, how hot he look when he took his shirt and exposed all that marvelous expanse of solid skin, and his hands, oh those sturdy and firm but gentle hands, Big hands that held her so tenderly she forgot to breath.. Dear God now she was fantasizing about his hands? She hadn’t known she could react so wantonly like she had today and the pleasure she had felt it almost weakened her resolve. But they had set rules, that there would be no consummation of their marriage, he made it so difficult. For her it had been about keeping what was left of her dignity intact. She had no desire to bed a stranger, except he wasn’t a stranger and had never felt like one from the beginning, that changed a lot of things but she knew the reputation of the duke of shewsburry and no matter how different it seemed from the man beneath, it was him. however small a part. him still.
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