Chapter 3

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Weekdays passed and Alfonso remained silent which is unusual. Since the engagement was announced to the public, Alfonso would always show up around watching over my every move. Was he that busy or did he get tired already? Whatever his reason is, it benefits me now that he no longer tails me around. Early in the morning, Sceeya and I went to the gym to have some workout. Zey and Sceeya attended the victory party last night, and still on bed right now. "Good morning." Bryan, our trainer, is full of energy early in the morning. We greeted back and did some catch up. It has almost been a month since we last went here. "I thought you already cancelled your membership. Were you that busy in school to skip workout for a month?" Here comes his nagging. I am not trying to be sneaky, but I just noticed that most of the people here right now are male. Sceeya surely is enjoying the view; she does't have to tell me because I can tell from how her eyes sparkle. We started with a simple warm up. Sceeya was running in the threadmill while I am with Bryan in the boxing ring. There's a debut party that I need to attend next month, so I need to lose my baby fats. I developed this mentality that I have to be perfect whenever I attend a family gathering because I don't want to be a disgrace to mom and my brothers. They are all perfect in the eyes of other people. It has barely an hour ago since we started when I saw Alfonso's name on the screen of my phone. The song playing stopped because of this call. I irritably answered it. Just when I thought he was done pestering me, he proved me wrong. "Where are you?" His darn question all the time sounds petulant this time. I have not said a thing, but he already seems angry. "Why?" My simple questioned echoed in the empty room. Even Bryan went out to check on Sceeya. "It's early, but you're neither in your house nor in the condo. Where in the world are you?!" He went there? Is he a stalker now too? "I'm in the gym, why?" My tone does not change, but his became crankier. Gosh. He always talk like he's asking for a fight. I never wished before to be a man, but this time, I want to have the balls to punch this annoying beast in his flawless face. "I'll fetch you now. Where exactly are you?" "I don't have time for your bulshit today, Alfonso. If you're not going to say anything that makes sense then I'm hanging up." "Wait for me there." And he was the one that ended the call. What was that? I thought he's setting me free. I complied with he asked- to not include his brother among my flings. Actually, we had not seen each other for several days. I asked him a favor to spend time with his friends while he's in a vacation here because Alfonso's eyes are hooked on us. We are not going to contest what he wants, but we will also not break the way he wants us to. While hydrating myself, I was thinking where he could possibly get the address of this gym, and then I remembered that Sceeya was with me. I gave him an intent look, and she just smiled as if she knew what I meant. She's my bestfriend, but she let me down when it comes to Alfonso. In less than 30 minutes, Alfonso is already by the door occupying almost all the space. He has a big frame, but I only appreciated it at that moment. His built was far from Hedrin's. The more I think about it, the more he impresses me. He's busy with school works because he's a graduating student, he's also busy with their circle's startup business and I heard from Hedrin that he was already appointed as the Vice Chairman for their wine company. And now, I realized that he has enough time to workout to build that body. When he walked inside, he caught attention from the trainers and the members. I gathered my things as I rolled my eyes to Sceeya who approached me with a wide smile flashed in her face. "He's fetching you already?" She asked teasingly. "Cut ties with him before I cut ties with you." I warned, but she helped me put my things in my bag instead of answering. "Are you leaving already?" Bryan's brows are furrowed when he asked me that. "Yeah. I will go back tomorrow." I will not forget to turn off my phone, so he can't bother me tomorrow. I went to where Alfonso is sitting only to see his dark eyes laid on me. His jaw moved when I showed him a sweet smile. Of course, he is not used to that because we only knew how to annoy each other. "I'll get a quick shower. Can you wait for me?" I acted cute to annoy him. Of course, it will not be a quick shower. I will make sure that his short temper hits the bottom. "There's no need for that. We are in a hurry." My jaw dropped when he stood. He wants me to go with him with sweats dripping over my body? "Tell me the location, and I'll be there. No need to pick me up all the time." I suggested. He smiled annoyed as he took steps forward. I remained firmly standing despite the fear that is about to consume me. His eyes are intimidating me. "I don't trust your words. That's why I always come to get you. If you haven't heard of it then let me tell you that what I hate the most is waiting." I know that his patient is shorter than a kid's attention span. So what? In the future, I don't plan to engage myself with him. "Why do you have to do this for mom? Or are you doing this for their wedding? What's your plan, Alfonso? I