Getting to know Kaden

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 After soaking in the bath for what seemed like hours I felt much better. I was able to get myself out of the bath and dress myself ” Yay” I did it without having to yell for Kaden . I dig through my bag to find my hair brush and a hair tie. I brush out the curly mess and then wade it up in a messy bun.  I look pale compared to  Kaden ; I start to think about how good looking he is and wonder why he wasn’t married. He is rich, good-looking, and nice for the most part. Yep that’s it something has to be wrong with him, I decide. I open the door to enter into the bed room limping along very slowly and I hear Kaden open the door he sees me and rushes over to help me. "You know I may have some crutches in the garage." “That might help, but why do you have crutches” "Old football injury." “oh” He helps me back down the stairs to the couch where we slept last night. It’s still early afternoon and I look out the window admiring the view. It is beautiful. I can see the city building settled just inside what looks like a thousand mountain protecting it. The way the sun hits the pine trees, it gives off a blueish color. I guess that’s why they call it the Blue Ridge Mountains. Deep in thought I was when he came back in with a pair of crutches. Thanks I say as I stand to try them out. "Now let some old mangy wolf try to attack me, I will hit him with my crutch," I say jokingly. Kaden face goes from calm and happy to something more like anger and sadness at my words. He quickly hides his emotions but I saw the flicker of it written all over his face when I said it. He then says to me.  "Be careful Lexi there is wolves everywhere here, and those crutches won’t protect you from them if they want you bad enough." My mouth forms an o at his words and try to question him but he turns and heads upstairs, after a few minutes I hear the shower running, I sit there and think about what he just said to me and I shiver at the thought of being attacked again. Can’t the Forrest service control those stupid dogs? I thought to myself. I shake it off and start flipping through channels trying to take my mind off of it, but it didn’t work. I felt a certain amount of fear for some reason. I mean I do live in the mountains of course there will be wild animals but how often do they attack humans? I turn it to the wild life channel hoping to get an understanding but it is showing some stupid fishing show. I finally turn it off and listen to see if Kaden is still in the shower. He is so I sit there in silence waiting. I have a thousand questions now. I face palm myself and wonder how in the hell do you get yourself into such situations? Finally I hear him shut the shower off and he walks down the stairs dressed in jeans a white t-s**t and no shoes or socks. He also didn’t shave making him look downright sexy. I open my mouth to talk but when I saw him I could form a word. My mouth went dry and I could not stop staring at him. Fatal attraction is all I could get my mind to muster. “Want to order some lunch?” I nod my head still not trusting my mouth to form words. “Burger?” he says raising his eyebrows. "Yeah." I managed to say and "fries will be fine." He orders two burgers and two fries and give the person on the phone his address. He fumbles around in the kitchen for a few minutes and comes out with two sweet teas. Something that I was starting to get used to was sweet tea. I sip my tea and want to question him on the wolves but decide to just get to know him a little bit. "So how did you get into investigative work?" “My best friend was murdered and his case was never solved” My eyes widen in shock, I almost spit my tea all over the place. "What happened to him?" “She (Tonia) was found just outside of town near the Cherokee reservation in the woods. Two hunters found her body; To this day there are very few leads. I promised her family I would find out what happened.  If it takes me the rest of my life I will solve her case.” "How long has it been? ” "Just over three years." "Would you mind if I looked at the case?" “I’ll think about it. Right now we need to solve the case were working on” I shake my head in understanding.  The doorbell rings and our burgers smell wonderfully sinful. He pays the man and brings my box of food over to me. I bite into the delicious burger I have ever eaten. I hear myself groan as I chew and swallow. Kaden; now staring at me like I have lost my mind. "Sorry, it’s just this is the best burger I have ever had." “I told you so” he says as we sit on the couch eating our lunch. As we finish eating he looks at me with a serious expression on his face. "What I ask?" “I’ll make you a deal” "I am almost afraid to ask but OK what is the deal?” "If you and I solve this case before the end of the month, I will hand over Tonia's case file for you to look at." "Deal" I say looking at the calendar on my phone, f**k the end of the month is next week. I shake my head at my lack of attention to the day. I open my mouth to take my part of the deal back but he hold his hand up and lets me know a deal is a deal. "You know I will never be able to close this case in a week and a half don’t you?" “Well I guess you better get to work young lady” "Ha. Is that a challenge?" “Nope just a little encouragement.” "Wow, OK I see how you play." I say as I stand with my crutches to take my trash over to the bin. “You haven't seen me get close to playing with you yet” He says as he turns the tv to a local news station. I start to ask just what in the hell he meant but the headline was talking about a Woman who had been attacked by a wild animal. She was found just outside of town near the Cherokee boarder. Near the location Tonia was found dead, might be worth looking into if I solve the other case I think to myself.  I speak up. "Exactly how many animal attacks happen around here?" “More than you can imagine, that’s why we need to get back to work. You ok with working from here today?” "Yeah, Sure but I don’t have any of my files or my computer." “Yes you do, I had everything brought over last night." He points toward the office and I nod my head." I will get started then." He shuts off the tv and follows me to the office. He has a desk set up for me and all of my work files regarding the current case. Her name was Amy Dickerson. She had been friends with Kaden's sister. She went missing and everyone thought she had just ran off with some guy, until her body was found on  Kaden's parents property. Now I have to prove what happened and everyone is a suspect even his family. "I know what you’re thinking Lexi." “You do?” "Yeah I can see the stress of it all over your face; you just realized that my family is the prime suspects." “I think I would rather call them persons of interest at this point, I will have to set up interview times for everyone who was there from the time she went missing till the time she was found.” "Not a problem that can happen tonight." “Tonight?” "Yeah, we are going over for dinner with the folks." My eyes widen and I open my mouth to talk but he stops me saying. Don’t worry I won’t let the big bad wolf get you this time. I look down at my crutches and think, "What if I have to run from that rabid thing." oops. I said that out loud because that sadness on Kaden's face has now returned for whatever his reasons are. "You wont have to run anywhere, I promise. I won't leave your side." " I am not scared you know" "Could have fooled me." "well I just don't want to be the next girl on TV who body has been used for dinner." "Unfortunately this is our job, you will either get used to sometimes being in danger or you won't." "I didn't mean to sound like oh never mind" "What Lexi?" "Nothing, What time are we leaving?" I say more professional this time. "5:00pm sharp." "OK, I will have a list of questions for your family. Are you sure they will be OK with this?" "They are the ones who ask for this to be done." "OK" I say more nervously than I meant too. I watch as he leaves the room and I get to work with what questions I need to ask. When I am finished I look at the clock and it reads 4:30pm. I close the file and tuck it under my arm and try to use my crutches to go get ready. I make it almost to the door before Kaden opens it. He raises his eyebrow and says "Need some help?" "Yes thank you" I hand him the file to look over while I go to get dressed. I quickly brush my hair and choose a pants suit out of my bag that Lisa sent over. I go with flats because I can't do heels with crutches. I hurry back down stairs to see Kaden talking on the phone and just As he sees me his eyes look like they flash yellow. my mouth drops but I recover quickly and blame it on my imagination. "Ready?" He says as he hangs up the phone. I nod and say nothing as we leave the house.
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