1. Fateful Encounter

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Aslos Kingdom - Civil unrest "You must escape, Giana. Your brother's and I will hold off these barbaric dragons," Alric warned his daughter. "But I want to fight too. This is my home." Giana whined. She couldn't understand why the king suddenly was attacking its own citizens. Sure, they were not from Aslos, but her family had moved here for years because of the richness and stability it offered. Her father met the kings advisor and found out she was his mate. They had six children together over one hundred years span. I was the youngest and only girl. My family cherished me. My mother trained me to be wise as her and a future advisor to the king. My father and brothers trained me to defend myself should another dragon kingdom decide to attack us. Three Weeks Earlier I went out on one of my regular flights and decided to vere North to a section of the kingdom I had never explored before. I was big for a female dragon and believed it was just the god blessed genes of my parents. After all, my families dragons were bigger than most dragons in Aslos. Our colorful scales were mixed of golden blue and red. As I landed, the most exquisite and delicious scent hit me. I followed the scent as my body shifted to its human form. The rich vanilla and rosewater almond scent was strongest in this forest direction. The sounds of the forest were alive with the chirping of birds and other animal sounds. As I rounded the biggest Willow tree I have ever seen. I stop in my tracks as my eyes linger on the most handsome man with a very strong commanding aura. I could tell he was a dragon, but he was in human form. He turned and smiled at me as the wind blue my scent in his direction. My human like legs almost gave out. His smile was radiant with the cutest dimples and bright blue silver eyes. He was shirtless, showing all his muscles that he was blessed with in all the right places. I allowed my eyes to wonder around to see what he was doing. So he was a painter, a very gifted one too. I admire his painting skills of the scenery he just painted. The scene before him, I suddenly noticed the most breathtaking view of the lake and mountains. "That's beautiful!" I said, not knowing what else as I fumble with my fingers. I was not shy, but he was quite a dominant being, and my mind was mush. He placed his paint brush down on his easel, and the next instance, he was standing before me. "Thank you!" he replied as he stared at me. He sniffed the air again, this time taking deeper breath. His words had my inside squealing with delight as he said those words that mean the world to most supernatural beings. "Mate," we said together. His voice was alluring and sent delicious shivers to my body. He touched my cheeks, and I leaned into him. I wanted him to continue touching me. But I didn't want to seem I was moving too fast. But how does one fight this feeling of needing to be with this stranger for the rest of your life. I was so lost in thought that I missed what he asked. I looked up at him, puzzled. "What's your name?" he asked. It took me a moment to come to my senses and respond. "Giana," I replied. "And you?" I asked, curious as to who this exquisite man was. He looked me up and down and smiled even more. " Michael... Michael Storvi." I licked my lips and repeated the name, and he shivered. I liked that I could do that to him. "Can I kiss you?" he asked. I wanted to tell him you can do anything, but I had never experienced s*x before. My mated friends told me wonderful stories about their own experiences, of course leaving out the more vivid details, but I couldn't imagine at seventeen I would meet my mate. My eighteenth birthday was coming up in a few days. Most dragons met theirs when they were fifty to two hundred years old. What luck did God bless me with? I wondered. He was looking at me with a raised eyebrow , sniffing the air, and smiling when he smelt my arousal. I, dear, not speak and nod my head. He smiled and leaned in. His breath was warm and minty, and as he came inches to my lips, he stopped and smirked. I swallowed the excitement that was bubbling inside and lifted my head up to meet his lips since he was taking too long to reach mine. The explosive emotions I had never felt Burts out of me as I tried to devour this mate of mine. In one moment we were in the woods the next we were in a castle in a huge bedroom. I didn't have time to explore the new location. I just knew I wanted Michael, and he wanted me. He stripped off my clothes and kissed every part of my body. I tried to do the same to him. Learning as I go along, leaning into my emotional instincts. Once we were naked and breathing heavily. I suddenly felt vulnerable and said, "I'm a virgin." "Don't worry, my love. I will be gentle with you." He crooned as he sniffed the crook of my neck. After hours of being tangled into each other, you could hardly tell where one ended and one began. "I can't believe we did that. It was amazing." I said. He smiled and pulled me to straddle him. "You're mine," he aserted, and I will mark you soon. I just need to get a few things in order." I noticed the day was getting away from me, and soon, my family would be out searching for me. He gave me one of his oversized shirts to put on since my clothes were shredded. "Can I see you tomorrow?" I asked. He moved to me and lifted my chin to look him in the eye. "You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever encountered." He cooed as he rubbed my cheeks. "You don't think they are strange?" I asked. I was always teased in school that I had demon or witches eyes. He gently tilted my head so that the light reflected off. My eyes were purple and blue with silver specks. *** My father was one of the kings general, and little by little, he found out the king wanted to purge his home of dragons who weren't of the same type or origin. It all started with a dark witch named Celeste. She was friends with my mother, who was the kings strategist and advisor. She was a fierece warrior and knew how to hold her own against the kings tiraid respectfully. But one day, my mother suddenly disappears, and Celeste becomes the new advisor to the king. The rest is history. If you were not a pure blood, you were removed from the kingdom. *** As I soared through the DrixNar Peak, the rugged landscape beneath my claws fascinated me. Hiking was a peculiar joy; the crunch of gravel underfoot was far more satisfying than the ease of flight. I treasured these explorations, weaving through various realms where friends awaited. Among them was Anna Kelson, a mortal with a heart untouched by belief in the supernatural. Her faith in God intrigued me, a connection we shared despite our differences. As I landed near the campsite, I marveled at the simplicity of human desires for wilderness experiences. Anna's upcoming birthday added an extra layer of excitement to our venture. Concealing my true identity from my human friends. ***
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