Did He Know Already?

2100 Words
Brandon I pressed the volume button and Mr. Smith’s voice filled the room. “But you don’t know anything about nursing. There are no certificates and mention of institutions where you are learning of nursing stuff.” I watched as her lips twitched before she leaned forward and laughed. Both men that management had appointed for the interviews looked down where her breasts were pressed on the desk edge and my body stiffened with sudden dislike. I knew both men and their reputation, but they were good at their job so I had neglected their behaviour but now something told me it wasn’t too long before I gave them their termination letters. My eyes flickered to her, a shadow crossed her flawless face before she replied, honey dripping from her lips, but I knew how she cursed like sailor when the situation warranted. “But, sir, I am sure I will learn.” My fists tightened on top of the desk at the epithet she used and the effect it had on the two bastards. “And I hope you will teach me.” “Of course.” One of the fucker said, “But we have certain protocols and the boss wouldn’t approve of uneducated nursing staff.” I watched as number of emotions crossed her beautiful face and I wondered how badly she needed this job. And then, looking at her I’d guess that maybe I had been her first victim or client, and she hadn't stopped after that night. May be that night was the first of many for her, whereas for me it was engraved in my brain. Always there, niggling, pestering, reminding me of how she had felt on my tongue, my fingers, on my c**k. “But don’t worry, we can take you under our wing. We can settle you in management department.” “How much is the pay?” The words registered in my mind, accompanied with the darkness coming to forefront and roaring it's displeasure. The thought of her with number of men after me filled me with revulsion. She had been pure fire in my arms, and the thought of other men seeing her like that had my insides churning that I couldn't sit any longer. I stood up abruptly, my chair sliding back and hitting the wall. “Hey, what happened?” Adrian asked. And when he looked at me, he raised both his hands, saying, “Woah… you look like you want to kill someone.” “Its eight thousand for the newbies, but we are sure you’ll prove yourself and according to that we’ll increase your incentive.” The older man wiggled his eyebrows. My eyes narrowed at the men, there was no denying the fact that what he was offering. And no one would even blame him as for the thousandth time my eyes raked over her. She was dressed like a bloody w***e. “That depends how much load can you take.” The younger man chuckled. And I didn't think. I didn't even try to understand what came over me as I hurled the paperweight sitting on my desk on the television, just as her sweet words filled the air. “I will do my best, sir.” My finger shook as I pointed it at the cracked television screen and almost snarled at my friend, “I want those two out of the hospital.” Adrian’s black eyes looked me up and down before a light of understanding crossed his gaze. “Okay….” He dragged out that one word before he added, “I’ll personally handle that.” I gave him a stiff nod before I turned to my desk and pressed the intercom for my secretary. As soon as she picked up on the other side, I didn’t wait before I barked into the speaker, “Get inside.” Fifteen minutes later, my secretary was packing her desk with a big smile on her face that probably had something to do with a fat check in her purse and the notion of not having to bother with an asshole boss. Now there was only one thing to do. And I f*****g hope to god that she was ready for what was to come. Ellison When I had entered in the hospital building for the interview I hadn’t known I would get the job. When I had wore these clothes it was only to make sure that I get this job even though I didn’t have anything worth mentioning on the resume. And when I had sat there in that room with those two perverts I hadn’t considered that they would tell me to join from today. I hadn’t known that I would be ushered into an orientation room with other new employees in these stupid clothes that literally was a costume from a p**n movie. Because believe me, if I had known I wouldn’t have worn this in the first place. I didn’t want him to see me in these clothes. If he saw me. Not that I want him to, at least not today when I looked no more than a hundred dollar w***e. “Hey, you don’t look from here,” The soft voice from my side had me looking at my left where a woman about in her thirties sat. I tried to see any malice or cruel intentions in her dark eyes but didn’t find any, only curiosity. “Yeah, I’m from Willow Creek.” Her eyes slightly widened before she leaned toward me and whispered, “So, you know the CEO?” When I frowned she added, “The Boss, Brandon Carter. He is from the Willow Creek too.” “Yeah.” I shook my head, “I mean no. I don’t know him personally.” Only physically, intimately. And how he felt inside me, above me, on me, behind me. “Oh. I heard that he is kind of an asshole to