First Impressions

2103 Words
Alex's POV: Today is the day. The day the choosing begins. The day i get to meet my potential life partner.. We walked into a living room on the east wing were all the girls were staying. The doors opened and i walked in behind my father, mother and May. "wow" I thought. 'these girls are beautiful.' I took charge and stepped forward. I have to make a first good impression.. I looked at each and everyone of them and smiled warmly "welcome ladies and congratulations on making it to the final nine" i could hear some of the girls sighing and swooning making me smirk. My father stepped forward and cleared his throat " you know all of you have traveled far from home and we appreciate it"... then my mother moved next to him " i was once in your shoes and know all you will face but let me tell you weather you become queen or not, this will be the greatest service to your country" she smiled at the girls " we are going to let you rest now Miss May will assign you to your rooms. Tomorrow the schedule will be posted for the activities" with that Dad took her hand and they walked out. As soon as they left the room, the girls all started chatting me up.. Well...most of them. Two of them were at the back talking to each other completely ignoring my presence. I recognize them. Emily and Lilliana. "Ouch" Anna broke my thoughts "it must feel awful to be ignored at your own party" she giggles "those two will be my new best friends. And you can have all the needy ones". I didn't even get a chance at a comeback as she skipped over to them and introduced herself. Soon after i left the girls quarters along with my siblings. I never got a chance to talk to Emily and Lilly but i was determined to tomorrow..... Lilliana's POV: The quarter's assigned to us were huge, nicely decorated, nothing out of the ordinary for a two hands full of noble girls. The rooms were adjoined in twos. I choose the room adjoining to Emily's room. She reminds me of sofia, who I kinda miss already. I could not call her though, i was not going to talk to anyone back home, i knew i would be going home by the first elimination and i made up my mind that then i would talk to them. Emily unpacked her things so quickly i was surprised, she came into my room and offered to help my back "i don't think i am going to do that," i replied her. "Why not? The closets are huge and you cannot have all these suitcases laying around." She argued. "I am only going to be here for a short time, at least until the first elimination, so no need," i said with a smile. "What?! Are you crazy?! You are by far the prettiest girl here and from what i have gathered in the..." she paused and glanced at her wristwatch "six hours that i have known you, i can say that you are way smarter and more grounded than most of those barbie look a-likes" she looked at me like i had lost my mind. I giggled at what she just said "thank you for say that Emily, you seem like a smart and grounded person too but i will still leave my things packed.. just in case" i said with a smile. "Suit yourself." She shrugged and carried on. We got to know each other for a bit before she stated that she was beat and retired to her room. I laid on my bed unable to sleep right away but eventually i submitted to the darkness. I woke up 6:30 in the morning, the whole quarters was still sleeping. I put on my running outfit, which thankfully Mom and Carlos had remembered to pack for me. I tied in my shoes and head out. I could not believe most of the things mom and Carlos packed for me! They were not my usual outfit, i would only ever wear things like that when you had to attend social gatherings back in Elma, The clothes are all too dressy. After my run, i went back to the room, took a shower and put on a floral cotton sundress that looks comfortable and paired it with sandals and went to the kitchen. I was greeted by the heavenly scent of fresh pastry and an elderly woman setting up the food on the table. "Hello" i said grinning "morning dear. I'm olga. What would you like to eat?" She smiled warmly. "I'm Lilly. And i want everything. Please" she looked at me like i had two heads "would you like gluten free or i could make anything else if you like ma'am" " why?" I asked. "It is my job to provide you ladies anything you want ma'am and i know some.. most of you do not eat carbs" she explained. "My name is Lilly, please don't call me ma'am and I happen to like the carbs" I stated with a huge grin. "Well then Lilly let me serve you everything " she chuckled. The girls began waking up, some complaining about the food how they had to keep there shapes. I stood up, thanked Olga and went off exploring the castle. Just because i wasn't saying did not mean i will not satisfy my curiosity. It was a huge place, i went around in circles getting lost and finding myself. A few hours later I stumbled across the magnificent library. It was beautiful, larger than the public library back home, i had never seen so many books in one place. The sofa's in the middle of the library were big enough for a dozen people to lounge on, yet the whole place was empty, a bit creepy really but it was calming. I wandered around the library for a long time looking at all sort of books, it was heaven for a bookworm like me. I finally settled for the classic section. I could get lost in a good book for hours, and i could see a million good books here, at a