Chapter 36: To Save The Princess

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“Careful, Alpha.” Lord Matthew held a rock to support himself, but the rock, unfortunately, was a sharp one, causing his hand to get wounded. He grunted, and quickly checked his wounded hand. “I told you to be careful, Alpha,” said Gwyneth, worrying about the wounded hand of Lord Matthew. “I am fine, Aunt. Do not get too anxious about me.” “But we all know that you are still as fragile as human, unless you have successfully wolf-shifted at the age of 21.” Lord Matthew looked at with signs of warning. “I said I am fine, Aunt.” He hated the fact that her aunt was over-protective of him, that even though he was already old and wise enough to run a powerful pack, he was still being treated as if he was a fragile child. Everyone knew that he was able to defeat wolves even though he wasn’t able to shift into his wolf form, unlike his opponents, and yet he has still managed to win. Yet, her aunt has been always disregarding that fact, and instead, treated him still as weak—or so that is what he always understood from her overprotectiveness. Only until recently was he able to shift into his wolf form—and surprising enough, he had done it despite the fact that he was still not on the right age. Gwyneth sighed, seeing that her Alpha was starting to get mad again. They continued travelling down the valley bringing nothing but their selves and a weapon. Indeed, Black Valley is a domain of land that was not blessed with the light if sun. The whole place was dark and silent, and by looking at the surrounding, sure, there were nothing found in the place except steep land formations, and sharp rocks. One advantage that wolves had, was their ability to see through even in the darkest places. They have the ability to see through the night, that is why it was no breaking sweat for them, even though they were travelling through the zone of the Black Valley. The only problem that they got, however, was the challenging rock formations of the place. It has been already half an hour that passes since they started travelling through the valley, and each second that passes, Lord Matthew are worrying that they would not be able to see Chelsea or Princess Demeter alive. They have already hastened their travel, in hope that they could reach the rogues’ hideout sooner than expected. Indeed, their efforts bore a fruit. Sooner, Beatrix gasped. “I think, I can now see their hideout, Alpha.” Lord Matthew quickly nodded at the she-wolf of his Beta, and same as her, he was also looking at the rogues’ hideout. Despite the darkness, they can see a structure in the center of the dead valley. A place that none could not easily spot, unless one was a wolf. It was a huge house, a mansion, and it was the only thing standing in the middle of the Black Valley. There were no lights in the area, that is why even though the house was huge, it was still able to blend through the darkness. On its façade, there were no shining lights, or dancing lanterns in order to blend more on the dark. Yet, he knew that inside each rooms of the mansion, they were using lights. He could see traces of faint light, making him conclude that someone is inhabiting the house. “Let us go,” growled Lord Matthew. They did not waste any more time. As quick as they can, they rushed towards down the valley. It was a hard to access place, but Lord Matthew was sure that the group of rogues would be putting guards too, for an added layer of security. Thus, they decided not to wolf-shift yet, for their presence will be instantly felt. However, even though they tried their best to be in haste, but at the same time sneaking towards the mansion, the rogues were already prepared. Perhaps, they have already anticipated such kind of interruption, knowing that the person they have abducted was a high-ranked person. Just before they could step to the vicinity of the mansion, group of wolves already hindered their path. “Freeze, humans,” said group’s leader. “You may have the courage to invade our land, but you do not have the strength to fight against us.” Hearing the wolf’s threatening, Jullian smirked. “Did I heard it right?” he asked. “You are threatening us over your pesky forms?” “We would be not, if you’re someone as powerful as us. Too sad, but you were just but a mere human who have no strength compared us.” “These furry rogues must have no ability to find who they must fight with, or who they must not attempt to,” said Jullian, insulted from the wolf’s foolishness. “Just because we haven’t shifted yet, doesn’t mean you would think you were more powerful than us.” Jullian growled. His eyes, as seen by many, were glaring in crimson red. He glared his teeth, and his fangs were exposed. Little by little, his body started to grow—until his shirt and his pants ripped from his buffing body. He howled, and soon after, he transformed into a silver-colored wolf. “Wolves! They are wolves too!” the rogue wolf exclaimed, panicking over the discovery that the group who is about to attack their abode, were a pack of wolves too. Perhaps, their leader have only oriented them that there is only but a possibility that human wolf hunters would attempt to attack their hideout. Perhaps, they did not expect that a lack of wolves would be the first one who will attack their place, rather than mere humans, that is why they were overly confident. “By the name of Silver Feather Pack, I am warning you rogues, your bloods would shed on this very dead land,” Gio stepped forward, and offered a threatening act to the rogue wolves. Panicking, the leader of the opposing group howled loud. “Alpha,” Jullian, in his wolf form, communicated to Lord Matthew by the use of mind-link. “You must go. We will be diverting their attention to us, and you must go and save the princess.” “Bring Gwyneth and Beatrix with you,” added Gio. The loud howling of the rogue wolf was similar to a pack’s calling. It was a howl to summon more members of their group, for the situation was more dire than what they have thought. Gio