CHAPTER 1: Yes, I am a sore loser

1954 Words
Red If you ask anyone who truly knew me to describe me, I'm a hundred percent sure they'd say I'm a happy go lucky, always smiling, always joking, always laughing type of girl— and I usually genuinely am, but lately I've been nothing but dour and bitter. All because of a guy. I breathe out and stare at the large expanse before me— see? I don't do these things! I don't stare blankly at random views on the highest keep! I don't do these things! This was Sapphire's thing! "UGH!" I grab my hair and alternately stomp my feet against the stone window seal in frustration. I can't believe I'm being such a girl! "UGH THIS IS STUPID!" "Stomp your feet any harder, I'll guarantee you'll fall off that window." I turned to stare blankly at Link in all his hazel- eyed form as he walked towards me with his very defined sweaty chest on full display. "Ugh, Link, I'm being broody about your brother! Leave me alone!" I whined but find myself turning to face him as I place my feet back on the wooden floor, my heart quickening at the thought of him near me. He looked so much like Abe and it made me feel and imagine things. "Can't I be broody with you?" He smirks as he slings his shirt over his left shoulder and finds an old dusty chair to sit on. I gave him a flat look, trying hard to avoid staring at his chest. I may have a mate, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a nice sculpted man when he's in front of me. "No." "Why not?" "Because you look like him!" I looked away, refusing to acknowledge Link's expression, and turned to face the window again. "You being here just reminds me how unlovable I am." I hear the chair creak and drag against the floor before he speaks again. "You aren't unlovable, Red." This time his voice is right beside me. "Then why doesn't he choose me?" I asked in a small voice. Suddenly feeling all sorts of insecure. Even my wolf hid in the corner of my mind, not the slightest bit interested in the conversation, even though it was about her mate. Yeah, the mate who basically rejected you. "He didn't choose Melanie either." "Not verbally." As I hear him sigh, he lifts my feet and sits on the window seal and quietly places them on top of his thighs before turning to me. "There's no winning this argument with you, is there?" I smirk, my green eyes meeting his. "There's no winning any argument with me, ever." Link chuckles deep, sending weird vibrations through me as he pats my ankles. "That's right. You're always right." I smiled despite the sudden confusion of my body and pulled my legs away from him. "Let's head down. Sapphire's going to skin me alive if I don't see her before she leaves." Link gets up and offers his hand out which I accepted out of courtesy. "He's down there, you know." I paused mid- step and squared my shoulders. "Well, he's going to have to deal with me, entering with you." I give him a wink and grasp his hand tighter as I pull him down the stone steps. "So you're using me to make my brother jealous?" I turn to him but he merely laughs and shakes his head. "Forget I said anything. I'd gladly be of service." This time, he leads us down the spiral stairs, with his calloused hand around mine, gripping me tightly. This would make for a perfect romantic scene if he were Abe— ugh! Stop thinking about him! • • • "REDIANNE THOMPSON!" I smile sheepishly at my mother's shrill voice as Link and I walk hand in hand through the large palace doors. "How dare you let the Princess wait?!" I flinch at her scolding look and turn to Sapphire who was currently in the arms of Alpha Orion, whispering nothings to each other. "I'm sure she doesn't mind waiting, especially if she's waiting in the arms of her mate." Hearing me, Sapphire turns to me with a playful glare but I didn't miss the way she looked at mine and Link's clasped hands. "You're right. I didn't mind waiting at all. Relax, Doc." My mother rolls her eyes at me but gives Sapphire a smile which in turn made me rolls my eyes. "Now, say your goodbyes. We have to leave." I laugh silently at Alpha Orion's very impatient expression as he lets go of Sapphire. "Are you sure you'll be fine?" I raise my eyebrows at Sapphire who had her brows drawn together in worry. "Are you really asking me that?" I pat Link who was still standing beside me. "Link will keep me company." Sapphire glances at him momentarily exchanging a look of understanding making me instantly feel left out. "Hey! You two can't exchange looks like that!" "What looks?" Alpha Orion asks, wrapping his arms lovingly around his mate's, I swallow hard at the sight. I could have been like this with my mate. Only difference is, he has a different woman in his arms. "Nothing for you to worry about." Saph gets on her tippy toes and kisses the corner of his lips. "Let go of me." I look away as I feel the green jealous monster start to build up on the bottom of my stomach. "You'll be fine." I look up and see Link give me a smile, not one of pity but a genuine smile. "I will." I answer breathlessly as I start to get lost in his hazel eyes. Ones that looked much like his brother's. "Red!" I blink fast and turn to Sapphire and Orion who both had a smirks