What about now?

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The moment I was going to the radio station, my mind couldn’t stop for a single second. Many thoughts, less solutions. I was thinking about everything so fast that I couldn’t process any of my thoughts. How, why, what next? Because for me, the meeting with Luis’ friends and colleagues would be the moment of truth about everything. I trusted Luis, so I knew that the people he believed in the most would find a solution about me. Just for the fact that I knew Luis was trying his best to find the truth and also to prevent the horrific event in the future. That ride there seemed way too long. And I believe that I was lost somewhere in my own universe, and I hardly even took a look at the road or anything like that. Here I was, in front of Radio Station 17, ready to meet what would be my future solution for every problem. But at that exact moment, I felt like I was about to have a heart attack. I was panicked, anxious and sweating a lot. And when I sweat a lot, everyone knows that I am in a very difficult situation, and that happens very rarely. But I had to go inside and face whatever was about to happen next for me. It didn’t matter what I was going through, it was a must to go there and face my new reality. I knocked on the door of the office and I listened to Luis’ voice with a lot of enthusiasm. - “Come inside Martha, we have been waiting for you.” As I entered the door, the first figure I saw, was a tall boy, very muscular on the outside and very well dressed, with a style similar to men in the 50’s; black long jacket, black pants and shoes and a black hat. Next to him was another tall man, but he looked older so I presumed he was the professor that Luis had been talking to me a lot about. He looked as he was in his 50’s, he was well dressed and I thought, well, since they were both tall, it had something to do with the genetics of the family. As they turned around and I could see their faces, well, I think I had a crush since the first time I saw the professor’s son. He looked like a top-model, those models with cute long hair you see on commercials and on **. Well, I hadn’t felt like that since I first met my ex. But that is a story to be told another time. I started approaching them, and the son put his hand forward and said: - “Hello Martha, nice to meet you. I am Nick Wallace, and this is my father, Jerry Wallace,” said Nick as he was shaking my hand. I replied with, as it seemed a very sad response, just a hello. - “We are here to help you. Luis told us a little about what has happened but we would love to hear more from you. We just want to make you feel better and you don’t have to worry about anything as long as we are here. We believe you, and if Luis believes in your story, we do too… To begin with, we want to hear once again from the beginning your version of the events and figure out anything at all that could help us. Feel free to tell us everything, because every piece of information can help us in solving this case. Whenever you are ready, just start.” said Nick, and I couldn’t focus anymore and couldn’t find the words to express myself, probably just for the fact that I think I had a big crush on him at that exact moment. But I had to somehow focus and tell my story. As I was telling the whole story, I looked on their faces. Both were very focused and interested in what I was saying, trying not to miss a single detail. Nick was a little more expressive in the face, but his father Jerry, held a straight face the entire time, no expressions at all, just listening. When I reached the point of my story where I somehow ended up five years in the past, I could see the reaction on their faces, especially on Nick. He was partly shocked and confused at the same time. The professor made a confused expression, but he was still too focused to be distracted. As I ended the entire story, there was a moment of silence. No one was talking and everyone was processing once again the weirdest story to be told out there. It took them a moment before the professor started talking. - “Okay I see, you are telling us that a life-ending event is going to happen in nearly four and a half years from now. And you heard Luis instructing you on the radio to come to radio 17. Is there any specific reason why you wanted to come to radio 17? Why didn’t you drive home or anywhere else? Why specifically Luis? - “Well, my home was a little far and I thought I couldn’t make it, especially looking at what was happening. Everything got destroyed so fast, so I thought that was the best bet of being with someone at that moment, and maybe somehow survive. I was panicked.” - “I don’t know if I can express my condolences for your friend that you killed by accident, because if your story is true, they are luckily alive somehow,” replied the professor. - “It is okay. I still feel bad because in my panic, I murdered my best friend, the whole time thinking it is a prank. That is why I think going back to the past has also some pros. Even though I haven’t met her since, I feel very happy that she is alive and safe. And I know me in this reality, is still friends with her. At least there are some good points, but I don’t know how I ended up here yet.” - “Is there anything else you would like to add?” said the professor. - “Well, there are a few details that I haven’t told any of you, but as much as I know from time traveling in the movies and everything, I think this would be harmful for the events of the future...” - “Hmm, well that is really smart of you, and I just really don’t know if you should say it or not. So I presume it is something that has to do with Luis perhaps. And you don’t want him to know about it.” replied the professor calmly. - “You are totally correct. I don’t know, I have been thinking about this for a while and only two friends of mine know what it’s about… and I think it could be important,” I said anxiously. - “Okay, Nick and Luis, I need to be alone with Martha. Please leave the room. I need to know this. I assure you no one else is going to know about it Martha, unless we decide it is time to share it with them.” Nick and Luis left the room, and the professor stood up and was looking outside of the window until he made sure they both really left. - “Nick and Luis are young and curious and I know they would do anything to listen to this detail. That is why I waited and made sure they were already outside. I’ve known them since they were little boys, and their passion is incomparable but also their curiosity has always been significant. Anyway, let’s get back to the topic, tell me, what did Luis know in the future that he should not know now, because I believe I understood what you were trying to do,” said the professor, as he was turning around, and I was in a bit of