Chapter 2

1153 Words
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright © 2023 Cassey9 Back at the table... "I kissed her." The words were like a dagger to her heart. Mitch, though, smiled through the pain and slapped her brother on the back in faux pride. "Yes. You really did, Kurt," she stated. "How was it? Was Piper into it?" "No comment," Mitchell said in a stoic manner. Piper's eyes had been open, boring deep into her own while she kissed her brother. Piper hadn't looked that invested in the kiss. Yet telling her brother that would only dampen his elated mood. Kurt was in love, madly if she were to put a description to it, with Piper Kelly Sutherland. Mitch had been aware of this crush since when they'd all been in elementary school. Piper's interest in her brother was hard to read though. They were all friends, but tonight, Kurt had decided to cross over that line. It was their senior year, after all, and Kurt wanted to experience it with Piper as his girlfriend. "She's been gone for a while now, right?" "Huh?" Mitch dryly hummed, dipping a fry in the sauce before her, she popped it into her mouth while wishing for the night to end. She basically felt like a third wheel now after that kiss. "Go check on her, sis." "I'm worried, Mitch." "She'll be back when she's done with her business, Kurt." "It's been more than five minutes. Go check on her," Kurt whined lowly. He was nervous to know what Piper thought about their first kiss together. "Please sis. Go talk to her. Maybe you could ask her about our kiss? Please? I'll do anything you want afterwards." Kurt's badgering wouldn't cease, so without another word, Mitchell slid to the end of the booth and headed for the bathroom. Her tongue felt heavy and her mind devoid of any words. What would she even say to Piper? With the kiss she'd just witnessed, was it wrong for her to presume her brother and Piper were finally dating? ~~~~~~~ "You were crying?" Mitchell noted and stepped towards Piper worried to the core. Oblivious to the other presence in the room, Mitchell lost her restraint as she took Piper's face into her hand. She hated the sight of tears marring Piper's beautiful eyes. "I'm fine," Piper whispered in a broken voice and tried stepping away from Mitch's overwhelming presence but couldn't. With the sink breaking her retreat and the Mitchell towering, well-built form halting any notions of moving forward, Piper resigned herself to the position. At least, she could hide her eyes away. "Piper?" When her call was met with silence, Mitch pulled her friend close by the waist and watched as Piper's head rested on her chest as she shook from her sobbing. "Hey, don't cry. I'm here. I'm here for you, Piper. Is anything wrong?" "I'm fines," Piper cried out. Her words a complete contrast to her state. "Please don't cry," Mitch whispered as she pulled Piper snuggly against her body. It felt wrong, holding Piper like this when her brother should have been the one consoling her. Yet, Mitch didn't make the effort to pull away. She was worried. She hated the forlorn look Piper's green mesmerizing eyes held. "You're not fine. Talk to me?" "I can't," Piper whispered as now more tears trickled down her eyes. She closed her eyes at the feeling of warmth, strength, and comfort enveloping her from Mitch's calming embrace. "I... We should get back. Kurt is going... going to get..." "He'll be fine," Mitch let out the words more forcefully than she'd intended to. Her hands lifted Piper's face upwards but to her disappointment, Piper's eyes were shut as more tears sprang forth. "Look... look at me," Mitch begged in a low voice. "Please?" Mitch's jaw tensed as Piper's eyes slowly opened, the redness that marred the beautiful eyes causing her heart to ache. "What's wrong, Piper? What's going on?" Trembling, Piper let out a small gasp, "You wouldn't understand." "I would," Mitch softly argued. Seeing Piper in tears felt like a knife getting twisted in her heart. "I will always understand you, Piper. Am your friend, aren't I?" Piper nodded her head, refuting Mitch's words. She wouldn't understand. Kurt always came first when it came to Mitchell. "You... You're too selfless for your own good," Piper sniffed. Mitchell wouldn't understand her or where her tears were coming from. Pushing Mitch backward, Piper made more room for her to get away. "You two make a beautiful couple." The comment had Mitch whipping her head back, searching for the source of the words. Weren't they alone? "We are not a couple," Mitch barked out the words at the lady standing in the room with them. Mitchell's harsh tone and the clear rejection in her statement were a painful dose of reality for Piper. She furiously nodded her head, "She's right, we are nothing to each other," Piper added and pushed past Mitch. She stopped by where Malia was standing with a concerned look on her face. "Thank you. Thank for listening," Piper whispered her gratitude. "Always. And now you know where to find me. Not always in the bathroom, I mean," Malia rumbled back. "And I'd like to take you out sometime. Coffee?" Piper was surprised by the words uttered rather loudly and boldly by her newfound friend. "Sure, I'll come find you," Piper loudly spoke when she noticed Malia's discreet winks and a thumbs up. She had no suitable words for the intrusive lady, so Mitch simply glowered at her and walked off after Piper. Why had Piper felt more comfortable opening up to the stranger when she'd been clearly ready to listen and help. The scene Mitch found at the table was one that took a while to register in her mind. Despite the redness in Piper's eyes, her cheer had returned. Piper was laughing away with her brother, completely happy as if seconds ago it had been someone else tearing up in the bathroom. "Kurt, I'm going to head home now," Mitchell called out as she approached the table. "As for you two, you guys should totally stay." "I'm going too," Piper jumped in after Mitchell. She could feel a headache looming not far off. All she wanted was to go home, fall asleep, and forget about everything and everyone. "You should stay with..." Piper rolled her eyes and sent a glare Mitch's way, "I'm not asking for your permission, Mitchell," Piper hotly said. Grabbing her school backpack, she slid out of the booth and stepped towards Mitchell and whispered low so only she could hear, "Never presume that you can tell me what to do. Never do that. Ever." Turning towards Kurt, Piper smiled and bid him goodbye before stalking away from the siblings. Only one of the two Wilders could get under her skin and still act completely oblivious. Only one.
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