the List

704 Words
September, 14th Now we are inside the school. And Kristal can't wait to get the first lesson of technology. She is obsessed with software and hardware and other technology stuff. Thanks to her we have been able to change the bad grades of Kris he got in maths in the school system. I know it looks kinda illegal and a bad manner, but if we hadn't done that then, he would not have passed the class and in a way or another, he would be separated from us. That's a white lie! We told that lie for the best of our friend. As we enter inside the school, Kristal separated from us to meet her love, Ari. Ari is younger than her, but she believes in the quotation: "Love knows no age." They have been together for six months, but it looks like they know each other for a lifetime. The bell is ringing. Time to start the real school year! While we were sitting in our school benches, Ben was behaving strangely. -That smell had missed me for months, - Ben said. -What smell?-Greta asked. -That. -The smell of the benches. -Are you serious? -I have always thought you are insane about school.-Silvana said. -Yes. That smell is the smell of knowledge,-Ben replied. Different from other high schools, on the first day of the school year, we don't learn any lesson. Most of the teachers usually ask us about summer holidays, some others quote us the quotation: "School is your future. Learn as much as you can." and other quotes like: blah, blah, blah...The passing hour was in the presence of our physics teacher, Ms Dida. She is the only strict teacher. She directed us the question: "How much is the surface gravity of Mars. I have good grades, but I need more work in physics. I hoped she wouldn't ask me. -Mr Toli?- she called Jon. -Yes. -How much is the surface gravity of Mars? I wanted to help him, but I couldn't because I didn't know the answer. That was another problem with me. That question needs to be answered by a genius and it was Ben. Ben, the genius. My sweet Jon, ... I mean my poor friend. He acted like he was thinking and acted like he was calculating some numbers and then the first aid came. Since Jon is on the last bench and Ben is in the second one. Ben wrote the answer in a paper when Ms Dida wasn't looking at Ben. -0.3...0.376,- Ben answered. -Correct Mr Toli! We had a shortened hours lesson today. It's almost lunchtime and it is time to go home together as a " Strong Ties" group. -I can not believe Mr Duda taught us today!- Jon said. - It's Ms Dida,- I corrected. - It's the same thing. - Listen to me you jerks! I want to say a wish. -What kind of wish?- Beku asked. -I want to throw Ms Duda...- Jon said. - Ms Dida! - I interrupted. - Whatsoever, you girl-without-a-boyfriend,- he teased ms. -... down the stairs and then she will have her leg broken, so she won't be able to teach us. -Great idea!- we all agreed. I can not explain where that idea came from, but I think it would be great. -Attention, please, -I said. -I have an idea. I think we should do a to-do list for this school year. - What type of list?- Izzy asked. - The list "I-have-always-wanted-to-do-it". - I like this. Good job girl-without-a-boyfriend! -he teased me again. I have never liked him teasing me, but I have always allowed him. I don't know why! - I like your idea, Hana! But I think we should set some rules first. -Like what?- I asked. - Like... while doing those things in the " I-have-always-wanted-to-do-it" list, nobody should doubt in us. - So we will work as a CIA, -Albi added. - Yes. For example, if we wanna give a lesson to somebody, we should make it looks like it was somebody's fault, -Jon said. - Let's work on that "I-have-always-wanted-to-do-it" list!!! - Let's do it! - we all agreed.
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