Chapter 3 The Percentage

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  The first well-dressed young man hurried towards the door, he seemed to look like a gangster. He caught a glimpse of Jacob in his medical robes, he grabbed Jacob’s collar in a hurry and shouted, "Doctor, please help!"   "Calm down." Jacob shook off the young man and rushed to the injured man. Jacob placed his right hand on the injured man's wrist.   After feeling for his pulse, Jacob was astonished. It seemed that the young man had been in a serious car accident.   Jacob touched the wounded man's chest and legs and said, "His legs have multiple fractures, his internal organs have been displaced, and three of his ribs have broken. One of them has already pierced his lung. He needs immediate surgery."   As soon as Jacob finished speaking, a disdainful voice came from behind him. "Where does this miracle doctor come from? How can you know the patient's condition without checking?"   Jacob looked back and saw Jonathan, the doctor in charge of the Emergency Department for the night.   Jacob turned around and stepped aside. He was just an intern, so he could not rebuff Jonathan.   The other young man, who looked like a gangster, shouted angrily, "I don't care who is the attending doctor. Can someone just please treat Mr. Feng immediately? If anything happens to Mr. Feng, all of you will be in trouble."   "Mr. Feng? Which Mr. Feng?" Jonathan asked doubtfully.   "He is Gavin Feng's son!" The gangster shouted.   Jonathan shivered at the name and he became nervous. He said to the nurse behind him, "Hurry up. Take the patient to the ICU for examination. I'll contact the chief immediately."   Gavin Feng was the boss of Tyrell Corporation, a big conglomerate in Oakdale City. He owned billions of assets under his name and had donated a lot of medical equipment to the hospital. Of course, Jonathan dared not neglect his injured son.   "What are you waiting for? Go and help now!" Jonathan shouted at Jacob and Lilian while taking out his phone.   Jacob nodded and carried the injured man onto the stretcher with Lilian, they moved him to the ICU.   For people with extraordinary statuses, the hospital's efficiency was extremely fast. In less than 20 minutes, Brandon's diagnosis reports had were ready.   Upon examining the report, Jonathan was shocked. The results were exactly the same as what Jacob had said.   Jonathan looked at Jacob doubtfully, thinking, "Does this person have X-ray vision and the power of a prophet?"   "What are you staring at? What's going on?" the gangster shouted.   "Well... Mr. Feng's situation is not optimistic. I am afraid that he will need an operation immediately."   Jonathan did not mention the fact that despite having arranged for an immediate surgery and inviting the most celebrated and skilful surgeon from the hospital, Brandon had no more than 20% chance of survival.   "Then hurry up!" The gangster roared.   Jonathan was covered in cold sweat. He said, "Calm down. I have already notified our Chief Surgeon, Master Connor, and our Chief Doctor Liew about this. They will be her soon. There must be a way to save Mr. Feng."   The gangster finally let go of Jonathan and thought to himself, "How can I not be worried? Mr. Feng went drag racing at my suggestion. And now, he has been seriously injured. If something really bad happens to the young master, I will be in big trouble."   The wounded man lying on the stretcher, Brandon Feng, suddenly coughed violently, and a lot of blood spurted out of his mouth. The equipment monitoring his vital signs also began to ring alarmingly.   Everyone's expression darkened. Even though they were not all doctors, they knew this did not mean well.   "Please save Mr. Feng now! If Mr. Feng dies, you are all going to die." The gangster shouted hoarsely again.   Jonathan was helpless. His face turned pale and his mouth was trembling.   Faced with such a situation, there will not be a glimmer of hope unless Master Connor attends to the patient. What could Jonathan, an inexperienced attending doctor, do anything about it?   Jacob couldn't stand it anymore. He quickly stepped forward and put his fingers on the injured man's wrist. His expression became worried.   "The patient had just coughed and moved the broken bones on his lungs. We have to perform an operation for him immediately. We can’t wait for Master Connor any longer!" Jacob said.   Jonathan glared at Jacob with disdain, "Isn't this f*****g nonsense? Of course, I know that we have to perform an operation immediately. But who will do it? You?"   Unexpectedly, Jacob pushed the stretcher towards the operation room and said, "I will perform it, but I need someone else to help me.”   "You?" Jonathan's eyeballs almost popped out of his head. He wondered if this guy was crazy. Even Master Connor could only have 20% confidence in the success in such a difficult operation. As an intern, how could Jacob be so arrogant and sure?   If the patient does not survive, the Feng family would definitely make it life a living hell for the whole hospital. Moreover, this was Mr. Feng's son. Was Jacob really sure?   "Who are you?" The gangster was stunned, as if he had caught a life-saving straw.   Jonathan shouted, "Nonsense, you are just an intern. Do you even know how to operate? Have you picked up a scalpel before? If there are any complications, who will be responsible?"   Jacob shouted, "If something wrong happens, I'll be responsible for it. Now that the patient is in critical condition, we can't delay for even a moment. By the time Master Connor arrives, the patient will already be dead."   "Can you be responsible for this?" Jonathan almost roared. He thought that Jacob was crazy, he was really crazy.   "What do you think? If you believe me, I'll do it, else I'll leave you all alone." Jacob exclaimed at the gangster.   "How confident are you?" Looking at Jacob's face full of confidence, the gangster felt a little touched.   "60 percent?" Jacob thought for a moment and said conservatively. In fact, he was very confident, he was actually 80% confident that it would be a success.   "Bullshit. Even Master Connor has only 20 to 30 percent confidence that the patient can be saved." Jonathan interjected, he felt that Jacob was crazy.   "Okay, I'll leave it to you then. But if something bad happens to Mr. Feng, I'll make you die a terrible death," the gangster said to Jacob, gritting his teeth.   Jacob turned to ask Lilian, "Can you help me?"   "I..." Lilian looked at Jacob who was brimming with confidence. Lilian gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I believe you."   Jacob nodded and pushed the injured man into the operating room.   "Jacob, the patient’s immediate family has not yet arrived. You can't proceed with this operation." Jonathan stopped Jacob and shouted at him.   "Get away. If you have the ability to save Mr Feng, then why don't you do it?" The ruffian-like gangster angrily pushed Jonathan aside.   Jacob continued to push the patient into the operation room, he locked the door behind him. The injuries were so severe that he could not afford even the slightest mistake.   "Help me cut off his clothes." Jacob first sterilized himself and then took out a needle bag from his pocket. Jacob shook it in his hand and the needle bag unfolded, revealing hundreds of large and small needles packed inside it.   The silver needles were handed down from Jacob’s ancestors. Ever since he had begun studying traditional Chinese medicine as a child, he had carried the silver needles with him everywhere.   Jacob took a deep breath and a stream of air flowed slowly into the silver needles in his hand.   His hands were delicate and fast. In a moment, eighteen silver needles were inserted into more than a dozen of the patient's acupoints.
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