Candle Lights

747 Words
Song Recommendation: Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish Well bred ladies address their husbands with his title. True gentlemen do not ask otherwise.. “I’m not sure, papa wouldn’t speak of it” she shrugged “he said it was well passed and best left in the past, my Aunt Ophelia died before I could inquire from her” She must have heard him curse but she wasn’t sure, she straightened and he said nothing for a while then he picked up some kind of fruit and bite into it, she caught herself before she moaned, oh dear how very improper, he was looking at her and she hoped to heavens she wasn’t as bit red as she felt. He smiled and continued on his succulent fruit, peeling it with those fingers that did weird things to her insides. she cleared her throat rather noisily and glanced at the ceiling, he made some sort of gesture and a footman stepped forward and whispered in his ears, Cream cakes and fruits forgotten he got up and walked towards her i quick purposeful strides. She didn’t have enough time to gather her thoughts before he pulled her chair back in the same graceful manner he had ushered her into the big sup chair. “Ooh” she squeaked but got up and link her arms with the ones he was offering, he looked down at her “come with me” he said and in that moment she would have gone anywhere he wanted her to, she would have swam seas and climbed high valleys and the thought was alarming indeed. They walked in silence occasionally hearing the sound of the night birds chirping away in their nest. He walked towards the west wing and lead her past several flights of stairs and she was quite breathless and flushed by the time they got to the top, she had been so filled during dinner that her corset pierced her sides digging deep in her bosom and almost making her like, she felt light headed but more than that she felt curious as to why he led her up here Her curiosity was soon assuaged, they seemed to be on a flat tower ground that was situated at the top of the mansion, like a roof room and a small table decorated with scented candles was set with wine glasses and a glass of what seemed to be red wine, the smell of jasmine that wafted from the lit candles was strong in the air and the atmosphere felt a little too intimate. He walked her to the edge and her breath caught, it was incredibly from this point she could see all of the village and hear the distant sounds of people going about their evening activities, she was awed by the candle lights that light up the village and from so high above she could make out the houses and the farm lands and the borders that extended to the neighboring villages. The stars shun bright and beautiful in the night sky and she closed her eyes at the wonder of it all. “ Why did you wait this long to show me this my Lord” she asked him softly, without turning to look at him she was aware of his every movement, of how he poured the wine with all the grace of a duke of how he walked towards her now with a glass in his hand “If I had known it would please you so much, I would have done so much earlier” she turned to him and opened her eyes. Eyes as blue as the Baltic. He simply watched her. The look in his green gaze made her bite on her lips and his hands came up to release those lips, she shuddered. Not from the chilly air up here but from things she couldn’t explain she could only feel “Your grace?” She said trying to break out of his intense stare but try as she may she was hooked “Artemis” he replied, he swallowed hard and looked like he was struggling too “Your grace” she said again, like it was the most natural thing in all the world. His hands dropped from her lips and she licked them again Looking into ocean blue eyes, he said, “One of these days you’re going to have to call me by my name”.
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