Chapter 104 Leaving the Hometown

1347 Words

  After packing up, Jacob Ye got into the car and drove away quickly. The scenery flashed by quickly, and it became a blur at once. From now on, all that was in the past shall remain in the past.   He got on the highway and his car picked up speed. In less than three hours, he arrived at Oakdale City.   Jacob headed straight for the villa area. Upon arriving at his villa, Yuna Liu was taken aback.   The house in front of her was exquisite, it had a natural, relaxed design about it. It presented itself with a luxurious way of life, having a beautiful patio and swimming pool in it.   "This... is this our home?" Yuna asked in shock.   "Yes, we'll live here from now on." Jacob said with a slight smile.   "Jacob, you said that this is a gift from someone else?" Yuna asked, with a hint of

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