chapter 1

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Andrew watched in horror as his aunt sneered at him and began to lift her hand towards the ceiling. She slammed into her face, a sudden pain as the crack of her aunt's palm slammed into her cheek. Andrew stood there as he looked at his uncle. It wasn't the first time he'd been hit, but it had been a few years since the last time. He backed away, backing into the kitchen as Uncle Cooper lunged at him and threw a punch, hitting Andrew in the stomach and causing the nearly seventeen-year-old boy to double over in pain and fall to the tile floor. "Take it back!" Uncle Cooper yelled as he rained punches and kicks on Andrew. Andrew didn't say anything as he tried to shield himself from the blows. "Cooper!" came Aunt Karen's panicked voice. "Which!?" he yelled at her as he stopped attacking. "Stop being so obvious, the neighbors are coming out your doors to see what's going on!" she exclaimed as she tried to see the street through the living room window. Uncle Cooper gave Andrew a big kick and then ran to go close the windows and go "reassure" his neighbors, informing them that the noise was his son falling down the stairs. Andrew sat up, Dennis watching him with fear and horror. Andrew adjusted his glasses on his face and wiped some of the blood that had come from a small cut on his lip. He stood up, wincing in pain as he moved. He wanted his backpack but knew he wouldn't be able to carry it. His backpack was under the floor of his room, as were the things he had hidden under the floor. He slowly climbed the stairs to his room and grabbed his backpack and hidden belongings. Andrew tried to find that ball of energy to lift his slightly heavy backpack and place it over his aching shoulder. He gave a shaky smile as he positioned the backpack so it was comfortable. He took his wallet from the closet as well and put it away. Andrew took a deep breath and limped out of 34 Weston Ave Street. He walked the streets and headed to the park where he took refuge several times when he needed to get away from his family. Andrew winced as his knee gave a twinge of pain as he stumbled a little. He came to the park but didn't go in, sat on the curb and sighed. "What the hell am I going to do now," he whispered to himself. Andrew went quiet when he heard a noise behind him. Fear washed over him as he thought that Uncle Cooper had found him and would finish what he had started. He slowly turned his head and saw the dog watching him. The dog was bigger than any he had ever seen. Caramel hair all over part and looked rough as he took a step toward her. Andrew's brown eyes widened in fear as he tried to pull away, not going very far as his body protested the movements. The dog edged a little closer, its sharp nose picking up the scent of blood that hovered around the teenager. He watched as he pulled out a rock and quickly approached and groaned at him, crawling on his belly, trying to show the teenager that he wasn't a threat to him. He kept heading towards her as Andrew looked at him, stone in hand but pointing at the ground. "You're not going to hurt me, are you?" Andrew asked the dog, feeling a little stupid asking, but he felt the canine would be able to understand him. The dog yelped and shook its head as it got a little closer and started begging for a fuss. Andrew chuckled a little, wincing at the chest pain it caused, but he petted the dog gently. "I don't know what to do, boy," he said softly, "I really don't know. I just broke a valuable piece of my aunt's and now she's furious. But if I go back home, they won't let me down. take it back and I don't want to. I know Uncle Cooper will kill me if I do that," he said wincing painfully at what he knew Uncle Cooper would do as soon as he saw Androu "Euroolmonto pronine noir mounts Andrew again, "I really need to get out of here, Uncle Cooper is going to try to find me, I know he will," he said a little scared. The dog yelped once more and gave a harsh bark as it moved and grabbed Andrew's wrist in its mouth and lifted the rock for Andrew to drop. The dog started walking towards a bus stop, at the same moment Andrew reasoned that he had money in his wallet and that the dog probably saw people boarding buses daily. He quickly followed the canine. A few minutes later, the bus to downtown arrived. "Good night passenger. I'm a guard, don't be surprised by my presence, we've had reports of bus robberies recently" The man said as he read a card and then looked around, "Huh," he frowned at the noise, "come on" he said as he saw Andrew sitting at the bus stop, "What happened to you?" he asked as he reached out and pulled Andrew to his feet. "Thanks," Andrew said as he winced. "just a street fight, nothing serious" "Come on boy, where are you going?" the guard asked him. "Center. What's the value?" Andrew asked him. "7 pounds. But if you're bringing the dog, it will be another 3 pounds" was the reply as Andrew climbed aboard. "Just a ride to the station," he said as he handed over the 10 pounds and sat down in one of the chairs. "Right!" said the driver as the bus left at an average speed. Andrew talked to the guard about the robberies that were taking place. Andrew knew it would be right downtown, he would rent a pension and get a job. The dog caramel sat next to Andrew on the floor, almost keeping his feet as the bus turned around London, leaving one or two passengers before arriving at station. Andrew left with the dog. "Well I can't keep calling you a dog can I, so how about Snoop?" he asked wondering what the dog thought of the name. A bark answered him and Andrew smiled as he began to hobble away from the station and further into London. Nearly half an hour later Andrew couldn't go any further, he found an alley that looked safe enough for him to spend the night and entered it. He settled not far away and quickly fell asleep with Snoop sitting with him, keeping his dark eyes worried on the teenager. ~•~ Andrew was startled when he heard a small noise outside the Alley. He could hear two people arguing. Andrew watched them for a moment as the tall man looked to the smaller man and pushed him. Andrew couldn't understand what they were talking about, but he knew it wouldn't be good. Andrew tried to move further into the alley so he wouldn't be seen, but he bumped into something as he moved. Snoop also moved, keeping still as he watched the commotion. Andrew moved as fast as his injuries would allow, while the smaller of the two men glared at him. Their eyes met as the taller one started to look. The smaller one gave a sad smile and then drew the taller man's attention to him once more. The small man kept the taller man's attention on his as he pulled out a knife and stabbed him repeatedly. Andrew watched, eyes wide with fear, hands over his mouth to keep from screaming. Snoop gave a low growl, understanding the need to be quiet. The taller man ran off into the night and Andrew couldn't help but run out of the alley and go to the man who basically saved him. The man was still breathing. "I'm going to get help," Andrew whispered, as he tried to find someone, but was called back by a weak call. "Too late for that boy, good thing you're safe," he choked with a small smile on his face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you could have run if it wasn't for me. You shouldn't" Andrew said as he dropped to her knees beside him. The man smiled a little, "Norman Philip and you?" extend his hand. "Andrew," he said as he held one of her hands. "Don't worry about it, adults should take care of children," he said as his breathing became labored. Andrew held her hand as the light faded from her eyes. Andrew gave a little hiccup as he sat there. Snoop went to him and pulled on his clothes. Andrew followed him back into the alley and settled further, almost out of sight as he slowly drifted into an exhausted, restless sleep.
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