Ball Bells

547 Words
Song Recommendation: The stranger things theme by VITAMIN STRING QUARTET A lady mistress is no mistress until she plays host in a worthy ball. The rules of the ton my lady.. The perfect distraction from her chaotic thoughts, Artemis knew what she must do. She had made the decision as she swam the lake in the sunset the previous evening in nothing but her chemise and stays. She had promised the people of shewsburry a ball. And a ball they would have. She fancied herself a good hostess though she had never really had the opportunity to play host. It had been what she was bred and borne to do as an English miss, she had never done it, but truly how hard could it be, Aunt Ophelia had pulled off her coming out ball and it had been quite the event, this was a chance to prove her learned skills worthy as it would seem a life’s achievement to throw a ball. She had met with some of the ladies from the town earlier this week and the women had been so excited about the idea. They had discussed at length over tea in the absence of her husband and they had decided it should be something of a welcome ball in honor of their new duchess .Le belle La ball had been the agreed tag, truly she felt honored, it felt almost like finding a home. A grand themed ball to welcome the new duchess formally was just the event. she was beyond pleased. Planning a ball was no small affair! Especially when one didn’t have the bustle and hustle of London as a back up. well at least she had Mrs Mambles the ever efficient house misses together they would make this happen She and Mrs Mambles sat down to tea and cakes later that day making quite the list, “This is just what the castle needs your grace” Mrs Mambles had commented when she had related her plan to her. She and Mrs Mambles sat down to tea and cakes later that day making quite the list, a list of everything to be done in preparation. first, extra hands were to be hired, then invitations printed and sent out, ball rooms and restroom scrubbed clean and redecorated according to the theme, the florist was to be called in, The Dukes Italian chef brought in from his London apartment, Ah! speaking of the Duke she hadn’t talked to him about it, about anything really he hadn’t spoken to her much and she had kept up the energy as much as it irked her she was grateful for the welcome distraction of a ball. Which made sure one barely had time to think about one’s husband, refreshing really. She had no doubt he would find out soon enough, fully funded by her overly generous allowance from him, she didn’t need to ask for funds so there was really no need for a conversation between them. if he had already been briefed on the reason for the heightened bustle around the mansion he showed no sign that he possessed such knowledge and really it didn’t matter, this was her ball and she would make it a smash. With or without his approval.
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