Chapter 24

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The Annual Ball. Yep, that means I didn't catch a freaking break that whole week. Well I didn't want to, I wanted it to be perfect. To impress him. " Did you get the fruit cakes? What about the Iced tea? And the..." I asked the other employees when Cedric suddenly put his arms on my shoulders. " Hey chill chill. You're going all psycho mode. Can you catch a break?" He said massaging my shoulders and I smiled at him. "That's nice Cedric but I really need to get back to work, there's so much work to do before ..." "What are you doing?" I heard a deep baritone voice behind me saying interrupting my line of speech. If one more person interrupts me today, I'll lose it. "Boss, I was just-" "About to lose your job if you don't leave now." Nick finished for him and Cedric nodded taking his hands off my shoulders.. "Take a chill pill alright Ari?" He said leaving. " Come with me." Nick said, holding a cup of coffee.. Coffee would be good now.. yeah, it'd be great. I thought to myself.. "I can't , I'm busy.. there's a lot more to do." " Come with me for 5 minutes Ariane." He said and held my hand pulling me to his office. And I just let him. I was honestly exhausted. We got into his office and he placed me on his couch and took a seat by me.  "Drink" He said feeding me the coffee cup that he was holding.  The coffee was for me? How sweet! I took a sip and moaned ! It was so long since I'd tasted  "As much as I hate to admit it, that i***t had a point. You need to chill,alright? Everything's almost done and it's good" "Good? It has to be perfect! Do you have any idea the important people that are gonna be there? There's going to be Steve-" "Shut up." He interrupted me again and I was about to lose my mind!  I counted from 1-10 in my head and looked at him again . "Excuse me?" I asked slowly staring at the smiling i***t. "If you don't take a 2 hour break right now, I'll lock you in this office for the rest of the day. And here ," he said bringing the food that was on his desk and handing it to me. "Eat. You look you haven't had a good meal in days." He said and I opened it to reveal a chicken salad and my mouth watered. God, how hungry was i?  "Thanks." I told him with a small smile. "Anytime. And you're doing a great job out there. Kind of a control freak aren't ya?" He mentioned with a smirk and I rolled my eyes eating. I ate in silence and I realized he was just watching me and was about to speak when he got a phone call. He walked over to his desk and answered the his cellphone irritatingly. "What?" He said "Yeah, I'm listening..."No, my conditions for the deal remain, tell your boss..." "I'm not changing my goddamn mind!".." I'm not having this conversation anymore asshole. Bye " He said and hung up. He looked up and noticed me staring at him and I didn't turn away. "What?" "Nothing. I-I j-just.." "Yeah?..." He prodded encouraging me to continue speaking. "I just t-thought you were a little too harsh.." I said looking down and waiting for him to lash out at me. He looked at me for a second and didn't say anything  MYB!(Mind your business) Ari. Geez. "I'm sorry, I-I should.." "It's alright. You're right? I should be a little bit nicer huh?" "Y-Yeah" I said quietly surprised he didn't get upset with me. He walked over and took his seat by me once more. "Are you scared of me?" He asked with a small voice. And I shook my head while taking the last bite of my food and placing the empty plate of food on the table. Woah, I finished that fast.. I guess I was really hungry. "Answer me." He said putting my chin up with his index finger. I looked at his brown eyes and was lost in them. The distance between had reduces and I could feel his breath on my face. "No. I'm not scared of you." I told him honestly. I really wasn't . He might be a little frightening when he's mad but he doesn't scare me. "Good. I don't want you to be afraid of me." He said looking at my lips and I was staring at his too. Can he kiss me? "Why not?" I asked him still staring at his lips. "Because..because friends aren't supposed to be scared of each other right?" He said and I pulled away increasing the distance between us. "Yeah, friends." I said and I couldn't understand the irritation coursing through me. Why did it annoy me that we were just friends ? What else could we be? What were you even thinking Ari?  I stood up and was about to leave when he stood up too and held unto my hand and stopped me. "Hey, did I say something wrong?" He asked looking at me and I gave him a tight smile and nodded. "No.Why?" I asked him shrugging nonchalantly. "You have that look on your face where you look kinda mad..I didn't upset you did I? I'm sorry-" he said looking apologetic and confused. "It-its nothing really. I just remembered something annoying from earlier on. It's nothing you did." I lied easily and gave him another smile. "O-okay . But you need a break alright? I'll give you a massage." He said pulling me back to the couch but I resisted. "Nick, I can't. I promise to take a 4 hour nap and massage before the ball in 2 days . I just  need to get everything ready okay? I'll see you later k?" I told him and gave him a kiss on his cheek leaving his office. Huh! Friends ? We're friends. I'm trying to seduce you and you just friend zoned me ? Ugh! I said talking to myself in irritation.  