Chapter Four

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I woke up early ready for training. My brothers though said to cram for a bit before school. I quizzed Dean who was much quicker than he had been before. "Why does test day have to be today?" he said as he let his head slip from his hands onto the counter. "Why what's wrong with today?" I asked stuffing the last of my bits into my bag. "Are you kidding? Little one come on. It is our birthday!" he exclaimed loudly. I blinked rapidly. s**t with everything going on recently I had completely forgotten. I bet the only reason Dean remembered is because we shared the birthday. "s**t sis you forgot. Your head really is messed up, you never forget anything." I hit his arm. "I didn't forget our birthday existed, just that it was today. Okay. Look, let's go, I don't want to be late." Dean groaned and slid off his chair. We walked to where the test was being held showed our IDs and went in. I took my seat and laid out all my equipment. I looked at the clock and took a deep breath. The papers were laid out on the tables and then we were told to begin. I put my name into the tiny boxes on the front cover and opened it up. Everything I knew flowed through my mind as I flew through the paper. Every question was like a trigger to my mind as I went from one to the next. I finished quickly and then went back to the beginning and did the same again, reading my answers checking for mistakes or misconceptions and found none. I looked back at the clock there was still an hour to go. So I read my paper again, two times. By the time I finished there was only ten minutes so I sat patiently for time to be called. When my paper was taken from me, the guy smiled. It was weird but I thought nothing more of it. When they said we could go, I packed my stuff into my bag. And the guy who took my paper came back over to me. He looked me up and down. "Looks, smarts and strength. You have the whole package." Dean jumped in front of me obviously having seen the guy approach me. "Back off my sister man." he growled out. "I was only introducing myself, pup. Backdown." Dean visibly relaxed at his command, which led me to believe he was a shifter too. I looked around to make sure no one was close enough to hear his comment. "Keep your voice down." I growled out. "As you wish princess. My name is Luke. I am part of alpha Moonbloods pack. I had to see you for myself. You certainly are something else." he took a step forward and I locked eyes with him. "Okay, I get it." he held his hands up and stepped back. "I'll see you later, princess." he said as he walked away. I jabbed Dean in the side which seemed to knock him out of his trance. I rolled my eyes. "Let's get out of here." I said. We walked out to find Clark and Mike waiting. "How did it go?" Mike asked eyeing form me to Dean. "Fine." I said walking towards to parking lot. "Fine until some douche from Moonbloods pack tried hitting on Vic." "What?" Clark growled. "I handled it." I said reaching the jeep and jumping in. "Call the alpha." Clark ordered. "No. It was nothing." Clark growled "At least text him. For me please. We are all heading there tonight, I don't want to be walking into a lions den." I rolled my eyes and fished my phone out of the bag. Vic: Just wanted to let you know some wolf named Luke came to see me today. Alpha: Define came to see. Vic: He invigilated my exam and then introduced himself. Alpha: Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will be by at six to escort you and your brothers to my territory. Be ready. "It's done. We have to be ready by six." we drove in silence back to the apartment where we packed everything up. Me and Dean were done quickly as we only had what Mike and Clark had brought for us from the house, so we helped them finish. At exactly six there was a knock on the door. Clark answered it and Alpha Moonblood walked in like he owned the place. "I trust you are all ready." he asked, surveying the boxes and bags packed up. "I will have some pack members come by to collect all this in an hour, just leave they keys with Bruce hear and he will see it is all taken care of." Bruce was a hulking man who just about fit through the doorway. We all handed our keys to Clark, who in turn handed them to Bruce. "Now come with me." He said turning on his heals. We followed him out to the front of the building. I started to head towards my brothers jeep when he called out "Oh miss. Silver. Will you please accompany me in my vehicle I would like to talk to you if you do not mind." I looked to my brothers and shrugged before heading back to alpha Moonbloods car. Before I could reach the handle he bent down and opened the door." Oh no, allow me. " I just got in without looking at him and sat in the back of his black Town car. The driver was huge and took up most of the front seat. He caught me looking at him and tipped his head in greeting so I did the same. The alpha slid into the seat next to me and signalled for the driver to set off. "I am surprised you agreed to ride with me miss. Silver. I am also