A Virgin Hooker

1512 Words
Ellison “I think it’s the other way around, princess. I like to get freaky with women like you. And that’s why I prefer virgins." “What if I am?” I asked, looking at his blue eyes that were somehow cold and calculating, and still warm and pure at the same time. A sardonic smile crossed his well sculpted lips and his gaze raked over me as if in answer. Then he voiced it too, “I have had virgins, and they sure don’t look the way you do.” “Then may be you were having the wrong ones.” I said with the calm that I wasn’t feeling. The thought of him with other women had my insides clenching. Of course I knew that he bedded women left and right in the city he ran his seven star hospital, but hearing it from him was another kind of torture. And that he thought me to be like the other loose women that roamed the street was another thing that bothered me.  “You say it like, I should believe you.” “I say it like it’s the truth.” I answered and then slipped my hand inside my top and pulled out a twenty. I put it on the counter. “Want to find out?” This was the second time I was inviting him, but it seems he didn’t even remember the first time in the restaurant. He didn’t say anything so I slipped down the stool I was sitting on, and turned around to walk out of the bar. I already had two wallets of the men I was talking to earlier, I needn’t be here any longer. “What if I do? Are you up for it? I could be filthy demanding in bedroom, most women can’t handle me.” I turned around just in time to see him place a fifty on the bar and then his penetrating blue gaze was up on me. Freezing me on the spot and taking away my breath the way he looked at me. Heat suffused my entire being, but still a shiver of warning danced along my spine. “I would say, do your best, Prince Charming.” He stalked toward me, cutting a striking figure in his Armani suit with his shirt unbuttoned and biceps bulging and that scowl on his face that promised all the filthy things he had just warned me about, but instead of filling me with apprehension, it sent an anticipatory thrill to my insides. When his more than expensive shoes touched my heels, he growled low into my ear, “I am no prince charming, you’ll realise it by the morning, princess.” And then putting his shoulder to my midriff he plucked me up from the floor and threw me over his shoulder. A squeak left me, embarrassing me, as my hands flew to his ass for support. A fine ass. Lifting myself a bit, I leaned closer to his ear on the other side and said, “Neither I am a princess.” And then I bit down on his earlobe for good measure. His rough, warm hand trailed up my legs, reaching the back of my thighs. My whole body stiffened as I felt the foreign sensation of someone touching me, someone that wasn’t unwelcome touching me, eliciting a riot of emotions inside me. And then his hand came down hard on my ass, making me gasp. “What the f**k!!” I yelled. “Don’t provoke me, if you don’t want me to retaliate.” He warned in his deep voice that rumbled through his chest. I seethed as I held on to him while he walked down the lane and crossed the streets. I was about to ask him where he was talking me when the beep of the car being unlocked echoed around me and I saw the lights flickering in the darkness near the trees. He rounded the hood of the car to the passenger seat, opened the door and dumped me inside unceremoniously. But before I could give him a piece of my mind for his manhandling he slammed the door shut and was striding back to the driver side.  Once he was seated and had started the car, I said, “Listen here, you don’t get to—” He took a U-turn and pulled the car on the road, ignoring me, as he said, “Get down on your knees.” I spluttered and looked at him, taken aback. He wants me to get down on my knees. He wants me to…. Heat rose from my chest to my face. I had never… And he wanted me to do it in the car, for my first time. He looked me sideways, his blue eyes shining in the dark. “What? Don’t tell me you won’t do it?” “I haven’t done it before…” I trailed off. I didn’t know why I told him the truth when he apparently thought that I do this on daily basis. And his next words confirmed it. “Ah… how can I forget, a virgin hooker who doesn’t go down on her knees.” My jaw clenched but instead of saying anything I turned away from him to look out of the window, to hide my hurt. I had admired him from afar for so long, dreamed of him kissing me, loving me and…. But here he was slowly breaking all of my assumptions and making me realise maybe I didn’t know him the way I thought I knew. May be he wasn’t the one. “I am sorry.” It took me a few seconds to realise that those words were meant for me. When I looked at him, a nerve was throbbing along his cheek as he drove. “I shouldn’t have said that. I just had a bad day.” Yeah, tell me about it. But I already knew about his bad day. “Where are you taking me?” I asked instead, for all I knew he could take me to Carter house, where I didn’t want to go, not yet. “A hotel.” He looked at me then as if I should’ve known that.  Oh yeah. He thought me a hooker. Swallowing against the sudden knot in my throat, I replied, “I said the truth earlier in the bar.” For a moment he was blank and then his blue eyes flashed, in warning or in threat, I didn’t know. But soon he parked outside a decent looking motel and then leaned toward me, his big warm hand settling on my jaw, almost encompassing my whole face. As softly as he had placed his palm against the side of my face, his thumb was equally rough as he pressed it down on my lower lip and I felt as he smeared my dark red lipstick around before he said, “I don’t like lies and I hate liars.” “What if I am not lying?” I asked. For the first time in so many years I was feeling the knot curling in my stomach born of fear. He made me scared. Even though I knew I can handle him as I have killed men twice his size, but still he made me fill with apprehension. He made my heart fill with fear of unknown. He had the power to hurt me, I realised in that moment and that was what scared me. Made me wary of him. “I will believe you when I see your blood coating my c**k and smeared along your inner thighs, as it leaks from your pussy.”  My breath hitched, my heart galloped, my skin tingled as goose bumps rose. It was all so new. An alcoholic, a bully, a r****t and even a murderer didn’t have me thinking twice before I went after them to make them pay for what they had done. But this man… this beautifully, rugged man with his smoldering blue eyes, warning me and inciting me, had me thinking twice for what I was about to do. I wanted him, there was no doubt about it. I had fantasized about him. I had thought about him for years now. I have waited for this day. But now when the moment was here, I wasn’t so sure. I was about to say something, may be reject his offer but then his lips crashed up on mine. And the decision was no longer there to make. It was already made. TO BE CONTINUED..... LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS! Thank you so much for your support....
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