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The rest of the summer, passed in a flash. With new surprises along the way, Roxanne, was back from her lavishing curse, with new boobs and butt. She had always been beautiful, but now she was...Anyway she made the guys drool over her even more. The only one she wanted was Owen, his sister kept trying to get them alone. He would go and talk to her, and stuff. Shay would always say he was trying to get me jealous. "Why though , what for?" She would give me a pitying look. I just rolled my eyes. Like I said there was no future, for me and him. But the green monster wouldn't stop, when I saw her grab him and kiss him, I was annoyed, but played it cool, I had no right to be jealous or be mad, Owen wasn't mine. Then I sometimes remembered our innocent kiss when we were young, I had been eleven and he had turned fifteen, I had asked something stupid like if he knew how to kiss and he very confidently told me yes, like kids at that age I teased him and said yeah right, and he had kissed me to shut me up, like in the movies I felt the butterflies and my whole body had felt flushed, it was then that I knew I had to keep Owen at a distance, as I looked back at them, it wasn't even a good kiss, too much tongue and....What the hell was I saying, why did I even care? Soon he walked back to our table, we had decided to go to the beach today and had some ice cream. I looked back at my cone. "What the hell did she want?" Asked Shay. "She asked me out, I said I'd think about it." "Why, you both are available aren't you?" A look of hurt crossed his eyes, but he looked away and nodded. I'm guessing it wasn't want he wanted to hear. "Maybe you're right." "Or maybe if you don't want to go you don't have to go, Owen, Roxanne acts like she owns half of the world." "True too." They smiled to each other, then his phone rang, and soon he had to go. He left me and Shay alone. She suddenly turned to me and smacked my shoulder. "Ow, what was that for?" "Why are you trying to shove them together, when we all know he wants to go out with you!" "Shay, I already told you, there's no point, his parents won't approve of me and I'm not getting in the middle of that." "Do you really see yourself with Elias for the rest of your life?" "Yes, we both have a goal he's not better off then me and I'm not better off then he is, we can both work toward our goals together." She was looking at me like I was missing the big picture, but I didn't care it was just the lives we lived. "Ready for tomorrow?" "I still can't believe we'll be together for a year then you go off to a fancy university and leave me to continue alone!" "Hey, it's still a year, a lot can happen in a year, come on." We got up and headed to her car. The next morning  I got ready and waited for Shay as she was coming to get me. "Nervous?" Grandma asked me kissing my head. "Yes, I have no idea How I'm going to survive without the guys to help me with homework." "Well, you still have friends..." I looked up at her, like everyone else she saw how Owen looked at me, but she also told me not to reach too far, if it was meant to be it would happen. "Right, but this is his last year before he goes into the family business, and after that I won't see him for who knows how long." "Well, make the most of it now." "That seems to be everyone's advice for this school year." "Then do it." "Okay." I smiled and hugged her, my grandma has been my parent and I knew she worried that I would be alone if she died but I also needed to show her I could do fine on my own. I heard the car honk outside in front of the cottage we lived in, I grabbed my bag, kissed my grandma and headed out to meet Shay. My whole life I had wanted a future in something I loved doing, I had three picks, Music, design, and nurse. I loved to sing, but I was painfully shy, and I could design things I just didn't have the talents to bring it out on paper, for a long time Shay and I had joked that we could be partners, she somehow always knew how to read my mind, and with the both of us working we got pretty bizarre clothing designs, but they were well liked, but to keep up with that for every season just wasn't worth it for me. Then I loved helping I wanted to be someone to ease people's minds, so nurse. More for kids and the elderly, but had to go some where. As we got to the collage, we parked and headed inside. "Babe?!" I turned and found Elias running toward me, and he kissed me, making it into a big kiss. "I'll meet you in class Mel." She was gone, and I pulled away from Elias. "Do you really need to make such a big scene?" "What I'm kissing my girlfriend is that such a bad thing?" "NO, but we don't have to make out in the middle of the hall." "oh, are you thinking something a little more private?" I laughed but kissed him one more time. "No, just don't make such a big deal okay?" He didn't look happy with what I was asking. "Are you embarrassed of me?" "If I was I wouldn't be talking to you." He rolled his eyes, and pulled me to the side. "Melissa, I love you but I need more...we've been together for two years, and you haven't given me any love." I glared up at him, yes, it was true I hadn't slept with my boyfriend, and yes I was still a virgin, but I didn't want to be the kind to sleep around, but I wasn't a saint either, I had needs too, I just figured out how to minimize them without a man. I had always thought Elias saw me as a s*x object, not really long term material, then why you might ask was I still with him? I guess I just didn't want to