
842 Words
I am shoved inside and then forced into a kneeling position. The man shoves my head down, telling me to keep quiet. I struggle against him, but he threatens me by touching the taser to my side. I stop and stay still. Finally, someone arrives in front of me and lifts my head so that we are making eye contact. "What is your name?" He asks me, examining my face. "Matthew," I say hesitantly. He looks pleased. "You'll work well... Get up." I start to get up slowly, but he snaps at me and I rise as quickly as I can, not wanting to make the situation worse. "Uncuff him, and then bring him up to my room. I will be there momentarily." The man says. The men behind me bring me up the stairs to a large bedroom and then uncuff me, leaving and locking the door behind them. What is going on? After a few very long minutes, the door opens, and the man from downstairs enters the room. I don't think, I only act. I run at him, throwing a punch aimed at his jaw, but he catches my hand and twists my wrist behind me, pinning it to my back and forcing me over to the bed. "Tsk, tsk. Someone is a little rebel. Don't worry, I'll soon knock that out of you." He opens one of the nightstand drawers and pulls from it a length of rope. He keeps my arm pinned to my back as he ties my wrists together tightly. He then pulls something else from the drawer and my eyes widen. Is that a collar? I struggle as he wraps it around my neck, locking it in place. I try to pull away, but he tightens the collar even further. "Behave, my pet, or it will be worse for you." I curse at him, but he ignores me and snaps a leash onto the collar, tugging on it. "Follow me, pet." He pulls me across the room to a door on the other side. "From now on, you will only call me Sir or Master. You will obey the orders of everyone in this house, as they are all your superiors. Is that understood?' I remain completely silent, not believing what I am hearing. I am supposed to call this man 'Master'? And I'm just supposed to go along with it and depend on him like some weak little pet? He strikes my jaw, hard. "You will answer me when I ask you a question, pet. Is that understood?" "Yes, Sir," I say bitterly. He nods in approval and reaches for the door knob. When he opens the door, I am taken aback at how large the room is. It seems to go on forever. It is dimly lit, so it is very hard to see inside, but what I can see is horrifying. Whips, crops, paddles, and canes line the walls. Chains hang from the ceiling and from all of the furniture. I try to back up and run, but Master yanks on the leash and I am pulled back roughly. "You don't want to leave now, pet. The fun hasn't even started," he whispers into my ear. I find myself whimpering slightly as he drags me along behind him. "Please don't," I beg. I don't want to be here... I don't want to do this... He just laughs at me. "You'll be begging for this later. They all do..." He grins and pulls me over to an odd looking piece of furniture. It looks almost like a tall footstool, with wrist restraints on the far end. I feel him untying my hands, and then pulling them in front of me. He forces me to bend over the piece of furniture, and locks my hands there so that I cannot move. I watch him as he wanders around the room, searching through different drawers. I see him pulling out a pair of scissors. I try to get away from him, but I'm stuck. "Calm down," he says. He brings the scissors to the collar of my shirt and starts to cut until it is in half. He pulls it off and I shudder. He brings the scissors down my back to the waist of my pants. "Don't," I beg, "Please... I... I'm straight..." Maybe that will change his mind. He just laughs. "They all say that." He cuts through my shorts, pulling them away from my skin. "You won't be needing these," he says. Then, his scissors move to my boxers and I try to get away, but he pushes me down against the furniture. "Anything else," I plead, knowing what's coming. "Please, I'll do anything else..." "No," Master snaps. "Now, no more whining or this punishment will be worse for you." He tears my boxer shorts away and I am left naked and at his mercy. I clench my jaw. How could my father do this to me? The Master leaves, and when he comes back I don't like what I see...
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