That Smile

339 Words
Song Recommendation: industry baby by vitamin string quartet A man’s reprieve from insanity? Keeping his lady wife elated and in smiles. A smiling Artemis awaiting him at the front door, he sucked in his breath “A lovely day, Madame wife” he bowed his head swinging down and parting Author on the turf. He handed the the horse to the stable boy and walked to her. “You seem to like your morning rides My Lord” she said and he c****d his head trying to determine was she was thinking “I had some business” he simply reply dodging her attempt to lure him into divulging all of his riding habits, she didn’t have to know he went riding to clear his head and subside an aching c**k. He grinding his teeth, what he needed right now was a bath and Estate matters needed to be attended to. He attempted to pass her but she jumped right in front of him and he stopped himself right before he ran into her. What was she about? “You my Lord, promised me a tour of the grounds and the Estate” she looked up at him like a child waiting for an expected treat, and those eyes, they looked at him and sucked him in. “ Ah, surely I shall not be deprived of a bath and food?” He said eying the door “Of course not! I shall give you a moment and then..” she stepped aside with an awkward smile as if just realizing she had blocked his path “ An hour or two at most and I shall be with you duchess mine” He said turning to see her as he strolled in to the house headed for his chambers she looked up and nodded, smiling wide and the way her eyes lit up he knew he would do anything to see the light in her eyes, and he would like very much to keep that smile for himself.
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