a shock because of the fact that he understood everything I was trying to hide from everyone. - “Okay, it begins after I saw the homeless man with the apocalypse sign. I got a signal from the radio station, because I think I was very close to it, phone signals didn’t work at all at that moment. And I heard Luis stating in real sadness that if someone was listening to his message, to please go to radio station 17. But this is not all that he said. He said that he had already warned the others for years that a life-ending event was going to happen and no one believed on him. He said that ‘we tried to warn you’, maybe I presume ‘we’ means you and your son, but I don’t know, I’m just guessing. But he somehow knew that this was going to happen. And the first time I met him, I tried to hide this fact from him, because I saw the weirdness on his reaction when I was telling my story. I knew that he didn’t know about what was going to happen. So somehow, he got the information later on about what was going to happen. But neither do I, nor does Luis know right now. It is a little bit strange but I hope I make sense. And I didn’t want to interfere in what he was going to discover next, but rather that he somehow would know at one point in time.” - “It makes total sense. I understand now why you didn’t want to share it with anyone. And I think we better keep it as a secret for a while, I think he will discover it himself soon. But make sure you don’t tell him anything, okay? Because I am so sure he is going to ask you multiple times about it. He is so curious. For the moment he doesn’t need to know that,” replied the professor in acceptance with what I already said. - “As you say professor, I just hope we are making the right decision for the moment. Many of my decisions lately haven’t been the most perfect ones, but I hope at least for the time being, we are doing the right thing. I just wonder sometimes what if this thing is happening all over again. I just wonder if I am the reason that somehow Luis in the future knew about this. What if I tell him somehow and he knows it in the future? What if I am like an oracle always coming from the past in different dimensions and this thing just happens again and again as a cycle with no end at all. I don’t know how I ended here, why it chose me, what I should do. I don’t have any explanation about anything at all. But what I feel, is a never-ending nightmare that somehow doesn’t stop or doesn’t have a specific reason for it. And slowly it is killing me. Because I just don’t get it, I don’t know what to do,” I replied while my tears had already started falling. - “Listen to me Martha, we believe you. You have nothing to prove to us anymore. We believe you, and you are not crazy and I promise we will do the best to help you find out how you came here, preventing the apocalyptic event from happening again in the future and maybe we figure out a solution about everything. I just need one more thing from you. Just be strong, you have our support and you can come to us anytime about anything, but I recommend that you don’t tell anyone anymore besides the people that already know about your story. I am sure that if many people knew about it, many would try to come and take you for their own profits, knowing that you come from the future. Many will have bad purposes, so just promise me, unless we all agree, you don’t tell anyone about your story. I think enough people already know. And I am sure we are more than enough to help you. We will study, work, ask our colleagues and everything that is possible, day and night, just to fix this. I just want you to be calm, because I am telling you, you are the key for solving this,” replied the professor while smiling towards me with a very warmly. As soon as I whipped my tears away, we invited Luis and Nick back. As soon as he got in, Luis said while laughing: - “I hope you didn’t gossip too much about us, or is there anything I should know, huh? I am always ready for new things.” - “Nothing important at all Luis, don’t be stubborn. Nothing at all,” replied the professor. - “So, what do you think about this case father? Do you have any idea at all?” asked Nick, who rarely spoke that day, one of the things I liked a lot about him, he was a very good listener. - “This is very complicated, and we need to do many studies. We’ll have to work on 2 separate cases, you and Luis are going to work on the discovery of the asteroid. I am going to need all the calculations about every flying object with a trajectory close to Earth, also every calculation for every spaceship in space right now, leashed from Earth and their trajectories and speed and all satellites around the planet. Somehow an asteroid is going to end up here. And we need to know why. We have done our studies, the closest one had a percentage of hitting Earth of approximately 0.02%, but we need to redo that from the beginning. I know it is going to take time, but I’ll be sure to find you a place to work on this and get you every equipment that you might need. After you both finish work, we will meet together in a location that I’ll send you later. Or we can do it here in the office but I hope we don’t look too suspicious. Meanwhile I will be working on as many theories as I can on how Martha got here, and how to fix it. And to prevent any mistake or any deviation that could happen in the future from what we are going to do. What I need you to do, Martha, is to go and take a rest for today and continue your daily routine of work, home and everything. I will call you every day because I may need to you ask questions sometimes, so I need you to be here. We will be working together. But meanwhile, continue with your life, and don’t share any information on what we are doing. No one should know about this, also this one is for you boys, unless we make sure everything we have done is correct and needs to be shared with the rest of the world. I hope each of you understands what they need to do. We are in the middle of something that will change the entire world and its history. This will the biggest thing the world has ever seen. Those last words hit us all. We were all listening carefully to everything the professor was stating. He was as a father for both boys, but more than a father, he was a mentor. He had such a big influence on them, and I felt that influence too. We were young and immature, but the respect that we all had for the professor, made us listen more carefully to him and his advice. We were ready to take this thing more serious than ever, not only for its success, not only for my incident, but also for the rest of the world. We felt as we were meant for something, that would affect not only our lives, but everyone else’s life. And it had just begun.   
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