Chapter 623 He, A Liar

1681 Words

  Neal was puzzled for a while before he yelled at Jacob.   He didn't want to spend any more time talking with Jacob, as he felt like it would be a waste of his IQ. Jacob wasn't even qualified to be a swindler.   "In your opinion, how should I treat him then?" Jacob asked calmly.   "Acute leukemia is a malignant change caused between one or more hematopoietic cells and ancestral cells. It affects the cell differentiation and maturation process, and also the ability to grow at a normal rate. The cells would grow without control. Gradually, it will replace the bone marrow and through the blood, it will spread through the body tissues and organs. The general treatment aims to eliminate many leukemia cells and control the growth of those cells to remove all kinds of symptoms caused by the l

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