surprised you contacted me regarding Luke." "I didn't have much of a choice on either account." I said dryly looking out the window. I felt the alphas hand on my thigh, causing sparks to fly through my body, bringing my attention back into the car. "Luke was a bit excited about the prospect of you joining our pack. I have reprimanded him for his behaviour." I just nodded. My focus was on the hand still attached to my thigh. "I am sure I do not need to play games with you miss. Silver, and I am sure that it will not come as a surprise to hear that I have an ulterior motive to wanting you in my pack. You are very beautiful and strong and would make an excellent Luna for my pack. In time of course. " " You don't even know me." I said trying to free my thigh from his hand so my brain could kick back in. He gripped me tighter. " I know more than you think miss. Silver. You have become something of an obsession of mine. You spend most of your time alone. Which you like. You are close to your wolf and that is in part why you are so strong. Your breeding also helps with that." "My breeding?" I asked confused. "It is no secret Sam was a strong leader. If he had been a little less ambitious he would have made a good alpha for many years. Now I know that your mother had four mates but with your strength and blue eyes it is not a giant leap to assume that your biological father is Sam. " I stiffened knowing the tale of my dad and Mr Moonblood. He laughed" Don't worry miss. Silver I do not hold it against your father for his ambitious nature and after all I could have ordered him killed after the challenge and no one would have batted an eye. But I didn't, I let your family live. I have never been so happy about a decision I have made than that. " " Why? " I asked lost in the movement of his lips. The closeness of us making my body heat. "Well miss. Silver, if I had not let your family go I would not have a chance with you now would I?" he asked rhetorically. "Oh I almost forgot, we will be taking a trip tonight to my gallery. Your work and that of your classmates is on display and I have arranged a little opening for it. I want you to come as my guest." "Guest?" "Well I would call it a date but I don't want the other alphas up in arms that I am using my position to advance my standing with you." "You still have to wait like the others!" I stated. "Yes. A year today. Happy birthday by the way Victoria." the way my name rolled off his tongue made my skin goosebumps. He smiled at my reaction and loosened his grip on my thigh. "You should take the time to relax miss. Silver it will take at least 45mins to make it to the pack house." I simply nodded and closed my eyes. It didn't take long for me to drift off, wrapped in a cocoon made of the alphas scent. I woke to a hand brushing through my hair. I stirred slightly. I was so comfortable. I was resting on something so warm. When my eyes fluttered open I realized I was resting in the alphas side. I shot up trying to escape his grip. "Sorry I dozed off." he grabbed me and kept me securely at his side. "Do not apologies it was my pleasure to have you sleep in my arms." he brushed my hair back on last time staring into my eyes, our blue eyes locked together and then released me. I moved back and straightened my vest top clearing my throat. "Are we nearly there?" I asked looking out the window at the scenery, hiding the slight blush on my cheeks. The scenery had changed from tall buildings to endless trees. "Yes we are. Just a little further." the car turned onto a dirt path and drove for a few miles before reaching a giant gate. The driver lowered his window and swiped a card on the pad there and the gate opened. We drove through and there were log cabins lining the side of the road. I could see others nestled in the forest beyond. They looked very modern, I could see they all had electricity and probably running water inside. We carried on down the path, the cabins, if you could still call them that, becoming larger the further we went. Eventually we stopped in front of a mansion, there was no other words for it. The bottom floor was made stone with the top two floors being made of wood. I went to open the car door but was stopped by the alpha. "Please, let me get that." he said before he jumped out and ran around the car to open my door. I stepped out into the cool evening air and looked around. I stretched slightly and noticed my brothers jeep behind us. They were stretching too. We did not do well with being cooped up for long periods of time. The front door to the mansion opened and five large men stepped out. I noticed one of them as Luke from earlier but I did not know the rest of them. The alpha moved to my side practically pressed up against me. I looked from him to the men in front of me. "Well I guess introductions are in order. You have already met Luke, he is our lead in tech. He helps keep in touch with the other packs on the Web and keeps us up to date with the councils dealings amongst other things." Luke nodded taking a step forward, when my brothers stepped closer growling. "I