He is Mine

4900 Words
Kiera’s POV After he told me he felt the mate bond too I didn’t know what to do. I knew I wanted him. I just didn’t know how to go about it. I felt myself uncontrollably leaning towards him. He reached out and took my hand. My whole body responded to his touch. Without thinking I reached my other hand up to touch his face. I hadn't realized how close I had gotten until I crashed my lips to his. It felt magical. The electricity that shot through my body was unreal. He tensed a little but then relaxed into my kiss. His lips were soft and seemed to fit mine perfectly. He nibbled on my lower lip as we pulled apart. I slowly looked up at him to see him smiling.  Locking eyes with him my body shuddered. I didn’t fully comprehend what was happening. I just knew I wanted more. I had never felt this way and I didn’t want it to end. Crashing into him again only this time my kiss was hungry and wanting. His tongue teased my lips. Gasping I allowed him entrance. His hands roamed up and down my curves causing a chill to travel up my spine. I started pulling at his shirt. I wanted to feel his chisel chest under my hands. He tossed his shirt aside. Then lifting my dress over my head and tossing it aside next. Staring at me, eyes filled with lust and hunger he pulled me close to him.  “Are you sure you are ready for this?” He growled breathlessly. “Y..Y..Yess” I didn’t mean to stutter, but I couldn’t control the shivers that racked my body. I needed him. I needed him now. He moved me so I was laying under him. His body was so warm. Grinding his hips into me I could feel his length through the thin material between us. He sat up removing his pants. His erection barely contained in his boxers.  “You are so beautiful, baby.” His words are barely audible. He gently pulled my panties down revealing my entirety. I had never felt more exposed in my life. It somehow didn’t bother me. I just knew I wanted more of him. As he took his boxers off, his member springing free I let out a small gasp. He was huge. I wasn’t too sure how this was going to work.   “Don’t worry babe, I’ll be gentle. It is going to hurt at first but I’ll go slowly letting you get used to it before I really get going.” His words were soft, and with a small grin he lowered himself onto me. His tip resting at my entrance. I was nervous at this point. I could handle pain, but I wasn’t sure about this. Without wasting another second he started to push himself into me. He was met with resistance and he moaned “you are so tight babe”. My nails dug into his back as I gripped him tightly to keep from pulling away. Then he forced himself in further. I yelped a little with the pain. I couldn’t help it. I wasn’t expecting that. He slowly started to move in and out. The pain was soon replaced with a feeling of ecstasy. I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt to have him inside me.  He kissed my neck and gently rubbed one one of my n**ples between his fingers. I was getting close. My body began to shake uncontrollably. A load moan flew from my lips as my or**sm ripped through my body. I grabbed a pillow to muffle my screams.  “No one can hear you. This room is soundproof.” he pulled the pillow away and tossed it on the floor. He then wrapped his arm around me and flipped me over so that I was on top. His hand gripping my hips guiding me up and down. I ran my hands over his rock hard chest. Feeling him deep inside me was sending me over the edge. I leaned into his neck. Kissing down his jawline and biting lightly on his neck. He shivered underneath me.  “Bite me harder, I’m almost there!” his eyes started to roll back into his head. Without hesitation I bit onto his neck. “Kieraaaa” he shouted as he erupted deep inside. The feeling sent me spiraling into the great or**sm I had ever had. I collapsed onto his chest breathing heavy. I couldn’t stand if I wanted to. My legs were still shaking. I gently rolled off of him till just my head was resting on his chest. He kissed me lightly on the forehead.  “I love you Kiera” I couldn’t believe it. Did he actually mean that? I certainly hope so.  “I love you to Hunter” Did I really just say that?! How could I love him that fast? I was a cold-blooded killer and he didn’t even know. I didn’t even think I could have feelings of love for someone. The feelings were there though and they were strong. I knew then that I would do anything for this man. No one would take him from me.  