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Stepping out of the carriage, I am in awe of the building before me. It is three stories high, has at least 20 windows on the front alone, and it is made of beautiful, red brick. Patrick notices my look of amazement and laughs. "Like what you see, my Queen?" I nod frantically, unable to form a sentence. He wraps his arm around my waist which makes me gasp. I can feel the blush rushing to my pale cheeks. How can this man have such an effect on me? Whatever the reason, I can't deny that I like it. He is the most striking man I have ever seen, not that I have seen many. He has the most beautiful blue eyes that feel like they can bore into my soul. His shoulders are broad and muscular and he stands nearly a foot above me. His hair is jet black and silky smooth. I long to run my fingers through it, to feel his lips against mine.  "You ready?" Asks Patrick, pulling me out of my fantasy. "I'm ready." I say, blushing. I swear he can read my mind and knows what I was just fantasising about. The smirk on his face would agree.  Upon opening the door, we are greeted with a vast hall. The staircase is in front of us, splitting at the top, leading to either side of the upper floor. Patrick shows me around quickly before taking me up stairs for that long awaited bath. This house is one of dreams. The kitchen is magnificent. Patrick tells me they have a resident cook, Mrs Murphy, who is a sweet lady. The common room boasts many couches that look extremely comfortable and a fireplace that stretches the entire height of the ceiling. The dining room is also something to behold, though Patrick says it doesn't get much use. Upstairs there must be 6 bedrooms on the second floor. I am taken to one at the front of the house, looking out over the forest below. There is a four poster bed, a huge closet, a dressing table, a fireplace and an en suite bathroom. All of the furniture is dark wood and oozes wealth. The bathroom is no less fabulous. A giant bathtub is the centre piece and a double vanity lines the right wall, accompanied by a wall length mirror.  "You take your time getting settled in. Enjoy a bath and some rest if you wish. I will have Sonia, the resident maid, bring you some clothes. When you're done, head down to the kitchen. Mrs Murphy will make you anything you like and I will meet you there at 5pm. I have a few meetings to get through today, but it won't take too long." Overcome with gratitude I turn and give Patrick a hug, my head resting on his chest. I can hear his heart racing. Maybe I'm not the only one who feels sparks when we touch. He returns the hug and rubs the top of my head. I could definitely get used to this.  "Thank you, Patrick. This is more than I could have ever dreamed of." I say, a little embarrassed.  "No need to thank me, my Love. I've been waiting for you for too long. This is all yours as much as it is mine. Now, go enjoy that bath and I'll see you soon." Before releasing me from our embrace, he bends down and kisses my forehead. The smile that crosses his face warms my heart. Whatever a Mate is, I think I wouldn't mind being his. He leaves the room and I almost instantly feel lonely.  I don't know if this is too good to be true, some sort of trap before I am taken in and used as a slave again, but I decide that I'll enjoy these luxuries while I have them. I go into the bathroom again and stepping closer, realise that the tub has already been filled. I find some fragranced oils on the vanity and pour a few drops into the hot water. Milk and Honey the bottle says. Indeed in smells heavenly and I'm sure this will be the nicest I've ever smelt. Closing the door behind me, I take off my rags, and sink into heaven. The hot water feels so good on my neglected skin. I think I could stay in here forever. I close my eyes and for the first time in my life, I completely relax.  I stay in the bath until the water goes cold. I don't want to waste any of that beautiful heat. I wrap myself in a towel and head back out to the bedroom. On the bed is a dress like I've never seen. It's a dark emerald colour, matching my eyes. White trim flirts with the bottom of the dress giving it a girly feel. The buttons are gold and on the floor is a pair of brand new brown boots to match. Tears threaten to spill over my cheeks as I admire the beautiful clothes laid before me. Just then, there is a knock at the door.  "Sorry to disturb, Luna. My name is Sonia and I have been asked to come and help you get dressed into the clothes that I brought." "Come in" I say, a little unsure. I've never been helped into a dress. Is that a normal thing? In comes a young girl, no older than me. She has deep brown hair and hazel eyes. Her cheeks are dotted with freckles and her smile could light up any room.  "Hello." I smile. "Thank you so much for this dress. I've never worn anything so fabulous in my life." "Don't mention it. It is only what our Luna deserves, and I know you are going to look just fabulous in it with that fiery hair of yours!"  This girl is excitable and I love it. I've never had a friend. All of the girls in Kylemore treated me just as badly as Dorothy, some even worse. I knew we would become good friends, I hoped we would anyway. I couldn't help but chuckle at how excited she was to get me dressed up, like I was her own personal doll. She helped me into the dress and boots then she sat me down at the dressing table so she could do my hair.  "So Luna, what are you thinking for your hair today? If you ask me, I think you should let these wild red curls out to play." Sonia says while winking at me in the mirror.  "Honestly, Sonia, I have no idea. I have never done my hair in any fashionable way, so I give you free rein to do what you like." I wink back at her in the mirror.  She shrieks in excitement and quickly gets to work. After what feels like hours, she is done. My long red curls are hanging over my shoulders and tickling my waist. Looking in the mirror, I am pleased. This is a long way from the rags I am used to. My stomach grumbles so I decide to head down to the kitchen, it must be close to 5 o clock.  "Thank you so much, Sonia. I would have been lost without you. Promise you'll help me again?" I ask. "It would be my pleasure, Luna. I just know we are going to be great friends." I smile at her and leave, more than ready for dinner. Reaching the kitchen I see an older lady working at the counter top. It smells amazing in here and my mouth in watering. "Hello, you must be Mrs Murphy." I say, announcing my presence.  I must have startled her because she jumps and spins around in shock. Looking at me, her mouth is open and she almost looks like she is frozen in time. I start to think that I shouldn't be here. Maybe I will get into trouble? "MOON GODDESS!" Exclaims Mrs Murphy. "Luna, forgive my behaviour, I am simply taken aback by your beauty. Our Patrick has been searching for you every day for the past two years. I told him today was a special day, but he wouldn't listen. Please, have a seat. What can I fix you to eat?" Patrick was right. She is beautiful, what I imagine having a loving mother would feel like.  "Thank you, Mrs Murphy. Honestly, I'm still a little confused about everything that is going on, the weird names people are calling me and why Patrick was looking for me at all. He did say that we would have a long talk after dinner though. I'll just eat whatever is available, Mrs Murphy. I've lived on porridge and stew my entire life, so I'm sure that anything you make will be heavenly." "Don't worry, Luna, you will soon receive the answers you are seeking. You are special, I just know it. And don't worry, we'll fatten you up soon enough too. No more porridge or stew for you, only the best for our Luna. Now sit, relax and help yourself to the tea." I cant wipe the smile from my face. I've never felt so cared for, and weirdly, so loved. This place feels like home already and Kylemore School feels like a distant memory.  Patrick comes into the kitchen looking stressed. He is rubbing the back of his neck and he hasn't even noticed me. He heads to the sink and splashes his face with water. Turning around he freezes, his eyes locked on mine. He doesn't say a word but he paces over to me, looking at me like I'm an animal of prey. He moves my hair from my left shoulder and buries his face in my neck. He breathes me in like he needs me more than oxygen. I don't move, I give him what he needs. After all, he has been so generous to me. Pulling away, he holds my face in both of his hands and kisses me softly. It takes my breath away and time seems to stop. Sparks fly and I feel like I'm floating. His lips are soft and tender and they massage mine like they are pieces of the same puzzle. He hesitantly pulls away from the kiss, breathless. Holding his forehead to mine and looking me in the eyes, he utters a sentence that is going to change my life. "I know who your Father is, Nora. His name was Desmond Ryan."
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