think she can see you just fine from where you are." Dean growled. He obviously was not a fan of the guy after our earlier encounter. Luke smiled and stayed where he was. "There is also Xander my beta. He helps with the running of the pack and making sure all wolves are happy." A muscular man in jeans and a tight t-shirt stepped forward. He had mid length black hair and a scar on the side of his neck. He did not try to advance further and instead nodded his greeting, which I returned. "Then there is Shaun and Slater, they are the head of the enforcement team. They train our fighters incase of an attack." two men who looked identical stepped forward both had piercing green eyes and blonde stubble on their heads. They reminded me slightly of one of the alphas from the car park last week. The alpha leant closer to me his lips grazing my earlobe causing me to shudder. "They are loyal to me over their father. I thought you would notice the resemblance. So don't worry they are not as hot headed as he is." I simply nodded at his comment feeling slightly on edge. As far as I was aware it was rare for alphas to let there sons leave the pack. Usually they would be kept close as future alphas of their pack. They both certainly looked capable which lead me to feel uneasy at why they might have left or been kicked out. "And lastly there is Max, our head interrogator. I don't think his title needs explanation." a man with rippling biceps and long dreadlocks stepped forward. He had a scar through one of his eyebrows and a stern look on his face. His brown eyes felt like they were looking right through me. " All of my leaders live in this house with me. You never know when you might need them. The rest of the pack live in the smaller cabins you saw on the drive up. The larger ones house families where as the smaller ones house our singles in groups of four, usually." With that I moved closer to my brothers assuming we would be taken to one of the smaller cabins at the edge of the pack. I felt a hand grip mine" Where are you going miss. Silver.? " he asked pulling me back to him. " I assumed you informed us of all that so that we would know where we were going. I assume you will let us see where we are staying before we leave again. " I stated confused by his actions. " Your brothers will be staying in one of the smaller cabins, yes. But you will be staying with us here. " A menacing growl came from each of my brothers." That was not the deal alpha. We said we would come to your pack to keep Vic safe. Not so you could take her from us." they each stepped closer and I started to feel the air grow thick. "I brought you and your brothers here out of curtesy to miss. Silver request. Do not think that I will put her in a position that far from my side." "What usually happens with females in the pack?" I asked feeling the need to speak out. Xander stepped forward. "Usually female shifters stay with their family until they come of age. At which time a selection ceremony where potential mates come forward and the female selects those she feels could be potential mates to…" "Okay, yeah, I don't need another birds and bees talk thank you." I interrupted causing Xander to smirk. "So I should stay with my family, my brothers, until next year." I stated trying to silence the issue. Max stepped forward next, his voice was deep and gravely and I was lost in the base of it. "It is not the same. I can sense your wolf from here. The six of us are strong and can control our wolves enough to not… Take advantage… Of your presence. There are others in the pack who do not have that control." as he said the words his eyes travelled me, making me feel even more exposed. I looked away unable to take Max's scrutiny anymore." So I am not safe here?" I asked. The whole point in coming here was to be safe. " You will be. "Said one of the twins" With us. "added the other. I looked at the alpha who was still staring at my brothers. And my brothers staring straight back. I moved again towards my brothers, the alphas grip on me grew. I tugged my arm free and stood in front of my three brothers. "You should go to your cabin. I will come by everyday to see you." Mike looked shocked, Dean looked hurt and Clark looked pissed. "We came here to keep me safe. If this is how we have to do it, then we will." I turned back to the alpha. "I can see them right?" he nodded slowly. "Everyday?" I added. He stiffened slightly and paused, before nodding slightly. "You touch her and I will rip your arms off." Clark stated at the alpha and then turned to the others. "Any of you!" and with that he turned back to be, his face softened and he embraced me in a hug. "Be careful little one." he said before turning back to the jeep. "We will do the pack initiation in the morning for each of you. You need to join the link. For your safety." Xander said. Clark nodded and climbed into the jeep. I said a similar goodbye to Dean and Mike before they all left together. I watched as the jeep went back down the dirt road and out of sight.
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