Chapter 771 Failed Negotiation

1735 Words

  "Chief, are we going to let them go just like that?" Paxton asked in surprise.   "What else can we do? It is unreasonable for them to ask for 80% of our profit. Don't worry. There is a high demand for semiconductors in our country, they'd still be earning more than any of their other foreign investments if they agree to build their factory here. They wouldn't be that foolish to reject our offer," Cameron smirked.   "Mr. Gleeson, it's already a good deal for them to offer us 50%. Their demand for semiconductors is really huge. By investing here, and with them contributing the people and location, we could save a lot in our cost."   Reuben's fellow Nihonland citizen told.   "Mr. Yaqub, we are businessmen, and we are after the greatest interest. Their semiconductor technology is way beh

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