Deals and Dukes

856 Words
Song Recommendation: TRUE COMPANION by MARC COHN A lady must enter into marriage with a sound mind and a passionless heart, and of course zero expectations.. He had been watching her all day. He had seen her apparent discomfort,her attempt at smiles, her trembling fingers she tried to hide by gripping them tightly together, she sat ramrod straight in her chair across from him. She was his wife now his duchess and he didn’t know what to make of that. He had never dared dream that she could be his, over the years he had thought it impossible but now he had her and selfish or not he was never going to let her go. Somehow he felt happy at the same time he was devastated at thier conversation last night. The damned woman might have as well told him to f**k all the women in England except her! And write now he wanted only her. She was his wife damn it and he wanted her so much it ached, He was so hard his breeches zipper must have left imprints on his c**k. The thought that he couldn’t take her was maddening, why had he agreeed to that stupid deal in the first place and how dare she tempt him like this l*****g the b****y spoon like he longed for her to lick him! And he was certain she didn’t even realize what she did to him Bah! It only grew worse with the way her blue eyed stared innocently at him. The chit. Orion hadn’t known worse t*****e than this. Desert now forgotten he stood up as graciously as a man dying of l**t could.trying to hide his very aroused state. She still sat. He cleared his throat, opened his mouth with the intent to excuse himself but found no words, he bowed and left the room before he lost control and did something totally unacceptable like kissing his own wife. “Dungnan, is it?” Artemis called out to the butler in the hallway who had been introduced to her a few hours ago. “Indeed it is my lady” he smiled and bowed to her. Dungnan was a burly and short man who looked to be in his early forties, he had a severe somber expression quite marred by a nose too large. He was surprisingly swift for his size and when he smiled he reminded her of sheep springs in the summer. “How May I be of service Your grace” He inquired looking faintly flushed. she smiled politely back at him and asked vaguely, not wanting to sound at loss as to the whereabouts of her newly wedded husband. “Perhaps you know where the Duke, his grace has retired to?” Her smile faltered, “My apologies My lady, he left the mansion not long after dinner, requesting for his horse to be saddled and brought around he is still yet to return” she nodded , dismissing him. He gave her a sympathetic smile and bowed, spinning around dramatically and leaving her be. She hadn’t seen her husband for hours, Where was he? these were the thoughts running through her mind as she had retired to her chambers. She had sought him out and had missed her way a time or two, indeed the mansion was incredibly massive and she needed a detailed tour to navigate properly. A chore that had to be postponed for the dawn of the next morning. She had inquired about him but she could barely go on wandering about, if he decided to ride off on horse back and out of her life, quite literally, he was well and free to do so. The demanded ritual of being introduced to the army of servants as the new mistress of the mansion was now come and gone. Thank God. He hadn’t been there, had left the chore to ever efficient Dungnan, and she silently wandered if his servants knew she was brought here under some form duress to put it nicely. she wondered what they must think of her, so deep she was in thought she barely heard it when Jules knocked mildly and then came in to assist her in her toilette. “Would you be getting ready now mi Lady, if so May I ask what color of night rail is for tonight?” She asked sounding excited and a little curious She turned to Jules and a faint blush stained her cheeks, obviously the girl assumed she would be removing b****y sheets on the morrow as a prove of the consummation of her marriage as was the case of every aristocratic marriage, except this was no usual marriage. Her maid would therefore be solely disappointed, not that she would tell her that though. She smiled sadly to her herself. She was married now, a duchess, a wife. But not in truth. Yet. she told him he could seek his pleasure somewhere that wasn’t her bed, no doubt he was doing that this very moment, Bah! Not that she cared a whit. At least she told herself that.
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