Chapter 651 Physical Condition

1782 Words

  "You still have to take your medicine," Jacob said with a smile.   "Oh… I still have to?" Annie's face turned bitter. She said reluctantly, "Chinese medicine is good in every way, but the medicine is so hard to take."   "Annie, you really don't know how lucky you are. If it wasn't for Jacob, you would have had a bone marrow transplant and probably chemotherapy. Which of these isn't 10,000 times more painful than taking the medicine?" Angela, who was on the side, giggled.   "Yes, don't worry. You'll take at most three months of Chinese medicine to regulate your body, and then you'll be completely well as normal. In the later stages, you only need to take medicinal diets for recuperation," Jacob explained with a smile.   "Jacob, why don't you come with us to Rolando," Annie blurted out

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