Why you so mad ?  Because the plan isn't working! And and.. And? I have no freaking idea what I'm feeling and why. ******** "Tammy, you ready? Tyler is gonna be here soon." I told her as I adjusted my makeup. Tammy did my makeup and I Melanie helped to pick out our dresses for the Annual Ball. I invited Tyler as my date and he gladly accepted. We were now waiting for him in the living room. "Girl you look good! " I told her looking at her outfit. She looked gorgeous. "You're kidding right? You look stunning! Nick is gonna lose it." She said raising her eyebrows suggestively and I gave her a stare "Stop it." Nick. Yeah, I haven't spoken to him since 2 days ago. I've been ignoring him like the plague which is so stupid since I'm supposed to seduce him. But I need to get my feelings together before talking to him. These 2 days helped.  Not. "C'mon, Tyler Just texted that he's outside." I told her grabbing my purse. I decided to wear a red long dress that exposed one of my legs and had a plunging neckline. I looked pretty good. I think. But from the look Tyler is giving me, I'm thinking I look beautiful. I blushed when he opened the door of his car for me not before kissing my hand like the gentleman he is.  "You look beautiful Ari. So do you Tammy." He said still looking at me with a strange look in his eye. "Thanks Tyler. So how's work?" She started conversation and I remained silent hoping the event went well. I did my best and I'm praying it'll be enough. "It's good. Business is booming." He said with a smile and I could tell he was proud of his success. Tyler's parents owned a ranch with grape fruits so he specializes in making wine. He owns a winery somewhere in the city. He's pretty rich from the expensive car he picked us up with which is different from the one he used the last time I saw him. "That's great. Tammy you can work for me you know? You too Ariane. You don't need an interview or anything like that ." He told us and I saw how happy Tammy became. "Really? I'd love that! When can I start ?" She beamed and I smiled. Happy for her. "Monday. 10am " "10? Holy s**t! How awesome! I'll be there . On time  "Ari, wanna join your sister to make the sickest wine ever?" he asked with a smile and I shook my head. " I'd love to but,I'm sorry. I can't." "Aww, I was already getting used to the idea of seeing you five days a week. But its alright. I get it. Something about loyalty right? Its all good but the offer still stands." "Yeah" I said trailing off and staring out the window realizing we had reached our destination.  The media was everywhere and luckily we didn't have to go through them although  they still took pictures. Tyler wasn't that famous but his wine company was rising massively so I wasn't surprised when they wanted a few pictures of him. He looked handsome with his grey suit and neatly styled blonde hair.  Actually,his company supplied the wine for the event. Nick didn't know he owned the company and I didn't bother telling him. Nick doesn't seem to like Tyler very much. No s**t Sherlock, my inner self just had to talk. I was holding Tyler's hand as we got into the room filled with socialites. The decor was great and everything seemed to be going fine. I was so proud of myself.  Gosh,I felt like doing my happy dance. I showed Tyler and Tammy to our seats and we got comfortable. Then I spotted him, Mr.Perfect. He looked perfect as usual in his tailormade suit and tie. His black,kinda brown hair was styled neatly as he talked with an old couple with his usual business stance. That tux looked so good on him and I couldn't understand because I had seen him try it on a few days ago at his suit fitting. I'm losing my mind, I swear. I looked away immediately. He luckily didn't notice me staring and I joined the conversation Tammy and Tyler were having. I saw Tasha and decided to go up to talk to her. "Excuse me." I told them standing up and I clumsily tripped on my dress and almost fell but Tyler caught me easily,standing as well. This action caught Nick's attention as his eyes were now focused on me. To be specific, he was looking at Tyler's hand on my waist and his eyes suddenly hardened as he turned back to the couple. "Careful darling," Tyler whispered in my ear steadying me.  "Thanks Ty. I'll be right back," I told him smiling and I could literally feel Nick's eyes on me. I walked over to Tasha who was dressed in a beautiful green dress.  "Holy s**t! You look hot Ri! Damn!" She exclaimed when i got close to her. "So do you boo! Look at you all dolled up! Is it for Cedric?" "Hmph.All that guy talks about is you. I kinda envy you. All the guys like you. And you keep rejecting and I can't even land one date! Its so unfair" She said with a pout and  I pinched her knowing she was half joking. "Don't worry about that, the right guy will come when you least expect it. And you can get a date today from that auction!" I told her and she scruched up her face in disgust. "What if its some sick  pshyco?" "It won't be" "Then its gonna be an ugly old man" "It won't be that either" "Then it'll be p*****t that-" "Can you  be optimisic for once Tash?!" I cut her off before she finished talking and she just laughed. "Are you going out there?" "Yes. I'll do anything to help sick kids." I said with a smile. I watched as a waitress almost fell holding the glasses of champagne on the tray and I helped her immediately before she could reach the ground. "T-Thanks. I'm a little clumsy.Please don't fire me. I-I" "Hey,Chill okay? Lemme help you with that."  I said helping her with the tray. "From being a PA to being a waitress.You have no standards do you? How are you even slightly related to Harry?" I heard that snarky annoying high-pitched voice followed by a chuckle.Or was it  a giggle? idc! I turned over to face Alyssa. Of course, she looked beautiful in her silver shiny dress. Her hair was in a ponytail and her makeup as flawless as ever. She just had to be a b***h. " Being a waitress means you have no standards? You're even dumber than I thought. Aren't there more important things for you to do Alyssa? Run along and say hi to Red while you're at it." I said looking at the man in person sitting on their table.  "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked with a glare. "Whatever you want it to. Nice talking to you. Oops! I'm lying . Bye!" I said and left her presence pulling a confused Tasha with me. She stood there the whole time not saying anything with her mouth and eyes wide open. "T-that was so cool! Who knew you had guts to talk to Queen B like that? You've earned my respect!" She said in awe as I pulled her to our table. "I earned it a long time ago Tash." "Whatever." She muttered. I laughed and introduced her to Tyler and Tammy. Woah, that's a lot of Ts. She took a seat by me and she couldn't stop looking at Tyler. "Does He have a girlfriend?" She whispered and I shook my head and she blushed when he looked at her. Okayy.  It was now time for the auction and Tasha and I stood up to go back stage. We were almost there when a hand pulled me back. "Where the hell are you going to?" Nick whispered in my ear and I felt that rush of electrons through my body. Why does he have that effect on me? "The a-auction-" "Don't even think about it." He turned me so I was facing him and he towered over me despite me wearing heels. How tall is this guy? "What?" I asked him confused and staring at his beautiful eyes. "The auction? Don't even think about going up there." "Excuse me? Why not?!" I almost yelled. "Do I need a goddamn reason ? I'm your boss and I've said so. I don't want a whole bunch of hungry men gazing at your body. What if some sick p*****t bids on you? Not on my watch. Go sit your pretty ass down." He told me in a bossy manner leaving no room for discussion. I glared at him and I was getting so angry from his tone"Nick, I want to-" "I'll throw you over my shoulder and take you to -" "Fine!" I said rolling my eyes and walking back to my seat . I heard him calling my name but I didn't turn.  He's so annoying! Stupid annoying handsome i***t. That makes my heart flutter... Ugh! I sat down and the rest of the night went smoothly. The auction was successful and some man bid 50000$ for Tasha! I really hope it's not some pervert.. Nick's dad, Zach went up stage to say a speech after that which I wasn't really listening to because I was too busy looking at the similarities between them . They looked like a carbon copy of each other, Zach being the older one. Later on, Nick himself went up as the CEO and made a speech. He was as eloquent as ever and looked very handsome. When he was congratulating the team that helped with making the event a success, his eyes were directly on me. Only me. It was also time for the dance and I looked at how Zach took his mom's hand and led her to the dance floor. They looked very much in love despite their age. I wanted that. I want that kind of love story. Except I won't be as mean as Nicole is. Nick on the other hand stepped down from the stage and took Alyssa's hand to dance. Alyssa. Alyssa. Alyssa. Jealousy. Jealousy. Jealousy. I almost shot my champagne glass at her. Yeah, I was that jealous. Tyler took my hand and pulled me to the stage and I smiled at him and shot an apologetic look at Tasha who was dancing with some guy from management department on the 8th floor. I think his name is Mike. He's cute. Go girl! Tyler and I were dancing to the slow song and was laughing about something Mel had told me.  