Secrets Out

3708 Words
The sun was shining in through the window when I woke up the next morning. I reached my hand out wanting to pull Kiera close to me only to be met with cold sheets. My eyes shot open with panic. I looked around the room, nothing. I listened. I couldn’t hear her in the bathroom either. I threw the blankets off me as I jumped out of bed. Grabbing my shorts off the floor I ran out the door and towards the stairs. Racing down the stairs I could hear that people were in the dining hall. I was hoping she was in there. Flinging the door open my eyes scanned the room. Nothing. f**k. Where could she have gone? I casually walked over to the table where my mother and father were eating breakfast.  “Morning mother. Have you seen Kiera? She wasn’t in bed when I woke up this morning.” I tried to keep my voice even. “Yes. She said she was going to go for a run before we had to start planning. She seemed fine so I didn’t see what the problem was.” My mother seemed very casual. Of course she did. I didn’t tell her about the episode yesterday. Before either of them could say another word I turned sharply and strode out of the room. I was stepping out the door when I received a mind link from my father. “Son, one of the guards just linked me. They said rogues were spotted along the border by the lake. Will you see to it?” “Sure.” s**t. I didn’t have time to go looking for some damn rogues. My wife was missing. I link Sam and tell him to meet me that way as I shift and take off towards the lake. As I’m running along I catch her scent. Kiera. f**k! If the rogue was spotted by the lake and I can smell her here. s**t!  “SAM! Where are you man! Kiera is over here by the lake and that's where the rogue was spotted!” Just as I finished my link I saw his chocolate brown wolf come running up next to me. Fear washing over me like a tidal wave. Why can’t I see her yet? Why would she be out here by herself? Just then we burst through the trees and there to my left were 5 rogues surrounding my beautiful wife. A growl burst from my chest shaking the branches of the trees nearby. I started towards them. Kiera looked up at me with an odd expression on her face. With a slight grin and a wink toward me she lunged at the closest rogue.  I have never seen a woman move like this. Less than a second she snapped the first one's neck. Two rogues lunged at her. Without hesitation she spun around knocking one to the ground with a thud and the other she twisted its head around till I heard a snap. The other three jumped at her. I see her grab the throat of one and rip it out like it was paper. Leaping in the air she hooks her legs around another flipping it around to hit the last one. Landing on her feet she starts towards them again and with a loud yelp the two rogues turn tail sprinting away as fast as possible.   Mouth opening I am staring at my mate that just took on and beat 6 full grown male rogues. What the f**k! She didn't fight like any male warrior I knew, let alone a female. This woman barely broke a sweat with this. Who is this woman? Now she would definitely have to tell me about her past. I shifted back to my human and started toward her.  “Hunter, Sam I..I...I…” After all that she just did she is stuttering.  “Babe, are you okay? That was crazy!” I opened my arms to embrace her but she stepped back. “Yeah Kiera! Damn!” Sam sounded just as shocked as me. She didn’t say anything. She almost looked like she was contemplating running.  “Kiera, babe, talk to me. It’s okay.” I closed the distance between us and took her in my arms before she could bolt. Once my arms wrapped around her body I could feel her relax slightly. “Babe, tell me what's going on. Why were you even out here?” keeping my voice soft so that I didn’t upset her. Sam had shifted back and I could see him step into the woods. Grabbing shorts for both of us I am sure.  “Here man” “Thanks” I nodded my head, slipping on the shorts Sam had just handed me.  “Hunter, I will tell you everything. We just have to go back to the pack house. We can’t do it here. It is not safe.” Her face was grim. This is my territory, how could it not be safe. I didn’t want to argue. She took my hand and began to walk back to the pack house. “You too Sam. You saw, might as well hear me out too”. Looking at him he had a small on his face. I mean, that was super badass of her.  Once back to the pack house I headed up towards our room. “Wait, we should probably tell your parents. This could affect me being Luna.” “What? Nothing could stop that.” “Hunter, please.” She almost looked sad. What could possibly be that bad? I nodded and mind-linked my parents.  “Dads in his office. Mom will meet us there.” Nerves starting to eat at me. She seemed so calm for how grave she made this sound. “Follow me.” I started towards my dad's office with her and Sam behind me. Once we reached the door and the 4th floor I didn’t bother knocking. We stepped in.  “Hunter, Kiera, Sam. What's going on?” He motioned for us all to sit on the chairs in front of his large oak desk. Sam and I sat, but Kiera started pacing. Just as I was about to start demanding she tell me what was going on, my mother burst through the door.  “I am here, what is going on!” She seemed exasperated. Almost like she had run here. That made me chuckle slightly to myself. The thought of my mother running. She didn’t run. She is one of those always calm, smooth, seems like she is floating through the air types.  “Okay, what I am about to tell you is going to be bad. If you no longer want me as your wife or Luna when I am done I will understand.” Kiera seemed nervous. “Babe, just tell me already. You are my mate. Nothing you say is gonna change that.”  