One Hug Deserves a Note

486 Words
Song Recommendation: Yes to heaven by Lana Del Rey A tight embrace you say? a note to your chambers you say? Oh dear! I’m at a loss for words to say.. He had killed his dad, for his mom. She wanted to weep for him, for a boy who carried the guilt of his fathers death, but at the same time didn’t regret saving his mother, from his own papa. It was even more sad than than the tower taleShe didn’t know what to say so she didn’t, she hugged him. He seemed shocked at first then he returned her hug in a tight embrace. They stayed that way for a long time. Later that day as Artemis wrapped his jacket, her jacket now about her person, she pondered on their little heart to heart. He had opened up to her, told a something not many people knew. He deepest pain, things that haunted him for years. She knew he was tough and sometimes haughty, he was annoying and proud, but all of that was the duke, not the man. The man was fierce, yes. But he was vulnerable too,and Though Dukes were not considered not normal, at the peak of the peerage for centuries and centuries, they were at one time rumored to be gods on earth but still they were only men. In this present day the ton regarded a Duke as something very close to god, but even if just by chance he was only human and chance was after all the only justice in a cruel world. He was just a man, and he hurt, he made mistakes. He felt anger, and pain and love. And it was the man she felt strongly for. It was the man that made him insides churn and her pulse ran, it was the man she wanted to join with her woman. She felt for him so deeply that it scared her. He had the dress delivered to her room at seven off the clock with a note that read: “Get Dressed” she would never have guessed notes were his thing. A mental image of the big bad duke sitting sitting to write short cute notes beat her imagination. She smiled picturing His Grace, Lord Talbott, Duke of shewsburry sitting at his desk with an inked quill writing this two words in sure definite strokes. The idea was almost hilarious. She tucked the note into the pocket of his jacket and went to the mirror stand and examined her cheeks. Jules had placed an ice pack on it earlier and it had worked magic on the swelling but she still felt conscious, the skin looked tender and sore and the coloring was still awful. She turned from the mirror and rang for Jules.A bruised cheek wouldn’t dampen her mood, and it certainly wouldn’t deter her from a resplendent evening with her Duke.
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