In my Sight

499 Words
Song Recommendation: Jealous by labrinth It certainly won’t be the first time a gentleman’s fetish is a plump little foot, or a pretty little mouth, or a blonde lady wrapped like a sweet in his own garment ! This woman clad in his jacket was the most erotic sight he had ever seen, nothing was exposed, but by the mere parting of her lips and intake of her breath as he had steadied her when she stumbled he was stirred up. Today she wore a purple stripped frock the bodice cut moderately low and very arousing to his eyes, she hadn’t brought a shawl and he had been too selfish to tell her to carry one, he had excused himself from the villagers and strolled to a shop were bonnets and shawls were sold and he had purchased a light purple knitted shawl, yet he hadn’t given her , somehow he had seen the nervous glint in her eyes, the anxiousness in her body posture as she had conversed with the people of the village, but there hadn’t even been the need to feel nervous, she had seemed natural like she had done this for years, interacted with regular people, petted and carried babies and politely spoke to women of a much lower class, he had watched her and for every moment she was out of his vision he had felt her. She had worn a b****y bonnet as she still did, the white lace bonnet was tied firmly under her chin, the glowy blonde perfection of her hair hidden severely away and the urge was great to rip it from her head, and let her hair come tumbling down he of course did no such thing even as they walked into the Estate grounds. Seeing the front porch he remembered earlier in the day when she had waylaid him quite charmingly and demanded he kept his promise and he simply couldn’t resist, Estate matters forgotten he had taken her hand in his and started out. Not taking her safety for granted he had insisted they embarked upon the journey with two footmen . He had pondered on her previous statement for a long time “Not the duke-the man” she had said that and she had looked like she meant it. “It has been a most pleasant day your grace and now I must retire to my bed, lest I perish of exhaustion” she said covering a yawn from her pretty little mouth with gloved fingers. As she raised her gown to take the steps that led up to the door, he saw dainty little feet, clad in slippers, her feet was a bit plump and red and swollen from all their walks, but it was beautiful. He hadn’t even realized that feet could make him hard. Dear God. This woman was going to be the death of him. He reached her in three Big strides and caught her wrist in his grip.
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