Hunters POV I couldn’t believe what just happened. She was a virgin. I didn’t expect her to even like me, let alone tell me she loved me. I said it because that is how I felt. I didn’t expect it back. It made me feel like the happiest man in the world. I don’t know how I got so lucky to be forced into a marriage that ended up being my mate, but by goddess it couldn’t have been more perfect. She couldn’t have been more perfect. Laying in my bed with her head resting on my chest was the best feeling. This is what going to bed would be like forever. My mate next to my side. Comfortable, safe, protected, mine. She seemed so fragile. She wasn’t small by any means, but something about her seemed so fragile. We didn’t talk after that. We just laid there enjoying the silence. At some point she had drifted off to  sleep. I could hear her slight snoring. Everything about this woman is adorable. I carefully eased her off of me so that I could go shower. As I headed  to the bathroom I turned to look at her one more time. She was sleeping so peacefully. She had curled her legs up to her chest and covered most of her head with the blankets. I wondered what her life was like before she came here. Was she treated well? Was she not? Did she want to leave her old life behind? I would have a lifetime to ask her all these questions. I silently shut the door before flipping on the light. I didn’t want to wake her. I stepped over to the shower and turned it on. Once the water was warmed up I stepped in. I sighed as the hot water ran over my body. I didn’t realize how tense I had been today. It was, after all, my wedding. A day I thought I would dread. As I lathered myself up I couldn’t help but think back to earlier. Having her on top of me. My c**k twitched. I felt the need for her again. As if she had read my mind the curtain of the shower opened up and she stepped in. “Want some company?” Her voice was so sweet sounding. Her body was perfect. She was athletically built, but had curves all the same. I put my arms around her and pulled her into me. “Always” I smiled when I said it. She looked up at me through her long lashes. Her blue eyes piercing through me right to my soul. “You are so beautiful, do you know that?” I said to her as I tucked her hair out of her face.  “ I am glad you think so.” she said it with a smile, but something about it the way it sounded hurt me. Like she had never been told she was beautiful before. As we stood there in the shower I released my grasp on her waist and turned her so I could wash her hair for her. I lathered the sweet smelling soap into her beautiful black hair. Rinsing it away gently. Then I grabbed the loofah and some body wash. My mother had stocked the bathroom with all manner of girly things before her arrival so she wouldn’t need for anything. Thinking about it, my mother has done a lot for me lately. More than I had let her do in years. I normally wouldn’t even allow her in my room. I didn’t want anything to do with the wedding or any of it. That is until I knew she was my mate. Now I knew I wouldn’t let anyone do anything I could do for her myself. As I washed her back I took my chance to really look at her without making her feel uncomfortable. As the bubbles from the soap cleared I could see she had many scars. Some small and light probably from a childhood spent playing outdoors. Then I saw some were dark and angry looking. Like she had been hurt by someone or something.  “Kiera” “Hmm” “How did you get these?” I asked her as I gently traced the giant scar on her back with my finger. I messed up. She turned to me horrified.  “It’s nothing Hunter. I shouldn’t have come in here.” the shame evident in her voice. Her words stung. She didn’t want to tell me. Anger boiled inside my chest. Why didn’t she want to tell me? I am her husband. Her mate. She shouldn’t be ashamed of anything around me.  “Kiera, wait!” I called for her as I tried to quickly exit the shower without slipping. I grabbed a towel from the cupboard and wrapped it around my waist as I ran after her. By the time I was through the door she had pulled on one of my t-shirts and pulling up a pair of my basketball shorts headed for the door. I reached the door before she could open it enough to walk out. “Where are you going? What did I do? Why won’t you tell me what happened?” The questions tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop myself. “I’m just going for a walk, Hunter. I need some air.” Her voice sounded so empty.  “Let me put some pants on. I want to come with you. It is not safe outside in the middle of the night.” “I can take care of myself.” She never once looked at me when she spoke.  “Kiera, look at me.” Almost a minute went by before she would look at me. When she did her face was void of any emotion. I shut the door and wrapped her in my arms. She was stiff and it hurt me a little. “Why won’t you tell me?” my voice shook as it came out in barely a whisper. “It doesn't matter anymore.” “It matters to me.” “Hunter, I don’t want to talk about it, okay” I was defeated. She just wasn’t going to talk to me. The pain in my eyes must have been evident. She relaxed a little in my arms and wrapped hers around me. She hugged me tight. Pressing her head into my chest.  “Listen, I will tell you just not tonight, okay. There is a lot about me you don’t know.” She kept her head pressed into my chest. Her voice sounded defeated.  I lifted her into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist. I walked us over to the bed and placed her gently on the bed. Covering us both in the blankets. She snuggled into me, her head on my chest. Safe in my arms. My mind was whirling. I wanted so badly to know about her past. I would wait. I wanted her to trust me. I wanted her to want to tell me.  Kiera’s POV I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. I laid there in bed my mind crashing through what happened last night. I had actually slept with him. I didn’t think I would have the courage to do that. It was just that everything seemed so safe around Hunter. Like I may actually be able to be someone other than the killer I was raised to be. Then I remembered what he saw. That awful scar on my back. I had gotten that during one of my missions.  Jarod had sent me to destroy the Alpha of a neighboring pack. He wanted his territory and Jarod never played by any rules. He could have just challenged the Alpha for his pack and his land, but no, he sent me to do the dirty work. After I finished off the Alpha he would swoop in and take the role of Alpha.  That one time I had failed. The Alpha caught me. Jarod would never negotiate for my return. I knew that. The Alpha held me prisoner for months. I was only 14 at the time. He didn’t torture me to bad. Not near as bad as Jarod would, anyway. One night the guard had fallen asleep and I escaped. Though when I returned to Jarod I was not greeted with a warm welcome. He cuffed me to the wall in one of the dungeon cells. That time he was particularly angry. Instead of the whip he would normally use he pulled out a silver dagger. Laughing darkly he used the nearby torch that lit the room to heat the dagger to red hot. He sliced my back from my left shoulder all the way to my right hip. The pain was unreal. I know I passed out from it. He had left me cuffed in the cell for 3 days. When he finally came to get me I was so weak. He had to have the guard carry me the stairs. It took my back months to heal. The silver blade prevented my wolf from healing me. I learned that day never to fail again.  I didn’t have any clothes that I knew of but I knew I wanted to shower. I walked into the bathroom and switched the water on. Last night I didn’t even grab a towel when I walked out. I looked through a few of the cupboards looking for a towel. I found all manner of womanly things. Razors, lotions, perfumes, make-up, anything a woman would want. Why would Hunter have all this? Did he have other women staying here? I decided to just use what was in the shower and I would ask him later. It hurt a lot to think about it so I did my best to push it from my mind for now. I stepped into the shower. The hot water felt so good on my body. I used the soap that was sitting in the shower to wash my hair and my body.  After I finished I grabbed my towel and started for the door. I could hear voices on the other side of the door. Hunter was back but there was a woman's voice too. I pressed my ear up to the door to listen in.  “Hunter, baby I came to make you feel good.” WHAT THE f**k! My wolf was howling, clawing to get out. “Sheena, what the f**k are you doing in here? I told you I don’t want you!” “Shh baby that was before. I know she can’t please you like I can. It won’t take long. She is in the shower. She will never know.” Before I could register in mind what happened Astrid took over. Bursting through the door I had her throat in my hands before she had time to scream. Squeezing tightly I lifted her flailing body off the floor and slammed her into the wall by the door. “I don’t know who the f**k you are and I dont care! You ever come near him again and I’ll rip your throat out with my bare f*****g hands b***h!” My words were icy and sincere. Hunter was mine. How dare this b***h think she could come in here and take what's mine! I opened the door with my free hand and through her out