point i even started considering moving into permanently, it would definitely be a better use of my time. I read, loosing track of time until my rumbling stomach zapped me back to reality, it was five in the evening. I put the book down and pried myself out of the library to find some food. I started going around the castle once again trying to find my way back to out quarters, i finally found my way back and made it straight to the kitchen. "Hello Lady Lilly" Olga said when she noticed me walking in. "Hi Olga" i said with a sweet smile, i'm always extra nice to the people who cook my food. "We missed you at lunch" she said reciprocating my smile. "Yeah, i was rather caught up in something" i explained. "Really, was that thing the prince?" She teased in a loving way. "No, i haven't seen him yet." "What would you like to eat?" She asked rummaging the freezer. "Anything, i'm starving," i replied her question. "You know Miss Lilly, the prince is very a very charming fellow, you'll really like him" she chirped. "Well Olga theres more to life than a charmingly handsome prince" "We'll see" she kept quiet about it, we only spoke about her and her family. She told me about her husband Mirus, who works as a steward in the palace. She told me about her son, Eddy who just left for college last month. She served me a bowl of ravioli which was so good, i ate it all in a heartbeat, thanked her and went to my room. I took a hot shower, put on my pajamas and tied my hair up in a bun. I was sprawled on the bed, watching a documentary about koalas, munching on some corn chips when Emily barged in, she reminds me so much of Sofia in their lack of boundary. "Hey" i said with a lazy smile. "Where have you been? We looked everywhere for you," she said slumming beside me on the bed. "Not everywhere obviously, or you would have found me." I rolled my eyes. "And who is we?" I asked. "Oh you know, just the dreamiest person alive and i" she swooned. I rolled my eyes again "you are such a dork" She snorted "seriously, he looked until he grew tired then he left. He was looking forward to knowing you" "Well tough luck! He has eight other girls clinging on to him like houseflies, he will not miss me" She swatted my arm "hey! I'm one of those eight eight girls you are refereeing to as houseflies" I rubbed my arm and laughed "I'm sorry Em but you did refer to him as 'the dreamiest person alive'." She giggled "just wait until you meet him, you will be saying the same thing too" she retorted. "We'll see" i simply replied. "Mhmm" she hummed. "Do you want to hang out or do you have to go back to your dreamy prince?" I asked her. "What do you have against him?" She asked sitting upright and facing me. "Just answer my question. You are such a groupie" i rolled my eyes just to annoy her. "Yes i want to hang out" she sighed. "I'm overdressed, let me go throw on my pajamas. Get some snacks, will you?" With that she disappeared into her room. I sighed and willed myself off of the bed, i lazily strolled to the kitchen. I made my way into the pantry where i found a little raffia basket, i started stacking up and chips, pretzels and crackers, i got sour gummy worms then moved to the freezer got out some rocky road and pistachio and a couple of sodas. I made sure i had everything because i did not feel like making two trips to the kitchen, mine and Emily's rooms are the last one at the end of all the rooms. I gathered everything and made my way back. I stopped in the living room, i was surprised to see the prince himself standing before me, he was with that Sasha girl. His attention was on me as she spoke and he was on my way so i couldn't get by to my room unless he moved. "Hello" he said to me with a smile playing on his lips. "Hi" i replied. It was until i noticed him eying me up that i remembered that i was wearing silk pajama shorts and a spaghetti strap top, i had the matching robe on but it was hanging loosely on me. I used my free hand to pull my robe close "you are a very hard person to get a hold of" he said. "Oh, i wasn't aware you were trying to get a hold of me" i said rolling my eyes. Sasha cleared her throat, she was looking at me with annoyance written all over her face "you had your turn and you missed it, now shoo!" She spoke to me. Before i could reply the prince did "actually your time is up Sash" She pouted "oh common Al, it's been so long, we are not done catching up." She batted her lashes at him, i felt like throwing up, what she was doing looked disgusting to me. "Next time Sash" he simply replied before turning to me. "She's right. I missed my chance to be with you oh so dreamy prince, Sash over here shouldn't have her time cut short because of me" my voice was heavy with sarcasm. "Exactly!" She said with a big smile. "I am suppose to get to know each and everyone of you and you Lady Lilliana are a blank page to me, how am i suppose to know if will be my Queen?" His tone matched mine. I chuckled bitterly "i think you already know the answer to this my prince" "Now do i?" I have to give him probs, he's actually smarter than i thought keeping up with this conversation unlike his dimwitted date. "I think so. If i may be excused kind sir, i would bid thee adieu" i curtsied and brushed passed him, going back to my room. I knew it was only my first one-on-one with him but i hope and pray it will be the last.
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