Chapter 10 - Grisham-1

2003 Words

Chapter 10 - Grisham I could almost see the gears churning in Vianna’s head, and I fought back a grin. She was no damsel in distress, and if that was the case, what was her daughter like? She had been through hell, just like Trenton. In an ideal world, the two broken kids would’ve been able to work through their troubles together and come out stronger for it. They would be perfect together and end up married and have two point five kids and a house with a white picket fence. But this world was far from ideal, and they could be heading down a very different and dangerous path instead, one filled with vice and darkness and drugs. Maybe death, too. Had Trenton gotten Sage into drugs? Doubtful. Vianna would’ve noticed a chance in her daughter’s behavior, and it also seemed unlikely that Tre

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