On a mission

1499 Words
Maleek also had his gaze fixed on me, I know that a lot might be going on through his mind, I always gave him a hard time, I wasn't the type of girl he could easily get at his disposal, I wasn't that girl that he could get into her panties anytime and anywhere he choose, I was different, I was focused more on finding my destined lover. Even though I have had some few moments of s*x with other guys, I was really good on bed, I'm sexy and very pretty too, it wasn't unusual for men wanting to get me f****d. Even though I was more interested in finding the guy that always appeared in my dreams, I began to imagine what it would be like to stay with him. I wonder if he would ever accept the fact that I'm half human and half wolf. "Common Kootenay, I already told you I want to have you to myself, you don't have to go that far distance in search of your lover, let me f**k and mate you so that you can rule with me," Maleek repeated, bringing me back from my thoughts. The thoughts of my destined lover and the series of dreams I have have been creeping back into my mind. Maleek stood up from where he was seated and came close to hold me by the hand, but I quickly removed his hand off my body, I was never going to allow him take advantage of me. "You can leave now Maleek, I wouldn't want us to start arguing," I told him. Maleek's father and my father have never being in a good relationship, since Maleek's dad wanted to take the Dynasty from my dad since my father has no male child, and now Maleek wants to have me, he wants me to be his mate so that he could rule with me, he and his dad has always been a threat to our reign, it would be better if I keep him at arm's length and watch him closely because I know he never meant well for me. "I'm going to leave now, but be rest assured that I'm going to come back, either you marry me or I take the Dynastry away from you," he declared and stormed out of the balcony angrily. I heard a knock at the door, I kept wondering who it could be, I wouldn't want anyone to disturb my day, I just wanted to get enough rest. I turned to the door leading to the balcony where I was, I have had enough from Maleek already, but as the Luna and head of the Dynasty I had lots of people to attend to,I was beginning to get choked with responsibilities already, the more reason I needed to get my lover as fast as I could do that we both can rule together. All that I needed was to have a good massage from the magic fingers of a sexy man,I wanted to get pampered, I needed someone to give me a good f**k, someone to play with my clit so that I can c*m as much as I wanted. I was yawning for the touch of a man. The persistent knock on the door, made me stop my imagination. "You can come in," I said towards the door with a frown on my face. A female servant walked into the balcony, bowing slightly. "Sorry to bother you ma'am, there are some delegates in the living room waiting to see you," she said and left almost immediately. "Some delegates to see me?I thought to myself, I asked myself surprised. Even though I could guess why they were here to see me, I knew it could probably be to discuss my marriage and to always remind me that the rulership was under threat. It has always been their discussion and nothing more, I wasn't cut out for their insistence but I had to go in to meet them. I walked in like the Queen I am, there were four elderly men seated in the living room . I greeted them as I walked in and they answered emotionlessly. I listened to each of them tell me how I should go get my destined lover by all means or I should get married to Maleek. I would never allow Maleek marry me, even though I wouldn't mind him f*****g me, I wouldn't like to marry him, because he was so arrogant and my dad would feel disappointed in his death. I dismissed the delegates and told them to go back to their homes. ********* I woke up when I heard the sound of people in the compound, I checked in my wrist watch to see what the time was and it was bearly 6:am , I quickly stood up from the bed, and went straight into the bathroom to get a wash, I stayed in the bathtub for as long as I wanted, enjoying the warm water fill my entire skin, my mind went back to the assignment ahead of me, I have already packed my bag to leave to go in search of my lover, I couldn't stand the incessant nagging of the people and I couldn't wait to be in the arms of my lover. I stepped out from the bathtub and wore my dresses, I dressed up ready to go out. I didn't know how and where exactly to begin my search but then I kept going. I rode on the horse till night fell, and I decided to get the horse tied while I waited, thinking of what to do next. I kept walking in the forest, it was so dark but I had my bright eyes that kept leading me on. I walked far till I got to the same usual place I used to see the cute young man. Like a miracle,he was there again, I called out as usual."Hello Mr." I felt the urge at once, immediately I saw him, I got the feeling that he was the same I have been seeing. I'm my dream, he's my destined lover, the most anticipated that I have been waiting for. "Hello beautiful, you are such a beauty," he said, moving closer to me. He acted as though he had been waiting for me to come over, I kept wondering what he could be doing beside the forest by this time. He began to touch me gently, I could feel his soft hand on my skin, I prayed in my head that the fur in my skin doesn't appear, so that he wouldn't know my true identity of being half wolf, at least not yet, I still needed the body chemistry to merge before I could reveal my true Identity. I held him tightly too. I couldn't understand why it was so simple for him to just touch someone he had met just today. Perhaps he felt that I was the one meant for him too, but I guess he needed me as much as I needed him. He kissed my lips softly, that was the best kiss I had ever gotten, aside from the forced kisses I usually got from Maleek, this one was gentle and sweet, perhaps the taste and kiss yif complete humans were different, this kiss was great and his lips so warm. He wore a simple shirt and pants, I could feel his manhood getting really hard under his pants as it touched my body. His hand let his skin run through my cute body, he probably might have been waiting for this month. "I don't know who you are but the moment I set my eyes on, I got this feeling that swept through my body, giving me some sweet shivers down my spine, right now I can't control myself and I feel should just take you to bed and sweet and passionate love to you," He said holding me so tightly. I felt the same way as the mystery guy,but in my own case it was different, I knew why I felt the way I did, because we was my destined lover, how do I tell him that were predestined to fall in love, how do I explain to him the ministry behind being half a Wolf and being half human at the same time, how do I explain to him that I could transform into a wolf back time I wanted' I had lots of questions locked up in my head but I choose to let go of the questions and make sure to enjoy the moment. I returned his kisses, "My name is Alex," I heard him say for the first time. I cared less about this name, I needed the touch he gave me, his magic fingers doing good jobs in my body. I lifted his right hand and placed it on my breasts, and his hand on my breasts made me moan aloud "awww."
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