Removing Dress

896 Words
Okay. Well then I guess my next question would be is it custom to…you know, before the ceremony?" Between one second and the next, the rigidity was gone. He was once again stoic as he went to the bed and sat down, pulling off his boots. "You know for a modern girl to not even able to say s*x or f**k. It's kind of a surprise to me. And you can call it whatever you want. Her body tensed, both wanting his answer to her question and not. But she crossed her arms under her breasts and glared at him. As a virgin with no friends, she had no reason to use that kind of language with her parents. Apparently, that wasn't the case with this man. "Fine," she snapped. "Is it custom to f**k before the ceremony?" His hand stopped unlacing his other boot as he looked up at her from under surprised eyebrows. Using the pad of his other foot against the heel, he kicked off the other boot while never taAlpha his eyes off her. "No," he said, finally. "It's depends upon the mates and I am not to take that liberty beforehand." "Liberty?" she demanded, unable to believe she was hearing this. He gave her a look. "Yes, liberty. I picked you as my mate, which means mating will be involved." Standing up he came to tower over her. "Don't forget that I am the Alpha. I can take what I want. Once the ceremony is complete, you will be mine to do with as I see fit. And the pack will need evidence that the union has been consummated." Horror washed over her as an image of members of the pack standing in this room watching him do with her as he saw fit, flashed in her mind. Bile rose up in her throat, threatening to burn her. "E-evidence?" she choked out. That means that they are going to do right in front of everyone like wolves. He motioned behind him. "The sheet. It will have our scents and mixed fluids. The elder females will take it to be put with other…collectables…attesting to my reign as Alpha for the records. And you as my mate. What..what were you thinking" "Nothing. What Collectables?" she shook her head and demanded. Now that pissed her off. Her virginity wasn't something to be locked away to be studied and stared at. It actually meant something to her. "Really? Is that all this is to you? To add trophies to your chapter in the history books? This is my life you're messing with, you-," In the blink of an eye, he was on her once more, forcing her against the wall. His big hands came up to either side of her face as he leaned his massive frame into her. With a low growl, he said, "Don't ever presume to tell me about my own motives. You know nothing about pack ways. Trophies are not my interest. I didn't want a mate, so don't flatter yourself that you're here because of some instant connection or your bravery. You're here because you were the strongest female out there. Don't think that you are in any way important to me. After the ceremony, we will f**k so don't think you can smartass yourself out of that one. It has to be done. I won't dishonor my pack by skirting around your delicate sensibilities."  After a long moment of staring her down, his eyes went to her breasts and the ample cleavage showing above her dress.  "Although I can at least say the act won't be as distasteful as it could have been with some of the other females. At least I know I'll enjoy it. But don't worry," he said, catching her look of fear, "I promise to make sure you're ready for me." He dropped his hands to her shoulders. "Now turn around." "Why?" she asked in a breathy voice. She was forced to turn with his steel-like grip on her shoulders which forced her to move. "Like I said earlier, I can sense your exhaustion. You need sleep." It was a moment before she felt his fingers start to untie the lacings of her tight dress. Gasping, she clutched her hands to her chest as the dress loosened. "What are you doing?" He growled. "Do you want to sleep in the dress?" "No, but I can take it off myself, thanks." Asshole. "Just shut up and let go of it." "But you said-," His fist slammed into the wall next to her face. "Don't push it woman, I know what I said earlier," he said with a snarl. "And though I can't have you yet, I am allowed to look at what's to be mine. Drop your hands and the dress. Now!" Though she wanted nothing more than to cower with fear, she swallowed it down. Clenching her jaw, she moved her hands to her sides. Deucalion brushed the straps of the dress over her shoulders so it dropped around her to pool at her feet. She was in a simple white bra with half cups to accommodate the dress and white lace panties. Instead of hunching in on herself, she stood straight, square shoulders, and stared at the wall. This time when he growled, it was low and warm, as if he couldn't help the sound coming out of him. He picked up the heavy weight of her long hair to rest it over her shoulder.
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