Then I saw the glare I was receiving from the other side of the dance floor from Nick. He was in Alyssa's arms but he seemed to be interested in me and Tyler Yay!  Tyler spinned me around and I landed in a different man's arms. Oh it's that type of dance. I looked Cedric and smiled. He looked handsome in his suit and he had a wide smile on as well. "Hey gorgeous. How's your night?"  "All good. It's going on as planned. My efforts didn't go in vain." I told him jokingly as we danced . The song soon changed to 'Give me love' by Ed Sheeran. One of my favorite songs. I smiled as I watched Tasha and Tyler dance. She blushed and I winked at her and she turned her face. I laughed lightly and when we reached the chorus of the song, I was spinned again and this time I landed into this brown-eyed guy with the most handsome features I've ever seen. He pulled me closer to his body and I almost sighed in pleasure from his smell. He smelled so good. Geez.. His hand was firm on mine his grip on my waist was tight as well. Not in a hurting way just enough. "What are you doing here with him? That i***t. " he whispered in my ear with that deep voice of his. "T-Tyler?" I stuttered. "Don't call his name. Just don't." He gritted his teeth annoyingly. "I don't like him. Did you see how he was looking at you? How he was touching you? I hate it! I f*****g hate it!"he said and I looked at his face that was clearly showing how angry he was. "W-What is it to you?" I asked looking up at him and he just turned away. "What is it to you?" I asked again. "You didn't see me complaining when your hands were all over Alyssa."  "Correction. Her hands were all over me. And Alyssa and I-" he stopped himself as the song was ending. I didn't want it to. I loved being in his arms.  "Yes?.." I urged him to continue. "Let's get out of here." He said holding my hand. "What? It's your party! And I haven't even seen Zoey. Or Harry. You can't just leave like that!"  "Yes I can, like you said, it's my party so I can leave whenever I want. Harry is talking to some business partners and Zoey just left . C'mon" he said pulling me through the crowd of people into the corridor where there was a back door. No paparazzi. "But-" "Let's go." "I have to tell Tammy and-" "Call them. Let's go." "I need to-" "Ariane, Please. I want to show you something. I'll tell my driver to drop Tamara off okay? C'mon" he said pulling me towards the door where his convertible was parked outside. He opened the door for me and I got in. He went to the other side and got in as well.  Buckled up, he put down the roof and we drove off to an unknown destination. "Where are we going to?" "Somewhere." He said with a smile and used his free hand to hold mine on my lap. I smiled. We drove for about 10 minutes until we reached a rocky area. If we drove a little further, we would probably fall off the cliff. What is it with rocks? Is he a Dwayne Johnson fan? The view was spectacular. I could see the stars and the whole city. It was beautiful. "Wow." Was all I could mutter. "I know. " he said and we remained silent for a while just looking at the stars. We were still in the car when he looked at me. "I didn't get a chance to say how beautiful you are. Beautiful. Very sbalorditiva " He said -I'm guessing- in Italian looking at me and I blushed. He used his finger to push my hair back. "Thank you." I said my cheeks red. "What does that mean?" He chuckled and looked at me. "I'll teach you Italian, but today..I'll tell you what it means. It simply means 'stunning'. You look stunning cara." Red cheeks! Blushing again! "Are you free on Friday ?" He asked and I said yes. "I-I'd like to take you out." He said looking at me intently waiting for my answer. Like a date? Yes! "A date?" I asked him and he nodded "But what about your girlfriend? I don't want to ruin your relationship.." Yep I do! I'd love to! "Alyssa and I broke up." He said flatly and I almost jumped for joy. "Really ? Then why was she there tonight?"  "Well-because-Look, I can't explain it.. but trust me. I want to take you out. Please say yes." "Yes." I said and I squealed in my head! He gave me a wild grin and took off his jacket and giving me. "You're cold." He said wearing it on me and I smiled inhaling his masculine scent. "I really want to kiss you." He muttered looking at my lips and I inched closer. "But we both know the condition for that to happen." He said with a smirk and I remembered what he had told me. You'll have to beg for me to kiss you. Ughh! I wasn't going to beg! Nope! "While waiting, come sit on my lap. Lemme keep you warm." He said unbuckling my seatbelt and his and carrying me making me straddle him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his face was in my neck. Im supposed to seduce you Nick! Not the other way round! I almost cried. "I love this position." He said tickling my neck with his lips. "So do I Nick. So do I" I muttered my hands going through his hair. ******************  
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