Chapter 632 – Moll

1659 Words

  "You won't drink? Are you kidding me? From one look, I can tell that you go to the bar a lot. You have the audacity to say that you won't drink? Tell me, are you not going to even try to entertain me?" Haroon asked with a demeaning look.   "Yes, I am, so what? Come at me if you dare," the girl spat with disdain. She didn't take this group of people seriously.   "Haha, okay. Tell me, where do you want me to bite you?" Haroon threw his head back and guffawed. He approached closer and was practically sticking his body to hers. His pair of devilish eyes were glaring at her fiercely.   "Go the f*ck home. I'm not interested. Get lost!" The girl screamed.   "You're really rude. Have you not heard who I am?" Haroon's facial expression darkened. This girl was asking for it.   "Who are you? I

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