Chapter eighty one - taking out CHS gang

3182 Words

As I walked home an hour to midnight, I got a call from Rage. I didn’t pick at first but after he persisted for like ten times in a row, I decided to listen to what he wanted. “ Where are you man? Where the f**k are you?” he blustered. His voice sounded rushed and I could hear shouts and gunshots in the background “ Are those gunshots?” I frowned “should you be even calling me, you are getting distracted…” “ Get the f**k here, we are under attack” he yelled over the phone “get here right now” “ Why would I come to a gunfight?” “ just come dawg, I beg you…things are looking bad on us. Just bring yo ass here we’ll sort the rest later….” Before I even asked where he was, the phone was hung up. I was left staring at the phone’s screen speechless. I’ll just start at Club Sexy, I thought

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