have always been curious. Can you tell me?" I was surprised when he harshly get my shoulder bag from me. He held it tight and with raging voice, he spoke. "I grew up without a mother beside me, and dad was never really affectionate towards us. Maybe, the idea of having a mom excites me so much that it makes me all this for her. I'm taking your bag as a hostage." His eyes were too serious when he said that. When he walked out of the gym, I could not do anything but followed him. For a while, I felt pity for him because that's what Hedrin also told me when he felt homesick in his first months of being alone in the US. He opened the door at the backseat to put my bag there before he went directly to the driving seat. I thought he was done surprising me, but when I was about to open the door for the shutgon seat, I saw a girl occupying that already. I let out a sigh before getting inside the backseat. I remained silent while listening to their dirty talk. For Pete's sake, it's too early in the morning for that kind of matter. As soon as he stopped the engine, I went out of his car with my things. I didn't even bother looking at him to thank him for the ride. The hotel where he took me was the same hotel where my debut was held. Clueless of the reason why he took me here, I still went inside to the lobby before dialing Hedrin's phone number to ask him what's with today. "My brother is supposed to pick you up. Where are you?" His voice is so concerned. He could have picked me up instead if he's worrying. "I'm in the lobby. What's the event today? I'm afraid my attire is oddly off." It still angers me that Alfonso just drag me everywhere. Next time, I want to be notified a week or even a day before if there's an event I have to attend. "Gown fitting is scheduled today, babe. I thought Alfonso notified you already. Why? What are you wearing?" "Next time, I want the information to be coming from you. I don't trust your brother, Hedrin and most importantly, I hate him. I am in gym outfit right now. I said I was going to get a quick shower, but he insisted on hurrying here." I crossed my legs and looked away when my eyes saw in the peripheral view Alfonso with his girl went in. "Relax, babe. I will come to you now. Do you have spare clothes? I can get a room first, so you can take a shower." My mind relaxes for a bit with what he said. "Can I just leave already? I don't have any intention to attend that silly wedding, so there's no need for a dress. If I have known that.." "Who are you waiting for here?" Alfonso's voice crowded my thoughts making me forget what I would tell Hedrin. "None of your business. Tell mom that I'm already here, so you can earn your points from her. I am still just comtemplating whether to go up or just go home because Hedrin said it's a gown fitting. I told you clearly, Alfonso, from the first day that I will not show up in that play." His jaw tightened and the girl beside him raised her brow as she scanned me from head to toe. What right does she have to do that? He's just another fling of Alfonso. "You are an ungrateful child, Yllana. Don't you have a little consideration for your mom? This is important to her, and your presence is significant. Quit acting like a child while I'm being nice to you." "When were you nice to me? I can't remember." A grin showed as he walked towards me leaving his girl behind. He touched his lower lip using his right hand with veins showing. "Believe it or not, I'm still being nice to you right now, Yllana. But if you continue to act that way towards your mom and if you insist on seeing my brother behind my back, I will make sure to punish you in undesirable way you can never imagine." That was enough to give me goosebumps. I looked away because his eyes could melt me right here. He remained standing tall while I was sitting pretty praying for Hedrin to already be here. Even I'm not looking, I can imagine how his eyes are glaring at me. It suddenly made me think how he sees me. He might have looked at me all this time as a mere immature girl who gives nothing but disappointment to her family. I am not anymore the same achiever and athletic girl I was in highschool. When my father died, I did shut down everyone and everything in my life. The only goal left is to graduate because that's what I promised to him. "I cannot blame you if you think that I am just a nuisance to you." I smiled at Alfonso as I faced him again. "You might be able to drag me all this time and force me to cooperate, but you can never make me approve of their wedding, Alfonso. You have your reasons and my brothers have their reasons as well for approving mom's decision, but I hope you don't look past on mine too. I have my reasons to disagree to this sudden engagement." "What reasons?" He asked in a husky voice. "I believe that marriage should be done once only in one's life. I understand those whose relationship failed because they married the wrong person, but mommy had the best time of her life with dad when he was alive. It is unacceptable for me to see her happy with another man now that dad has died. I am not asking her to be lonely and grieve for him for the rest of her life, but marriage is sacred. She's giving herself to another man and that means forgetting dad with whom she promised to be part of until death." He was silent for a while before Hedrin