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 WARNING- THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE THEMES   +HERE ARE SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD KEEP IN MIND WHILST READING -The first few chapters are a little slow, but they're necessary. Don't worry, s**t hits the fan real soon ;) -No character is perfect, this is real and gritty. Everyone has a fatal flaw, you just have to figure out what it is. -This book will contain s****l content, if you're not comfortable with that then you can simply skip that chapter.   -The hierarchy of the society mimics that of a real wolf pack, acts of defiance and disobedience are taken very seriously. -Final note, please don't come for me if you can't handle the contents of this book, this is a complex world they live in, only the strongest earn the right to survive.    -If you've made it this far, thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the story! • • • NORTH "You know exactly what you have to do?" Orian smirked, lazily tapping his pen against the desk, forming some sort of macabre rhythm. "Of course." He smirked, throwing the pen on the desk and leaning back in his chair. "How difficult could it be?" A chuckle escaped my lips at his lax attitude, as I raised my glass to my lips, ice cubes clinking mutedly as I did so. I enjoyed the way the liquor burned as it slipped down my throat. Leaving a trail of blazing fire that ached deep within my belly.  "Just don't let your guard down, no matter what." "You think so little of me dear brother!" He said, lips tugging upwards, lifting his own glass of liquid heat in a toast. "After all, what could be greater than to kill a King?" *** ORIAN I grunted, increasing the pressure of my forearm around the guards throat. He grappled at my forearm, nails clawing at my skin leaving deep scarlet gashes, but still it wasn't enough. It didn't stop the inevitable and it didn't prolong his life as he crumbled to the floor in a disgruntled heap. And then there it was, less than one hundred meters away. Where the proclaimed "King" slept, dare he be called that. It was foolish really, that he slept separately from his pack and away from the safety offered by community, although it was good for me. -He was far easier to kill this way. A grande log cabin with great wooden beams and hanging baskets filled with plentiful flowers, so bright I could even make out their colourful hues despite the thick cloak of nightfall that carpeted the land.  How sweet, I thought in disgust, it was all very quaint. The wooden beams meant that in only a few minutes I was able to scale the side of the building, the shaven logs biting into my palms as I became level with a second floor window. Bingo. I was rather impressed with myself, finding the right bedroom first try. Shame there was no one else around to see my wondrous feat, I mused.  There, in the bed lay a figure. I almost chuckled aloud, as the "King" from this distance looked far smaller than almost all the other Alphas I knew, though I couldn't be sure as he was almost entirely concealed beneath a mass of silk sheets. The window was already slightly ajar, as quietly as I could I slid it the rest of the way open, keeping my sights firmly fixed upon the sleeping figure for any signs of moment. Nothing. He was out cold, resting peacefully, blissfully ignorant to his impending slaughter. I sucked air into my lungs, trying to make my large frame as small as possible to lift myself through the restricted space as silently as possible until my feet met with the carpeted floor. I froze in place as the King shifted in his sleep. For a few moments I didn't even dare to breath, careful not to make a sound. If he woke I would be dead, my only advantage on the beast that I had heard so many tales about was my element of surprise. -Without that I was fucked.. I exhaled a sigh of relief as the slight sound of his breathing returned to the same gentle rhythm it had previously. Still asleep. I had to act quickly, I couldn't allow him to wake to see another sunrise.  In one fluid movement I made my way to the bed, pulling the gold hilted dagger from its holster on my hip, right as the King turned again, this time rolling over to face me. The covers falling away from his slender figure to reveal.. A girl. ..A girl, whose rich brown hair fell around her face like a halo crafted by Lucifer himself. She was something akin to godly, a kind of ethereal beauty not seen among men. I stood there, wether stunned or in complete awe of the sight that beheld me, either didn't matter. What did matter was the girl began to stir and I remained frozen as her eyes fluttered open to reveal a violently peircings shade of blue.  "What-" I snapped out of my trance, and in an instant I had the dagger to her throat. "Where is he?" I whispered harshly, pressing the blade into her skin, verging on just enough pressure to draw blood. She must have been one of his whores, she certainly had looks desirable to a king. Maybe when this was all over and done with, I would take her as my own, so that she could warm my bed instead. "Who?" Her she whimpered, her eyes wide as she stared at me in fear, like a dear in the headlights.  My heart began to hurt as if on cue, a shooting pain that faded to a dull ache, beginning in my throat as if words were trapped there that I wanted to say but couldn't quite get out. Echoing outwards to resonate throughout my entire body until every piece of me cried out against my actions towards the girl.  This was wrong. So wrong. Maybe it was the helplessness in her eyes, or maybe it was the dull tingles that crawled from my arm that brushed against her bronze skin. Whatever it was it didn't matter. Nothing mattered other than the task. "The King." I spat, increasing the pressure, watching as she winced and a single crimson tear crawled down her neck, pooling in the space between her collar bones. "Where is he?" A breath shuddered from her parted lips that trembled like a frightened bird with every syllable she spoke. "I don't know what you're talking about!" "Don't play dumb! Just tell me where he is!" A gnawing feeling of doubt began to creep into the pit of my stomach, like a weight that I couldn't shift. Her beauty aside, the look in her eyes awakened something deep inside me. The most primal parts of me that cried out to trust her, the beast inside me crying out a horrid, tortured sound. I watched in shock as she slowly lifted a hand, gentle fingers stretching out to touch my face. I didn't know why, but I didn't stop her. And then it clicked as her skin met mine. Sparks. I dropped the dagger to the bed as she sat up, pushing off of the bed to stand before me all the while my hands trembled just like her voice once had. Covers falling away completely to reveal the thin lace nightgown that scantily covered her tanned skin, her peaked n*****s flush against the thin material. "You're.." I could scarcely finish my sentence before my back was violently slammed into the wall and something cold and wet pressed tightly into my throat. The dagger, still slick with her blood. Her face had changed completely, all semblance of innocence lost, as it was instead replaced by a countenance of cold, hard, austerity. I grit my teeth as I felt the dagger sliced into my flesh, something thick and warm trickling down my throat. "What the f**k?" She slowly leaned her face in close to mine. So close that I could count the exact distance between us and closer still until her lips brushed against my earlobe. "You want to know about the King?" She whispered, every word spoken brushing sinfully against my skin. "I am the King." *** The rest of this book is from her POV btw QOTD-What's your favourite food? :) Any thoughts? Theories? Don't forget to vote and comment! -TFOA
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