give someone the chance. "I'm not ready, Elias, I don't want to base our relationship on sex." "It's been two years, Melissa!" "Can we talk about this later I have to get to class." "Whatever, like always later." He quickly ran off, I headed to class and found Shay and to my surprise Owen. I looked up to Shay who hadn't save me a sit, I glared at her as she innocently shrugged at me, with no other options I headed to sit next to Owen. Right as the bell rang. "Hey?' "Hey!" "Surprise to see you here?" "Yeah I didn't take this class at the beginning so now I get to take it with the freshmen." "Must be nice  having a rich father." "Not really I don't want to go into the family business, but I don't think Jen has the head for it either." "You think so, I've seen her report card that girl has a brain." "Yeah, but not for this." "Or is it because she's a girl?" "Let's not turn this into a gender thing." "Hmm, anyway at least you're almost done, I have no idea how I'm going to get through all this." "We can be study buddies." I looked at him, maybe that fact that I was trying to keep distance between us, I wanted to say no, but because I needed the help I wanted to say yes.I sighed then looked up at Shay. Then back at his sexy black eyes, I groaned, but gave in. "Fine, but only study buddies, and keep you r phone on silent, I don't need to know how many girlfriends are waiting for you after our studies." "Why would that matter?" "A vibrating phone is just annoying okay." He gave me a smug grin, but didn't push and we both listened to the teacher. The whole morning I kept my head in class, that was until I was done for the day and Shay asked me what had happened during our first class with Owen. "Okay don't freak out, because it doesn't mean anything, but we are going to be studying together." She covered her mouth and squealed, I guess it was a big deal. "Finally heading in the right direction, then after this a date or two, and then you two would stop beating around the damn bush!" "Slow down, it's only studying nothing more." "Study date got it." "NO, it's a..you know what, forget it you're a butt!" She gave me a malevolent smile but then we got in the car and she drove me home. Over the next week, I had my study  "dates" with Owen and thanks to Shay the Rogers knew along with my grandmother, they made it so awkward in the house we ended up having to go to his house, where to my horror, Roxanne found out. I wasn't scared of Roxanne, but whatever came out of her mouth was law, and I just wanted to be at peace for my first year of collage. By the third week of school, everyone knew I was hanging out with Owen, and Elias confronted me about it. It wasn't the first big fight we had over Owen, but I made it the last, I broke up with him. Not in front of everyone but we were done. He just couldn't trust me and I was sick of his pressure  of walking away from all my friends. That day I was sitting at the cafeteria and as if things weren't bad enough, Roxanne came up to me. " I guess you don't know how to stay with your own kind, do you b***h?!" "My kind, Roxanne, I don't need to listen to you." I was about to get up and walk away when she grabbed me and pushed me into her group of friends, who held on to me, soon she was kicking me and slapping me, without thinking I head butted one of the girls and started to throw punches, they might not of been my brothers but I grew up with three men, one of which was in the army. I threw punches and kicks, and they let me go. Soon though Roxanne came at me trying to scratch at me, I blocked and dodged her, until she got me in the eye and then knocked my feet from under me, then getting on top of me slapping me, I tried and tried to get her off but the b***h was heavy, then her weight was off me and when I looked Shay was punching Roxanne in the face, and screaming at her. Pretty soon the staff came and separated them, Shay came to help me, and lead me out of the campus. Shay got me to the house, and my grandma was mad, she wasn't gentle when she was fixing me up. "ahh, hey, it wasn't my fault and she started it, ow!" "Yes, and you just agitated the ant hill more." "That ant hill has been agitated long before now, grandma." "That's true, Roxanne, has been trying to get her claws into poor Owen for years." Grandma's touch became gentle,  she was half done when a knock came at the door. Shay looked and turned to me. "It's Owen." I quickly got to my feet,  and she covered the door. "Get out of the way!" "Now, Mel, think before you act, okay..." I shoved her out of the way and opened the door really pissed off, as far as I could see it this was his fault, he was just hold out hope to be with me, but that was never going to happen. "Melissa, I came as soon as..." "Go away and stay away from me, how many times does time  and people have to tell you that We can't and won't be together, just leave me alone!" "Melissa, just think..." "I don't want to think ,I don't want to pretend, I want the real thing not just a pretty idea!" "I promise..." "You can't promise me anything, now you promise me the sun, the moon and the stars, tomorrow you have to take them away and give them to someone else, I'm not a past time while the real thing comes by Owen!" "I never said you were, Mel." I stood frozen to the spot, as tears ran down my face. "Leave me alone, Owen I don't want trouble, and don't make promises you can't keep." Before he could say anything else, I walked away and back inside and to my room crying my eyes out.
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