get my things. I didn't see him coming, but I'm glad he's here now to save me from Alfonso's intimidating presence. "Where are you going?!" His voice echoed in the lobby with that shout. "She's going to shower first. I will make sure she goes to the fitting afterwards. There is no need to yell here, Alfonso." Hedrin answered. His eyes grew darker as it is when we walked away from them. He didn't do anything violent, but the way he pressed the elevator button surely indicates that he's mad. "Give the room number and I will tell my secretary to go with her instead. I cannot give you the benefit of the doubt if it's just the 2 of you in a hotel room. Let's avoid issues like that from circulating." Hedrin and I were looking at him with our jaws dropped. He has no limitation, I guess. He will go farther than what we can go. He pulled the girl with her in the waist when the elevator gets crowded. There are children in cute costumes who went in the lift. Alfonso remained silent while impatiently looking at the status. "Room 2016." I answered. Before he could blab anything that hurts, I might just as well tell him. What Alfonso wanted actually happened in the end. His secretary waited for me in the hotel room that Hedrin checked in. As soon as I finished arranging my things, Alonika called Alfonso to tell him that I'm done and that I'm already on my way to the room where the fitting is going on. I thanked her for the work that Alfonso made her do. Mom was delighted to see me there. I'm trying to absorb what Alfonso said a while ago that my presence could be important to mom. All her sons are in Europe chasing for her and dad's dream of expansion there, so it is understandable that she will validate her children's approval through my presence. After I my gown fitting, I asked her that I have to leave already. I keep seeing familiar faces, and it made me feel sick to smile and greet them. I searched for Hedrin who's also actively helping in entertaining the socialites who keep coming in the room. My intention was purely to say bye to him, but Alfonso intricate. He warned Hedrin in front of me and even gave me lecture to stop flirting with his brother. "Butt out from my life, you pretentious perfectionist." I sweetly murmured when I got annoyed. No one expected what Alfonso did next. He pulled me in the waist and I couldn't beg for him to let go as my knees are weak from the realization of how close we are right now with each other. "Don't touch her!" Hedrin pushed Alfonso away from me, but that made me fall out-of-balance causing Alfonso to exert more force to hold me. When our eyes met, I felt how flushed my face was at that moment. He let me go and faced his brother. My heart beats peculiarly when people start to notice what's going on with us. The fear of causing them to drift apart more is eating me alive. I tried to call Hedrin, but his eyes are directed to Alfonso. "I was going to offer her a ride, Hedrin. Anything wrong with that?" Now he's using me to annoy Hedrin more. "Don't you dare touch her the way you touch your girls! She's mine, Alfonso. This is the first and last warning. I will not stay still if you dare to..." "What's happening here?" That was Gabriel Ferrer's voice. My eyes could not leave Alfonso's face. I saw how his anger turned into grin while watching Hedrin's annoyance. My instinct told me to hug Hedrin when he hit Alfonso in the face. The people inside made noise because of that. "Stop!" Their dad shouted but no one seemed to hear it. Alfonso got up from the floor and hit his brother back. He was going to do it again, but I went between them facing Alfonso. His breathing went wild while raptly looking at me. "I was just going to offer you a ride, but he's so territorial." He claimed like a child. I was lost for a moment when he sexily combed his messy long hair with his finger. "Drive me home, Alfonso. I have something to tell you as well. Sorry for this mess..." I don't know what to call Gabriel that time, so I went out of that scene in a fast pace. What a disgrace. When we are in the parking lot, I stopped and faced him with a fierce gaze. "Stop picking on your brother, Alfonso. Don't use me to annoy him because you won't like it when your actions backfire at you. Next time, just call or text me when there is an event I need to attend. Please understand that I hate you. There's no need to drive me home." He nodded. "Forcing you to be here is a bad idea. Let's see each other on the wedding day." He was so annoyed too. He opened the door of the shotgun seat for me. It literally surprised me to see his kind gesture which is very opposite of what his reaction is indicating. He looks like he can hit me too or worse he can recklessly bump the car in any post along the way. "There's no need to..." "Get in." His cold voice was enough to make me follow. And I wasn't wrong. He drives recklessly and impatiently overtaking all the cars in the highway. I did not give any comment, but everytime he would step on the break, I feel like I'm going to die either from my head bumping on the dashboard or heart attack. "I'm really going to transfer school! I can't stand you Alfonso!" "Neither I!" He answered with the same intensity of anger. I cursed him a hundred times in my head. I will get even! I swear I will get even!
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