Researching Together

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The five of them started their survey. In between classes, even during the days they don't have class. They study together at the library on their free time for their other subjects. Especially when they have assignments or activities. Because of their grouping in their psychology subject, they always ask their other subjects to have the same groupings. "Hi, do you have time? Can you answer our questionnaire, please?" Kath asked the group of students that passed her way. Some of them entertained her, others just flat out ignored her. "At this rate, we will be doing this until next week" Darren told everyone. "No" she sadly whimpered. "Wow, you complain like you've been carrying heavy loads of rocks. Construction workers and vendors will feel so bad of your struggles" he sarcastically told Kath. "Hey! You make me sound so bad. It's just so hard not to eat on time" she told Darren. "But we eat on time" Margaux softly told her. Darren stuck out his tongue on her while standing behind Margaux. "We did?" she awkwardly laughed. Rosé and Andrei laughed at her. They walked around and saw a stall selling siomai. (*dumpling with pork, chicken or beef filling) "Fine, let's eat first before someone here dies" Darren told them. "I won't die of hunger, yet" Kath said, smiling. "I didn't say you'll die of hunger. One more complaining and you might die by my hands" he replied. She rolled her eyes and walked faster. "Rosé, what are you ordering?" she asked Rosé. "I don't know. What is this? Dumpling?" Rosé asked. "Kind of. It's called siomai" she answered Rosé. "Ate, I want fried rice with two orders of steamed siomai" she told the vendor. "Wow" Darren said. He was about to say something when she glared at him. "Two fried siomai please. No rice, because I will have lunch in just a few hours" Darren said looking straight at Kath. "No rice because I will have lunch in a few hours" she imitated Darren. "Two steamed siomai" Rosé said. "One steamed siomai, please" Margaux ordered. "I didn't know you can eat that much" she told Rosé. "I don't" Rosé smiled at her. "Two steamed siomai, please" Andrei said. After they got their orders, they sat at the bench in front of the stall. They all started eating while talking about their research project. "Let's not extend this until next week. It's so exhausting" Rosé complained. "Yeah" Margaux agreed. "Oh, you were exhausted? You can just rest here and I'll take care of your questionnaires" Darren told Margaux, with concern. "Really? But you were condemning Kath for being hungry" Rosé said in a mocking tone. "Hey, my Margaux is not always tired. But your Kath is always hungry" he defended himself. "I'm not your Margaux" Margaux told him. Kath chuckled. "And my Kath is adorable. Who cares if she's always hungry" Rosé added and put all her siomai in Kath's paper cup after just eating two. "Aww, thank you" Kath smiled sweetly at Rosé and the siomai she put in her cup. Kath already finished her rice and siomai, but she wants more food. In less than two minutes, she finished the siomai Rosé gave her. "You want more?" Andrei asked her. Kath looked at him and his paper cup. There's still as much as Rosé gave her. "I'm already full, you can have mine" he offered her. "Really?" she beamed. "Andrei, I also want more" Darren asked Andrei. "Then order more" she glared at him. "What? That's not yours. It's Andrei's" Darren complained and tried to take food from Andrei's cup. She pulled Andrei's hand and continued glaring at Darren. "If you ever touch my food again, I'll punch your face" she threatened him. Margaux and Darren's eyes widened in surprise. Even Margaux didn't know Kath can be aggressive when it comes to food. Andrei chuckled and Rosé grinned proudly. "That's a good girl" she stroked Kath's hair. "It's okay. You can have all my food" Andrei smiled at her. Kath stared at him, eyes full of amazement and her stomach full with siomai and butterflies. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me" she squealed making Andrei silently laugh. They stayed the weekend at Rosé's place again. They started encoding their data and completing their RRLs (Review of Related Literatures). From time to time they also do their assignments and activities from other subjects when they feel stuck. "See? I told you, you look good in that dress" Rosé told Kath. She's wearing a paired pink sleeveless and shorts Rosé let her borrow. She brought clothes with her but Rosé insisted that she try some of her clothes. "I don't know. I don't feel comfortable" she said. "Why not? Is it too tight? It doesn't look tight" Rosé said looking at the fit of the clothes on her. "It's not. You look good" Margaux said. "I know right" Rosé agreed. "It's just, this is Gucci" she complained. "You don't like Gucci? I have other brands there" Rosé offered. "It's not that. It's just, there's so many foods I can buy with this already" she answered. Darren spurted the water he's drinking, while Andrei laughed a little louder. "Don't worry about food. You can wear it and still not go hungry" Rosé assured her. Margaux also started laughing. "You're so adorable" Margaux told Kath. "Hey, hey, hey! You already have Rosé! You're even taking Andrei away from me, hands off Margaux!" Darren snarled at her. They all continued all their activities and at Saturday, it seemed like they're actually accomplishing something. "More coffee?" Margaux asked. "And snacks please" Kath answered. "Actually, I'm also quite hungry" Andrei told Margaux. "I'll help you" Darren volunteered. It's three thirty, Sunday morning and they continued doing their research paper. They're already drafting their results and discussion. Rosé is sleeping in the sofa next to them. They didn't bother waking her up. It's like waking a dragon. "What is it? Where were we?" Rosé suddenly woke up. "We're just having coffee" Kath answered. Rosé still looks fresh and beautiful even after just waking up. Kath saw Andrei glanced at Rosé and something twitched inside her. It stopped when she saw Darren and Margaux holding noodles and coffee. Rosé walked back to the kitchen and took three slices of cake. "But we already cooked instant noodles" Darren pouted. "I know, but just in case" Rosé answered. "Just in case what?" he asked. "Just in case Kath still wants more" she answered. "Oh" Darren said and understood her completely. "Do you think we should add someone to our group?" Darren asked. "Why? It's taking everything I got just to tolerate you" Rosé replied dryly while eating noodles. "So, we can triple date" he beamed. "Or since you like Kath that much, you can have her with you. Like your first-born child" Darren suggested. "Like your first-born child" Kath imitated him and even rolled her eyes. She doesn't like the idea of Rosé and Andrei having a date and taking her as a third wheel. "Don't worry, I don't like Andrei" Rosé told her. "And I like you the most" she smiled at her. "Aww" she felt so touched. She reached to Rosé and hugged her. "Like a first-born child" Darren said. "Like a first-born child" Margaux agreed. "Like a first-born child" Andrei agreed. They all laughed. "I hope we're always like this" Darren said. "Sleep deprived?" Rosé sarcastically answered. "No, like this. Together, having fun" Darren replied. "Wow. Did you really said something so cheesy?" Andrei teased him. Darren's face started to blush bright red. "I want us to be always like this. Together" Kath smiled brightly at everyone while eating her second slice cake. "Okay, let's make a promise to each other. No one left behind!" Darren declared. "But you are the dumbest of us" Rosé continued teasing him.

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