In Xander's forge

207 Words
1) Adjective ________ 2) Noun ________ 3) Adjective ending in "ly" _______ 4) Shape ________ 5) Number _________ 6) Noun _________ 7) Mythological name __________ Xander prepared to forge a new bey. He put some metal into the __(adjective)__ fire until it glowed red. Then he pulled it out and placed it on his anvil. He grabbed his __(noun)__ and pounded it __(adjective ending in ly)__ until it was shaped like a __(shape)__. Then he plopped it into water to cool off. After __(number)__ minutes, he pulled it out with his __(noun)__. "Here it is!" He said. "My newest creation, __(mythological name)__!" To share your version of the story, comment "chap 2" and list your answers. Also, who do you think Xander was making a bey for? Remember to check back soon for more Beyblade Burst Mad Libs. And please check out my YouTube channel @Cassie's Pen Garden. I want to reach 1,000 subscribers, and I need your help to get there. Subscribing is completely free, and you'll be the first to see my new writing videos! I do readings and tips for fellow writers. (By the way, who are your favorite Beyblade Burst characters? Mine are Shu and Free. But I think they all are awesome!)
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