then growled, and along with the Silver Feather warriors, they started to wolf shift. Lord Matthew looked at both Beatrix and Gwyneth. Knowing that they too heard what the Beta and Gamma wanted them to do, Beatrix and Gwyneth nodded to their Alpha. “Let us go,” he said. When the fight of Silver Feather Wolves and the rogues started, Lord Matthew and the she-wolves of his Beta and Gamma started sneaking on the mansion. Despite Lord Matthew’s desire to fight alongside his pack, he must first prioritize the safety of Chelsea. He knew that there is a huge risk of Miss Kress sneaking Chelsea away, and escaping their very territory. That is why, before it could happen, they must act fast. They must find the princess as soon as possible, or else their efforts would only go into nothing but vain. They managed to break in to the mansion, without being noticed. Most of the rogues were busy fighting over the Silver Feather Wolves, not even knowing that the pack’s Alpha has already infiltrated their base. His guess was right. Inside the mansion were lanes of lanterns and light, causing the whole place to be bright. They even have to suppress their night vision ability, for the brightness hurt their eyes. The inside of the mansion was huge—a thing that they did not expect. From the outside, the mansion seemed to be smaller compared to the one they had in the Silver Feather’s base, but now that they were inside, it was more bigger than expected. “How will we be able to find the princess here?” Beatrix asked. “Her scent,” Lord Matthew answered. “I can still smell traces of her scent in the area.” “Indeed. I too can smell it. I remember this was the scent of the princess,” Gwyneth agreed. “Then it shall not be too hard tracking where she was,” said Beatrix. Lord Matthew nodded as a way to agree to Beatrix. He started walking, following the source of the scent of the princess. As they walked, they could not bother to cause any noise in the surrounding. It was not because they were afraid of fighting—none of them were afraid—but because it was a wise decision to finish this saving mission to the princess before the royal army of werewolf hunters could come into this place, and cause more chaos. They must hurry, for they do not want any conflict against the Nightingale Kingdom. In fact, they want to at least, stay their anonymity to the recognition of humans. The fame they got from the world of wolves was already enough. A few minutes of tracing the princess’ scent, Lord Matthew was able to find the room where that flowery scent was coming from. “Is this the room, Alpha?” Beatrix asked. “This is where her scent ended. I am more than certain that Chelsea, or Princess Demeter was behind this door,” Lord Matthew answered. “Then I shall go,” Beatrix offered, about to twist the knob of the door. “No, Beatrix. I must be the one to save her,” Lord Matthew disagreed. “Forgive me, Alpha, but I doubt that you should. You and Gwyneth are relatively stronger than me, that is why you must guard this door while I was inside, trying to help the princess. Because everyone in this place was disoriented, I am certain that the leader of the rogues will quickly come here and check the princess—perhaps do something more dire. If that happens, I cannot easily guard this door, for I am not that skilled on fighting compared to you and Aunt Gwyneth.” “Then do you mean that I and Aunt Gwyneth must guard the door as you check if the princess was inside?” Lord Matthew asked. Beatrix nodded. “Can you hear that footsteps? They are coming here. Give me more time to find where the princess was, and I will surely pull her away from this room. Trust me.” She looked directly at the Alpha’s eyes, trying to gain his trust. “Be careful, Beatrix. We will not let any wolves enter the room. Take your time saving the princess.” Beatrix again nodded. “Thank you, Alpha.” Without wasting any more time, Beatrix twisted the door and entered into the uncertain room. Lord Matthew and Gwyneth being left behind, started to prepare themselves. They were very sure that a fight will erupt at the very place. “This was a surprising group of rogues, I must say, Alpha,” Gwyneth said. “Indeed. A usual rogue would be wandering the forest alone, or if they were a group, it should only but be in small numbers. But these rogues . . .” “They formed as if they were a pack. Miss Kress, or maybe the old Lady Kress being their leader or Alpha,” Gwyneth continued. “Whatever method they have done to convince the rogues, I am sure that it required insane skill of persuasion. That Miss Kress, I think she was aiming something big.” Speaking of the devil, from the end of the alley where they were standing at, Miss Kress appeared, both worried and mad. Beside her was her mother, Lady Kress, and other more rogues following her behind. When Miss Kress noticed someone was standing at the room where Princess Demeter was hidden, she stopped. She was even more flustered when she saw that one of if was someone whom she can recognize. “L-Lord Matthew? I-Is that you?” Miss Kress asked, bewildered. Matthew looked straightly at her. “I am, Miss Kress,” he confirmed. “B-But how did you—” here eyes widened in surprise— “d-do you belong to that Silver Feather Wolves who are attacking us? A-Are you also a w-werewolf?” she asked, trying her best to suppress the fear and shock that was constantly eating her alive. Lord Matthew did not answer her question. Instead, he said. “I came here to save Princess Demeter. Do not interfere, or else wolf blood will shed in this place.” “It is already shedding, Lord Matthew,” answered Miss Kress. She heaved a big breath, then grudgingly balled her fist. “Forgive me, Lord Matthew. My interest was into you, but, I would never turn my back into my group. If a bloodshed is needed to get back that w***e princess to my hands, then, we must do it no matter what. I must kill her,” she grudgingly said. “Forgive me too, Miss Kress,” Lord Matthew whispered, “For I am an Alpha ruthless to my enemies.”
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