With a heavy sigh she bagan. “Okay so Jarod isn’t my father, obviously. When I was small he says he found me. Instead of putting me in the pack orphanage he chose to raise me. He trained me my whole life. The regular stuff taught at schools and then more. He taught me to be ruthless. A killer. He taught me etiquette so that no one would ever find out. So that I could blend in in any situation. He taught me many skills. Tracking, hiding, masking my own scent, even how to force away any emotions I may have. For years I trained. I was the best. Males couldn't hold a candle to me. My speed, my combat skills, all of it completely unmatched. After I got a little older he started to use me as his personal weapon. Instead of waging out right war with other packs he would send me in to infiltrate and destroy. He would give me a target then expect me to eliminate. Failure was never tolerated. I only failed once. The pain and torture I endured for that failure was unspeakable.” That must be where she got that scar on her back. As she spoke to us she paced back and forth. Her face void of any expression. “I have been on countless ‘missions’ as Jarod called them. All for his gain. So that he could swoop in and either take the pack or make a shitload of money. I am not proud of this. I had no idea anyone knew I existed. Jarod kept me away from the rest of the pack. Kept me his secret weapon, as he called it. So imagine my shock when you thought I was a s*x slave, Sam, that you even knew I was there.” Sam's eyes grew wide. “I am sorry Kiera. I didn’t know.” “I know Sam, how could you have known. Anyway, yesterday I thought that rogue looked familiar. I had seen him around Jarod’s training grounds.l Jarod liked to pick up the most ruthless rogues and offer to pay them to do his bidding sometimes instead of me. He said rogues made a statement where I was just for the kill. Today, I wanted to just go for a run. Let Astrid out. Have some quiet time. I have never been allowed to just do that before. Wanted to see what it was like.” Her face saddened at these words. “ I want to thank you Alpha for buying me. I don’t know why you bought me, but I am forever grateful.” “No thanks necessary Kiera, really.” My father seemed to be holding back. Did he know? “Dad, did you know?” “Kind of. I didn’t know why she was being held, but I knew Jarod was holding her. I also knew Jarod would do anything for the right price. He accepted the money and the condition she would marry you, Hunter.” “s**t! Are you serious? He put that condition on selling me?” Kiera’s face paled at this. “Yes, is that a problem. I thought you two found out you were mates?” “Sir, we are. That is not the problem. Jarod always has a motive for his actions. He wouldn’t have sold me if he didn’t. Trust me.”  “What motive would he have for this?” “I am not sure what he wants, but I know he wants something.” She looks nervous now. s**t this isn’t good. “Earlier, those rogues….they weren’t just here by chance. They were sent here.”  “How do you know this?” I was starting to really hate this Jarod fucker. “They told me….told me Jarod had a mission for me. I laughed in their face. They said that if I didn’t go along with the plan that Jarod wouldn’t be happy.” “f**k him! He can’t get to you here Kiera!” Now I was fuming pissed. How dare some douche threaten my mate! I was standing now pacing through the room. Anger radiating off of me.  “Sit down son. We won’t let anyone hurt her.” My dad's voice is calm. “Dad, how can I be f*****g calm right now!” Kiera walked over to me with a soft expression on her face.  “Hunter, he won’t hurt me if I just do what he wants.” “NO!” All of us said at the same time. Her face was shocked. I don’t think she was expecting that. “Kiera, no one is going to let you do Jarod’s bidding anymore. You are a free woman so long as you are a member of this pack.” The surprised look on her face turned to almost joy at my fathers words. “Please, he can’t get you here. So if you will kindly not go for runs alone anymore I think we should be fine. As far as your past goes, we don’t have to tell anyone. It is in the past. Let's leave it there. You are welcome to continue to train though. Having a strong Luna will is always good for an Alpha. Speaking of, dear, didn’t you want to discuss the ceremony with them?” With that the conversation was over and a new one started. I plan to discuss this further tonight when we are alone. “Oh yes!” My mother practically squealed as she clapped her hands and jumped up and down like she was a teenager. “So is there anything in particular you would like at the ceremony Kiera?” “No, I don’t think so. I think anything you come up with will be fine.”  “Oh goodie! Son, anything you want to weigh in?” “No mom, just please, nothing too crazy.”  “Please, this is the Alpha and Luna ceremony we're talking about! It’s the most important day of our lives! We get to retire and you get to take over! I am going big with this!” I rolled my eyes. This is going to be awful. I look over at Sam who has been quiet most of the conversation.  “You alright bro?”  “Yeah man, just trying to process that your mate is an assassin.” “Wow, when you put a name to it it seems even more heavy. I’m glad she wasn’t a s*x slave though.” I shot him a wink trying to lighten the mood.  “Shut up man, that’s just what I heard. Rumors are never accurate. I’m headed to training. I’m late as is. See ya later Kiera.” With a slight punch to my arm he was out the door. My mother was prattling on to Kiera about the ceremony details. Kiera was nodding her head along though I think she had no idea what was actually going to happen. I sat back in a chair in front of my dad’s desk rubbing my face with my hands. This was all so much to process.  