on their faces. "What?" "Nothing." I frown at the Alpha and stray my eyes on my best friend. "Nothing what?" Instead of answering me, Link chuckles and lightly pushes me towards Sapphire. "What now?" "Say goodbye to them so they can leave." Oh. Right. I shrug my shoulders and jump towards Sapphire bringing her into one of my best hugs. "Are you really going to be okay?" I roll my eyes. "Yes, Princess Worry. I will be fine." I answer, seeking my wolf for comfort. We'll be fine. "Red." She pulls away and grasps my forearms tightly. "Melanie and Abe are still staying here because of her on going case, I can cancel our-" "Continue that sentence and I swear to kick you." I threaten, looking her straight in the eyes. "Do you honestly think I don't know that? I'm kind of hyper-aware of the bastard... more than I'd like to admit." She laughs but barely. "I will be fine and If I can't take it, I'll just jump off a cliff-" "RED!" I laugh and put my palms flat against both sides of her cheeks, effectively squishing it. "I'm kidding. Don't worry too much kay?" "Reddiane! Get your hands off the Princess' face!" I freeze at my Mother's voice and share a look with Sapphire making us laugh like buffoons as I brought my hands down. "You guys go now." I whisper, pushing her towards the alpha. "Bye Lady Red." I give Alpha Orion a playful frown. He knows I hated to be called Lady Red by the people close to me. Were we close? I mean I thought he was scary at first but after the whole ordeal of getting almost killed by Rebels and seeing my mate, Nothing seemed scarier than being rejected. So now I treated the Alpha as some sort of friend and he kind of also treated me like one. Just as Orion and Sapphire turned to walk through the doors, a voice I abhorred stopped them. "Princess!" I could feel every hair in my body stand in irritation and my wolf, growl at their mixed scents. "Melanie?" I feel Link close the gap between as and wrap his arms around my form, arms which I shrug off because it didn't feel right, not with Abe being meters away from us. "Do you need anything?" Sapphire asks cooly, stepping in front the hulking form of her mate, yeah like she could cover all 6 foot 7 inches of him. "I-" Melanie stops walking when she notices how tense the room got and stops just a couple meters away. "I- can we talk?" Behind her, Abe walks slowly but barely even giving me a glance. I could feel the confusion and hurt of my wolf. His wolf was wanting to acknowledge us but the human didn't even turn our way. "No, no you can't." I speak up nodding at Sapphire and Orion to go. "Excuse me? And who are you to say that?" I smirk, completely ignoring Abe as I step close to her. My wolf was now in the forefront of my mind, letting some of her dominance show. "I am Redianne Thompson, first Lady to the Princess." I say with a forced smile as I step in front of Sapphire. It may seem like I am out of turn but not anyone can just talk to my best friend, especially not her. Yes, call me possessive. I don't care. "Well then, I don't care. I need to talk to her and Orion." Sapphire growls lowly at the mention of her mate's name out of Melanie's mouth. "That's Alpha Orion to you." I turn briefly to see if Orion or Sapphire wants to say anything but they merely stayed in each other's arms. Red, We'll let you deal with this. We'll head out now. I nod at Orion's mind link and couldn't help but smile at the shock on Melanie's face. "Wait-" "If you want to have an audience with the Princess— well any royal for that matter, you have to schedule it accordingly through her lady in waiting." Link speaks up, taking a step next to me— as if protecting me from her or Abe. "I don't have time to schedule anything! My trial is in a couple of days! I need Orion to testify that I let him go!" At this I raise my eyebrows. "I have to talk to them!" "The alpha has already made his statement in writing and has passed it off to the Justice council." I state platonically. Just then, the engine of what sounds like a helicopter start to run, automatically sending Melanie into a panic. "Orion!" Just as she attempts to run, I block her and let my wolf exert what dominance I could. "Stand down." I push her back and take an ominous step towards her. Outside my face is calm but inside I am anything but. My wolf was close to jumping out and it took everything in me not to lunge at her; I could feel my heartbeat pulsating on my neck, the hairs all over my body stands erect as my vision starts to focus on nothing but her frightened expression. My wolf wanted blood for her disrespect and her presence, I also wasn't about to stop my wolf. "Melanie!" My wolf pulled back in an instant when Link wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back, jostling me back into the present. "She said to stand down!" Melanie immediately looked down in submission but was shaking in anger. Hah! b***h thought she could best me. Just as I thought I was calm enough, Abe walks behind her and pulls her into his arms, making me feel like a block of cement was just thrown on my chest. I've exerted dominance over Melanie, yes but why do I feel like I just lost?
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