on her ass. Then I turned to Hunter, my eyes black, my rage evident. “WHO THE f**k WAS SHE!!” I was shouting at this point. “Babe calm down please.” I must say he looked extremely shocked. “Tell who that b***h was and why she was calling you baby!!” “I’m sorry, we haven’t had time to really talk about anything. I was going to tell you about her. I’ve known her my whole life. I do believe she has had a crush on me the entire time. I made the drunken mistake one time 2 years ago and slept with her. She has been like that since. I am sorry. Please don’t be angry with me. I forgot to lock the door when I came back in.” The hurt on his face calmed Astrid enough to allow me to regain control. I slumped to the floor and put my face in my hands. I never cried. I had learned a long time ago to suppress that urge yet right now tears were threatening to spill. I never wanted him to see that side of me. “I’m sorry Kiera, but I couldn’t help it. When I saw the way she was looking at him I lost it.” Astrid whimpered in my head. “I know, girl. I would have lost it just the same. I’m sure that's why it was so easy for you to take over.” I didn’t want to look up at Hunter. I felt ashamed. I was a monster. He seemed so sweet. Yes, he is going to be the Alpha, and yes I am sure he has seen battle. I just wasn’t sure he was ready for me. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. He had sat next to me and was holding me. I still didn’t want to look at him. I felt terrible.  “Babe, will you look at me?” His voice was soft. I shook my head no. I didn’t want to look at him. I was afraid these tears would actually spill down my face and I did not know how to handle that. “Kiera, I am so sorry. I didn’t think she would ever do something like that. Please look at me. I never want to do anything to hurt you.” Why was he apologising to me? I was the one that lost control. I heard everything. He didn’t want her. “Please Kiera, look at me.” I couldn’t ignore the pleading in his voice anymore. When I finally did look up at his face he looked like he was crying. “Hunter why are you crying?” “I never wanted to ever hurt you and that did. That hurt you.” He was actually blaming himself for this. I was taken aback. I was the one that lost control. Though I meant what I said completely. If she did that again I would kill her.  “You didn’t hurt me Hunter. Why would you think you hurt me?” “I don’t want you to think I wanted that. I didn’t invite her in here.” I reached over and put my hand on his cheek. He immediately leaned into it and put his hand over mine.  “I know. I was listening through the door before I opened it. I heard you tell her to leave. She wasn’t listening and I lost it. I’m not as innocent as you may think I am.” I could barely hold his gaze. Once he found out who I was he wouldn’t want me anymore. I wasn’t ready to tell him. I needed something to distract him. As if right on cue I heard his stomach growl. It was morning after all. “Hey, I’m hungry. Can we get some food?” He looked at me knowingly. As he stood he took my hand, pulling me up and into his arms.  “I know that there is something about you you are not telling me. I won’t push it, but just know that I am here when you are ready. Just being honest though, I will probably continue to ask.” He laughed a little with that. “Let's go get some breakfast. The rest of the pack will be excited to see you.” As he turned to walk away I took his hand. “Wait, the whole pack?” “No, just the ranked members and their families.” “One more thing. I didn’t bring anything with me. I don’t really want to wear my dress again.” With a slight grin he motioned towards the closet. I walked over and opened it. On one wall an array of mens wear. On the other everything a woman would want or need. My jaw dropped. I think my shock was apparent. “My mother took it upon herself to stock the closet and the bathroom with anything you might need. That way you would be comfortable when you got here.” Well that would explain all the girls stuff in the bathroom.  “This is all for me? All of it?” “Yes babe, all of it.” I couldn’t help but feel like a kid at christmas. I have never in my life had so many nice things. Tears threatened to spill again. This guy had my heart. He had me feeling feelings I hadn’t felt since I was a small child.  “Thank you.” My voice was small. It was barely audible but he had heard it. He stepped forward and embraced me in a hug. The simplest things meant the most. I hadn’t had a hug that I remembered.  “Anything for you. Find something to wear and let’s go eat babe.” He smiled down at me before grabbing a shirt from his side and stepping out of the closet. I looked through some of the clothes. So many choices. Dresses, pants, shirts, tank-tops, sweaters, leggings, I mean the works. Holy s**t! I decided on a simple pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. A small dresser next to the door revealed under garments with just as many options and socks. I grabbed a simple black cotton bra and panty set and a pair of ankle socks. I saw some chucks on the ground (i may not have had anything before but I did have a pair of chucks my trainer had brought me) so I grabbed them too. After putting everything on I stepped out of the closet and walked over to the bathroom. I found a brush for my hair, a brush for my teeth, and a hair tie. Putting my hair back into a simple pony tail I was ready to go for breakfast.  We walked hand in hand down the hall to the stairs. He was telling me about the paintings on the wall. All of his family. Former Alphas and Lunas. Once we reached the ground floor we walked across the common room to a pair of double doors that lead into the great dinning hall I had seen when I first arrived. As soon as we opened the doors all eyes were on us. I had never been so nervous in my life. All these people were staring at me. Not him, me. s**t, don’t trip now.  “Hunter! My man how the hell are ya!” A man about Hunter’s age approached us smiling. He seemed nice. I recognized him from the wedding. He was Hunter’s best man.  “Sam!! Good morning man! How was your night? Kiera, this is Sam, my friend and future Beta.” Sam reached out for my hand to shake with a smile. “Hi Sam, nice to meet you.” I returned the smile. Sam had an aura around him that made it hard not to smile.  “Better keep your eye on this one Kiera. Trouble is his middle name.” He said with a wink and a playful grin. “Hey now, any trouble I’ve ever been in was your idea!” Seeing them made me envy them. I had never had friends before. I had always wanted them but wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone else in the pack.  “Hey that hurts you know. I thought we were friends.” Astrid declared with a huff. “We are and you know that. It just isn’t the same. I can’t hug you or cry on your shoulder or even shake your hand. You are my only friend Astrid. I just wished I had outside of my head friends too.” Astrid was my only friend. She being my wolf was part of me. It would have been terrible if we didn’t get along.  “I’m starving! Let's grab a table and eat!” Sam led the way to an empty table at the front of the dining hall.  “What will you have Kiera? I’m headed over for myself. I can grab you whatever you want?” He was so kind. It was odd for me, but his face was so kind it was hard not to accept him. “Whatever, I am not picky.”  “Your lucky bro! Most women suck when it comes to food!” “I know I am lucky! Just don’t you forget it!” Laughing and clapping eachother on the back they both strode over to the long tables against the wall. Each table was piled high with platters of every kind of breakfast food you could think of. I started to glance about the room. Taking in my surroundings. Making sure I knew every exit, entrance, and how many people were in the room. That's when my eyes landed on her. The b***h that was in my room earlier. If looks could kill I know I would be dead ten times over. I locked eyes with her. I wasn’t in the least bit intimidated by this whorish she wolf. This is going to be fun. Watching her squirm. I smiled sarcastically while looking her in the eye. I gave a little wave as if to rub it in even further. I watched her glance at Hunter and Sam and then back to me. With a wicked little grin she started towards them. This b***h was dead. I got up and started towards her. “Hunter, good morning. I missed you last night baby.” She had her dirty hand on his arm by the time I got there. His face said it all. He was disgusted. Before he could say anything I cut in. “That’s unfortunate for you hunny. He didn’t have time to miss you. He was too busy with me.” Ouch. I could see the rage boiling inside her. “Why don’t you go grab some breakfast. You look like you need it.” My words were quiet and harsh, but I would not let this b***h get away with touching him. This time I controlled Astrid enough to let me use my words. I was ashamed Hunter had seen me react like that earlier. I did not want the ranking members of the pack to see that too. I am supposed to be the future Luna. I couldn’t have everyone fearing me. She scowled at me as she turned back to Hunter.
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