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I wasn't sure why I was shaking so badly. Was it the cold, the nerves, or the willpower it was taking me to stand? My head was pounding, making my ears ring. We were standing in the small area where the fire pit had been, now transformed into a fighting arena. The men removed their shirts and just stood in their pants, stood similar to how martial arts stood in a respectful but challenging stance. Brracks explained what was allowed and how the end and winner was determined. After that, he sent them to their corners. They stood at the ready, it felt like an eternity. "FIGHT!" the signal was given, in a flash of color, both men ran at each other. There were fists and kicks flying in every direction. Just like in Dragonball Z. Geeky reference but it was all a flash. My human eyes couldn't keep up, Shawna stood next to me being just as stressed and nervous as me. She had a death grip on my arm. As quickly as they hit the floor, they quickly got back up and at each other. A few minutes into the fight, another signal was given, and both men started to change. It didn't take long, it had been the fastest I had ever seen them change. The snarls and growls that came from them both, sent a terrified shiver up my body. Praying that Josh came out on top. All I could really think was that Josh was bigger than Logan. The negative thought that size didn't always win the fight,crept in every few seconds. "Come on Josh!" I thought to myself. There was suddenly something that caught my eye. The dark shadow was leaving Logan. As soon as that happened, Logan started to lose. Suddenly a realization hit me. "Josh, stop!" I yelled. Josh flipped Logan hard onto his back, and a sickening c***k echoed. Logan was still and not breathing. Both Shawna and I ran forward, to check Logan. His pulse was weak. "Brracks, let's get him inside!" I said, but when I touched Logan's body, my headache hit me ten fold. I screamed in pain and held my head. "Camila!?" Brracks shouted, but I shook my head and signaled them onward. A while later, Shawna, Amelia, and my great aunt had Logan stable. Amelia confirmed that there was residue left behind from the dark magic done on Logan. Which they didn't understand. "He's been with us the whole time," said my great aunt. "Actually not the whole time, when the guard changes..." "That's still a very small window for someone to hex him." My great aunt sighed hopelessly. "I thought we would be protected and now we've put everyone at risk. Once an honor killing order is sent out, there's no stopping it." She said, looking down at Logan with pity in her eyes. I looked at my great aunt. She's never been the kind to just throw in the towel, or to show a lot of emotion when things got bad. Why was she changing so much now? After I was sure Logan was okay, I went to find Josh. He was sitting in his office, dressed and just sitting back in his chair. As calm as he looked, I could sense he was anything but calm. I sat down on the floor next to his feet, and touched his knee. His body tensed, but he didn't open his eyes. "Josh, you okay?" I asked in a soft tone, hoping behind hope he didn't take offense. "Not even close, to okay." he said, his voice very growly, and when he opened his eyes they were still light in color. "It wasn't your fault. How could any of us know he was being controlled?" He suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders, getting right into my face, rage at full view. "How can I be the alpha if I can't protect my men...my people!" he snarled shaking me a little. I looked into his eyes, anger,fear and frustration were clear there. I lowered my gazed and sighed deeply. He seemed to realize what he was doing because he slowly went from grabbing my shoulders, to gently pulling me toward him. He kissed me, on the lips and it seemed to center him a little more. "It seems that there's more to this witchcraft stuff. Something none of us are prepared for." I finally said. "Shawna has minimal training, she doesn't even really know what here powers are. You and your aunts....." "My great aunt has the training but her magic is limited. She's told me that her father took her power before she left to follow my grandmother." Josh seems to think about something, and finally came to an unhappy conclusion. "We would have to go to the source of the problem." I sat back and looked at him,wondering if he was serious. "None of us are allowed to go into that village. We'll be killed before we step foot...." "I was talking about you." he said. "Me!? Why me?" "You're an innocent, you have no wage in their grudge." "I don't think they'll see it that way." Josh looked into my eyes. "Love, you won't be going alone, I will be your back up." I felt relieved but I still had a big knot in my stomach. I had never met the rest of my family and Mom had made it clear she had no intention of introducing me. Somehow, I needed to appeal to their better natures and ask them to leave us alone. I kissed Josh softly and rested my forehead against his for a moment. Then I pulled away and nodded. "They might even give us an answer to why you have headaches." he said, trying to reassure me. "I don't think they'll be that generous, but here's hoping," I said with a small smile. "YOU'RE GOING WHERE!" my great aunt shouted at me, as she watched me packing a small hiking pack. "I'm going to talk to Grandpa, he needs to see that we want nothing from him." "HE WILL KILL YOU BEFORE YOU GET THE CHANCE!" " Will you calm down, I'm not going alone." "Shawna and Brracks will just be put in danger." said Amelia, looking pale and scared out of her mind. "Not if I can help it. Look, this isn't up for debate, we're heading out today. We'll be back in a few days. The rest of the pack will keep you safe." My great aunt glared at me and quickly walked away without another word. I looked at Amelia, she was on the verge of tears. I gave her a hug she hugged me back. This was the reaction I had expected, hence why I waited the two days to tell them. They haven't been back home in years so they really didn't know what to expect, but I would fight like hell to get back home. I pulled away, and looked at my aunt who was more like my sister.

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