While the ladies were engrossed in a conversation I leaned over to my dad and spoke just loud enough only he could hear me. “Dad, did you know? Is that why you chose her?”  “I knew she was being held. I didn’t know why.” “Ah, why didn’t you tell me?” “Would it have mattered?” “Well, I mean, no probably not.” With that I stood up from my seat. My stomach growled. With all the excitement of the morning I had forgotten all about breakfast. My father stood and walked around the desk over to my mother.  “Dear, with all the excitement they haven’t had any breakfast. If you wish to continue we should do so in the dining hall.” My father and mother were mates. She couldn’t ever tell him no when he used that tone. I stepped over to Kiera, taking her hand in mine.  “Let’s go eat babe, I'm starving and I’m sure you are too.” Her eyes locked on mine. My parents giggled as they left the room first.  “Come on babe.” I tried to turn and go but she held her place. “Is something the matter?” Her sapphire blue eyes shone with the morning light peering in the window.  “Hunter, your dad didn’t let me finish earlier. Jarod, he threatened me.”  “Babe, nothing can hurt you here. Not even Jarod.” I tried to sound as reassuring as possible. “No Hunter. He won’t hurt me. I don’t know how he figured it out, but he knows we're mates. I am scared he will hurt you.” Her eyes were bright before but wow, when she cried they looked like they were luminescent. “Kiera, baby, he’s not going to hurt me. He can’t. I know you have never seen me fight, but I assure I am not a wimp.” I stepped closer wrapping her in my arms. Her tears were flowing at this point. “Awe babe, it’s going to be okay. I am going to be fine. I promise.” Kiera’s POV As I stood there in his arms, tears freely flowing I felt somehow safe. I don’t even remember the last time I cried. Wow, being here with my mate has made me a little soft. Somehow I feel okay about it. I would never have let tears fall when I lived with Jarod.  I nodded my head at Hunter. I didn’t feel like arguing was going to get through to him. I would just have to stay vigilant. If I saw Jarod or one of his rogues I would just have to figure out what he wanted and figure how to do it without them figuring it out.  “You mentioned breakfast. I’m not used to eating as much as you all eat, but let's go. I know you are famished.” I gave Hunter a weak smile. He nodded and we headed down to the dining hall.  Hunter opened the door for me and I stepped through. The dining hall was deserted. We missed breakfast. I was okay, but looking over at Hunter he was sorely disappointed. s**t. I felt horrible for making him miss breakfast. If I knew how to cook I would make him some food, but I was never allowed in the kitchen in my old pack so I was useless when it came to cooking. “Come on, I’ll make us some food.” I was surprised to hear him say that and it must have shown on my face. “Didn’t think your husband could cook, huh?” He chuckled at that.  “No I didn’t. I just assumed since you had people to do it for you you didn’t need to know how.” I smiled at him and he continued to laugh. “Well, I am actually a very good cook. Come on, right this way.” He led me through the swinging door into the kitchen. My jaw dropped. This is the biggest kitchen I have ever seen. I may have not ever cooked or seen the kitchen at Dark Moon, but I have seen several when out on missions. I walked into the center of the kitchen where there was an island with barstools. I took a seat as he got started. Opening cupboards, grabbing dishes, going to the large walk-in refrigerator and coming back with eggs, milk, and what looked like a kind of meat. He turned on the burner of a giant stove. Setting everything up meticulously. He was so beautiful in his movements. Wow, if mundane actions such as cooking were beautiful when he did it I must have it bad for this man. As happy as I am to be here with him I can’t shake the feeling that Jarod is planning something bad. Why did I have to fall for him? If he hadn’t been my mate I would have escaped and he wouldn’t be in danger. I would be far from here and he would be safe.  The food he made smelled amazing. Hunter slid a plate in front of me. “What kind of meat is this?” It smelled amazing but I have never tried it.  “Bacon. You mean to tell me you have never had bacon before?” Shock laced his words. “I haven’t had a lot of things Hunter.” I stared down at my plate not wanting to make eye contact.  “Well, anything you want to try, don't hesitate to ask babe.” His voice sounded more excited than pitiful. God, I love this man. I don’t ever want pity. How does he know me so well? I finally looked up at him. His eyes shone with love. Love. A feeling so foriegn to me. I don’t know how I lived life this far without it. I cannot imagine life without him.  “Astrid?” “I know what you are thinking and we can’t.” “We have to keep him safe though.” “Kiera, we will die without him.” “But Jarod.” “I know, but we can’t leave him. Running away isn’t an option anymore.” “Ugg, I know.” The thought kept running through my mind. If I just leave Jarod won’t have anything to hold over me any more. Then again, he knows Hunter is my mate. I will just have to ride this out and see what's next. After we finished Hunter took my hand and led me outside.  “Would you like to see the training grounds? It’s such a lovely day. Or, we could just lounge around if you would rather?”  “I would love to see where everyone trains. Maybe I can learn something new.” I smiled at the thought. I loved to learn. My mind was like a sponge. I absorbed everything. I think that is what made me so lethal. Learning to fight was like second nature to me. It came so easy. I think I am going to enjoy this. I will worry about Jarod later. 
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