A Vow at the Shore ~ Making Love Out of Nothing At All, Part 1

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Saturday. 3:30 pm. Harumi and I are just chilling as usual as the end of the current semester approaches. With no heavy workloads to overwhelm us, we pass the time in our own little ways as we anticipate the coming of our distinguished guest, Saya Nakamura. Once 4pm ticks, we both welcome the “French maid” with open arms. “We expected you to not show up, but here you are!” “Why wouldn't I? Today's my day off, remember?” “Then why are you still wearing that maid costume?” “Because I feel like it. I guarantee that I'll never soil it. Cross my heart and hope to die.” “Alright, alright. Please come in.” Once we three all sit at the coffee table, Saya cuts to the chase. “So where we last left off, Gunpei, you were able to secure a permit from the mayor to hold that informal prom as per Noemi's request. And later that day, you went ahead and bought that gal game! I bet Noemi... or even Harumi here, is getting all flustered by its mere presence!” “Come on! Why continue that story by bringing that up again?!” “OK then, since I've made you all embarrassed, I guess it's time for you to take the lead.” “Yeah. Thanks, Saya.” I say that in a sarcastic, but not demeaning, voice. *** So after going home with the visual novel in hand, I decided to start the game and play just its opening scene, simply because I didn't want to show up late due to investing too much time on such a story-heavy game. The opening scene has a boy and a girl walking together towards a shrine. The girl has a hint of worry on her face as the boy shoulders on. He asks her, “So, won't you reconsider?” The girl answers, “So, won't you?” Not minding the worry on her face, he still proudly marches towards the destination, and the girl has no choice but to follow his exact footsteps. He reassures her, “Come with me. I can give you anything.” She answers back, “I've been there. All I want is you.” The two are getting closer and closer towards the shrine, until they can see the red gate at its very facade. Once their feet finally land on the shrine's sacred grounds, the worry on her face manifests more. He tries his best to assuage her with his words of promise. “But it's just one more prayer, then I'll be back.” “But I won't... I can't...” The girl finally breaks down into tears. The entire opening scene left me with more questions than answers. Why was the boy accompanying the girl to the shrine, even though she was clearly hesitant? What was the boy planning to pray for at the shrine? Why was the girl so clingy towards the boy? I guess... the answers would be revealed once I complete the entire game. And I must invest around 70 hours to finish all heroine routes and clinch the golden ending. But what I didn't expect... was that a variant of that opening scene would happen that night. To this day, I still don't know if it's coincidence or serendipity. But I can assure you this... That vow at the shore... was as memorable, if not slightly more, as the prom itself. *** Saya then cuts in. “Gunpei, thank you for spoiling the opening scene of a male-oriented visual novel to me. But I don't mind, since opening scenes are meant to be shown or narrated to anyone, anyway. But the c****x or finale? That's a whole different ballgame. So then, let me explain what I was doing in the hours leading to the informal prom.” *** While you were out securing the permit, Anya, Ruriko, and I organized a lightning meeting at the Shiokaze Trail. We let Noemi prepare her stuff for that night, but we three had to clarify some instructions first before handing them over to her. “First, we need to... uh... borrow some materials from the student council that were used for the prom.” Anya responded... “Ah yes! I personally know the student council president, Goro Narusawa. He would always carry the keys to the student council's own storage facilities.” I reacted... “OK, do some correspondence with him ASAP. We need all the materials we can have. And Ruriko, you have anything in mind regarding the basic overall design?” “Yup! I've got the design drawn in my mind. Basically, we'll be utilizing a good length of the shoreline for the pre-event walk. The path itself will be illuminated by several candles, and the mini-stage at the end of the path will be marked by some tables with ribbons on them. You two can improve on this design, of course.” “That's another one for the books! Thanks, you two! I knew Gunpei's quick innovative thinking would rub off on us. Alright then, let's all go to Noemi's to inform her that we'll start with the preparations right away.” Anya and Ruriko then stood up and saluted me. “Aye aye, captain!” “Haha. You two are treating me like some military bigwig. So then, let's all go!” “Roger!” *** “So on my end, the preparations for the informal prom were smooth sailing. We were able to update Noemi about what we would be all doing, we acquired the necessary materials from the distinguished student council president...” I then butt in. “Say, Saya, how's Goro doing nowadays?” “He's now working as a programmer for a game development studio that just started last year here.” “Oh, I see. I thought he would be into... you-know-what.” Harumi then giggles, seeing as she once used to read about the legend of a man who would star in several... uh... indecent videos where he cavorts with girls cosplaying certain characters. “Just don't assume his future job just because he coincidentally shares his name with... with that infamous guy! End of story!” “OK, alright! I'm laying off that reference! If you want to continue the story from your perspective, then I have the full authority to allow you to do so!” “Good. Now then...” *** The clock then ticked two hours before sunset, the universally-agreed upon time where the informal prom would begin. Already, we changed into our own prom dresses, as they were still good to wear and not reeking of any sweat. Ruriko hired a van to move the necessary materials from the student council storage facilities to the itinerary. We then placed the decorations where they should be, as they were already made before the school prom started and were too good to just scrap after just a mere night of use. With our collective efforts, we didn't break a sweat preparing the whole scenery at the shore. So then... I took the initiative and called both you and Noemi, signaling that the preparations are complete, and we even threw in a bonus. The impromptu prom would feature an electric guitarist and a soprano, both playing love songs in perfect harmony. *** I chime in. “Yeah, I reckon that the electric guitar and the soprano's voice were quite a volatile combination at first; but once the two instruments started to play simultaneously, what I heard instead was a unique harmony that was strangely appropriate for the occasion.” “Yay! Even today, you would recognize the genius of this proud former choir member!” “Haha. Indeed. So once I've heard the call, I didn't hesitate to shower and have a quick change of clothes. Like in the case of you three, my prom outfit was still good and didn't reek of sweat. I didn't hesitate wearing it right away. “So after making my own final preparations, I left my unit and promptly headed towards the trail. “The trail is situated a good distance from the shore itself, and thus I could easily see you three and the two musicians from where I was standing – the trail's elevation. I could even spot the trail of candles on the length of the shore itself. “And thus, I didn't think twice in walking towards a spot in the trail where I could see a flight of stairs that lead to the shore below. All while you three were waving at me. “And eventually, I landed on the target site.” *** I could see the smiles on your faces as we were all having this little reunion of sorts. The sun was about to set, which should start the event. The guitarist and the soprano were ready to shred their best. But then, there was just one little problem. “I wonder what's up with Noemi? She ain't showing up as promised!” Saya, you were so worried about her apparent no-show as I did, so you tried to call her once more... ...but what greeted your ears were nothing but “The number you dialed is unavailable or out of area coverage. Please try again later.” Indeed, the excitement we four had was mutating into fear and worry. Noemi wanted this informal prom in the first place, so for her to not respond to our calls had us all apprehensive. And thus, non-verbally, I told the three that I would go look for her. Even if I would drench in sweat as a result.
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