Blonde a Duchess

372 Words
Song recommendation: Earned it by the weekend A lady must be showered with flattery and poetry, but Tis often never enough to hold a marriage conjointly He saw her, his Artemis. She stood in the sun, at the entrance of the garden, simply watching the color contrast of all the beautiful flowers. He hadn’t been to the garden in so long he didn’t have a reason to. He saw her, and he watched her She looked breathless and flushed and quite surprisingly happy, the picture sent a jolt to his chest. the urge to see her happy, to make her happy was so strong. Unaware he gazed upon her from not so far a distance, She smiled into the wind like she hadn’t done since they had wed, a born and bred aristocratic lady, who wasn’t swayed by the diamonds he had got her on their nuptials, but by the mere sight of nature in all its glory. the soft breeze blew in an attempt to dislodge the blonde curls pilled in a tight knot at the top of her head but not even a tendril came loose. His blonde Duchess. She was wearing a silk stripped gown of light pink and silver and she didn’t have a bonnet on , she never wore a bonnet and he loved the sight. her side profile was to him and he could see her clearly tilt her head and inhale the scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth. She seemed almost content, like she belonged here in his garden in his life and she did, memories from long ago of her in this very garden threatened to bubble up but he fought hard to push it down. With hands clasped tightly at his back he moved to her swiftly and silently. She felt him before she saw him, Her absent and infuriating Duke was very much present today, had he sought her out? Or was their meeting this morning merely coincidental. He stood a few feet from her in all his magnificent glory she was forever in awe of his size ,and as she felt him step closer she swallowed. “You have a habit of running away from me. Wife”
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