everyone.” When I just nodded, she smiled and held out her hand for me, “I am Casey.” “Hi,” I slipped my hand in hers. “I am Carter.” This time Casey’s eyes widened as big as saucers, but before she could say anything I was saved by the woman who was currently standing on the stage and demanding our attention. “Hello, may I have your attention please.” I quickly turned to face the stage, feeling Casey’s eyes on me. And once again I wondered if that was the right fake name I chose for myself or did I just made a mistake. The speaker drowned on about the various rules and policies and procedures of the hospital, and about the facilities and services that they provide unlike other hospitals in the city. It was at least an hour later when the woman told us to gather in the next room where we would get refreshments and meet our team leader who would assign us our duties. My reprieve was short lived, because as soon as the woman stopped talking Casey turned to me and asked, “Are you sure you don’t know him. Your first name is his last name!” I wanted to roll my eyes, of course I know that. But instead I answered, “Yeah, I really don’t know him.” “Ok.” She sighed as she stood up and started to walk down the aisle to the door. “Where are you living, if you don’t mind me asking?” “I haven’t decided yet.” And I literally haven’t. There are six lives depending on me, currently waiting in the hotel room. “You know, you could always live in the hostel rooms behind the hospital building.” “Hostel rooms?” “Yeah. There are newly build for the students and women employees so they don’t have to move up and down the city.” “Oh…” I felt my face relaxing, that was the one thing that I had not to worry about anymore. “Yeah. Except if you are a mother.” Casey laughed and then gestured to me with her hand, adding, “Which I don’t think you are. Far from it.” “What do you mean except that?” I asked her as we entered the next room and like all the other time I felt the eyes raking over me, once again making me curse for the clothes I chose to wear. “They have this policy that only single women who don’t have their family and children will stay in these rooms, so that the one who needs them the most wouldn’t have to search for alternatives.” I guess it was the one way to provide for the needy, because it doesn’t make sense for someone to live here when they have their own house in the city. But I don’t have a family in the city, except I do have children. “Hey, ladies…” A man in his twenties sauntered toward us, with a big smile on his face. Even though there was nothing in his smile that screamed danger, still my body stiffened and my hand automatically seeked out the comforting presence of my knife. “Hello,” Casey replied cheerfully from my side and they both turned to me, waiting for me to acknowledge the man. “Hey,” I said after a moment. After introducing himself and asking our names in turn, Max asked, “So which department you guys applied for?” “Nursing.” Casey and I both replied. But then I added, “But I got transferred to management by Mr. Smith.” Max frowned as he looked at me and then his next words had me gulping down as my nerves fluttered with the unknown. “Sorry, did you say Mr. Smith?” “Yeah.” “Oh, I think he was one of the men who just got ushered out of the building. They both got fired.” I felt like I was standing on a mountain of which ice was slowly melting. “And, few of the employee they both hired are in consideration if they would get the job or not.” “Fuck.” I gritted out and felt as Casey flinched back at my side. “I am sorry,” Max replied. “But, hey, may be they won’t reject you, the employees are going through second screening.” Yeah, then definitely they would reject me. There was literally nothing in my resume that would lead them to even consider me. I knew I got this job in the first place was only because of those two perverts. “Excuse me.” Someone called from behind us and when three of us turned there was a big hulking man with jet black hair and even darker eyes standing and looking straight at me. “You.” He pointed a finger at me, and I felt like there was a spotlight on me in the dark room as every pair of eyes turned on me. “Come with me.” The man turned around obviously thinking that I would follow. Oh, he was so damn wrong. When he turned around to make sure that I was following him but found me standing there without moving an inch, he scowled at me. “I said, come with me.” “Who are you? And, why?” I asked back. “Do I look like someone to be questioned?” His voice came out threatening, but the curious glint in his dark gaze gave me altogether different impression. Like he was enjoying himself. “Do I look like who follow orders?” I fired back. The giant’s lips twitched imperceptibly. And then he leaned down and smirked, before replying, “The boss wants to meet you.” And I felt the mountain cracking from the middle as ground gave away beneath my feet. Oh my god! Did he know already?? TO BE CONTINUED... WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GONNA HAPPEN!??
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