Duchess Mine

495 Words
Song Recommendation: How do you sleep by vitamin string quartet What does she want? You daft daft man. She wants You! “What do you want Artemis” he asked her as she faced him. He looked tired, like someone who could use a good sleep. Well what he spent his nights doing were of no concern to her. If at night he became the ghost of st. Giles and flew to the rescue or ravishment of ladies it was his business not hers and she was quite done with his business. Perhaps she was being to hard on him but what choice did she have, she could not afford to let him in and pay for it on the long run, and pay she will, if she didn’t push him far far away she would be tempted out of her wits and she would fall. this was her tough exterior, all her defenses. Like the roses had it’s thorns. She wouldn’t let his look deter from her cause to set between them straight and in a less tempting light, perhaps that would clear her foggy feelings. “Now that you mention it your grace I would very much like for us to keep this as the convenient marriage it is” she said it like it was the only option, like he couldn’t and shouldn’t argue. Did she want him to argue the point. Maybe. He stood there in the garden hair all ruffled by the mild air, wearing one of his maddening leather jackets. His head c****d to the side, studying her as she did him He looked every inch like the devil come to tempt Eve. Only he wasn’t dangling a fruit to her face. “As you wish” he said in reply, taking her by surprise if the look on her face was anything to go by. she looked a bit surprised at his agreement to her very impossible proposition. her eyes narrowed at him as he took a step closer. “Wh-what are you doing?” She asked wetting her lips anxiously. But making no attempt to flee. “Nothing out of the ordinary duchess mine” his voice was low and husky, reminding her of their little rendezvous in the library. Her heart leaped in anticipation hoping for a repeat, her mind denying it. he closed the distance between them with his body and she could feel his heat and the heady scent of wild lemons and sandalwood, she could also smell a tint of shaving cream as he bent his face to her. At that she screwed her eyes shut, hoping he would go away. or stay. Preferably stay. She bit on her lip then released it. Her rebellious heart was beating a tad too fast. He brushed her hair with his hands and then he cleared his throat and stepped back. Wait, why was he retreating! “You had something in your hair”
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