Chapter 370 Showing off

1985 Words

  She was so beautiful. Molly Tao was dressed in a white dress. As the evening breeze blew gently, she looked like a fairy who had descended into the human realm.   "Are you trying to be cheeky again?"   Feeling him hugging her from the back, Molly put aside the watering pot that she was holding and leaned into Jacob's arms like a kitty.   "I can't help it. You're too beautiful. I can't control myself," Jacob Ye whispered as he blew slightly into her ear.   "Were you intimate with other women today?" Molly sniffed at Jacob's body and caught a whiff of something unusual.   "I didn't..." Jacob's face was red and his heart skipped a beat. He did not expect Molly to be able to pick up the smell. He did kiss Tiana today.   "Chanel perfume... Well... I smelled it somewhere before. Oh, in

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