Chapter 154 Failed To Recognised Someone Powerful

1323 Words

  "You said that your husband is from the Health Bureau. What's his name? What is his position?" Jacob said.   "Isaac Fang, the section chief at the Health Bureau. Let me tell you, if you don't buy your medicine from us, just wait and see!" The woman said confidently.   "Isaac Fang?” Jacob sneered. The previous day, Isaac had been frightened to death by Jacob. Perhaps these two people didn't know about it yet.   "Even if he comes, he won't dare speak to me that way," Jacob said.   "Who do you think you are? Do you know who my brother-in-law is? He will never be frightened by a mere doctor like you!" The man sneered.   Then, a patient walked into the clinic. Jacob ignored the two siblings and went to check the patient.   "Get out! How dare you come to seek treatment here?" The man sho

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