Chapter 34: Abduction

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“Say, Miss Kress, why are we heading outside of Wetherby’s land?” Chelsea curiously asked. Miss Kress told her that she will be showing her sorcery, that was why she followed her. Intrigued as she was, she wanted to see if perhaps sorcery in this world was real, much as how werewolves were true. She unhesitatingly followed the lady who told her that it was in their blood to be a natural sorcerer. However, as they continued walking, she was somehow having a bad intuition about Miss Kress’ plan—though she also felt that she must not, because she can feel how good the lady was. They were still in the vicinity of Wetherby’s Hall. Only that, the place was vast, that it seemed a hacienda rather than just a place for the Duke and Duchess. They have been walking for a while now, and Chelsea was starting to get tired. She sat down on one of the huge rocks that she saw around the area. She looked at the surrounding, and noticed that they were near the boundary of the Wetherby’s property. There was a huge wall not far from them that indicates the end of the Duke and Duchess’ property. A few pace from them, guards were standing, patrolling the place. With that, Chelsea somehow felt relieved. At the very least, she felt safety with the guards, if perhaps, Miss Kress will do something she would not expect—which she too doubt. She believe that the Miss will not do anything abysmal to her. She looked at Miss Kress once again, and saw her roaming around the area. “What are you doing, Miss Kress?” she asked, panting from tiredness. “I think this place will do, your highness,” Miss Kress answered. Chelsea’s forehead curled after gearing Miss Kress’ words. “What do you mean?” “I think, this place was more than enough for me to show you my sorcery,” Miss Kress cleared. Hearing her clarification, Chelsea’s eyes widened with excitement. “Really?” she asked. She looked at the guards that was still standing a bit far from them. “But how about those guards? They might see you performing something odd.” Miss Kress chuckled. “It is nothing we should worry about, your highness. They would not saw nor feel my sorcery that I am to perform for you.” “Huh?” Chelsea curiously asked. “Does that mean it was not something grand?” “No, it wasn’t, your highness.” Miss Kress turned her back at her. “But then, why do we have to go here? Why do we have to tire ourselves if it was not something that would make other people feel threatened by your power? I thought, the reason why we’re finding for a suited place, was because you are afraid someone will see you doing it in my front,” Chelsea wondered. “Oh, your highness, I wasn’t afraid. Never have I been affrighted by the fact that people will see me doing sorcery,” Miss Kress said. Still, her back was turned to her, making her looking more mysterious. Chelsea felt the pressure of the wind starting to become heavy. From her eased posture, she started to become serious. She controlled her panting breaths as she looked at the Miss, waiting for her to do something she would not expect. She contemplated whether if she will call the guard, or not, because somehow, she was doubting of the true nature of the Miss. She believed that she was a good woman, but seeing her at the moment, there was something dark surrounding her aura. Something heavy. “What do you mean you’re not afraid? You know that if you use sorcery, you will face consequence, isn’t it?” Chelsea asked. “I’m not afraid, your highness,” Miss Kress said. She turned towards the princess, “because there is no sorcery to begin with.” Seeing the face of the Miss, fear stroke down her chest. Her panic made her look at the guards that was patrolling nearby, to ask for help. Yet, her perturbed gasping echoed in the surrounding when she saw the guards still standing, but their heads were gone from their neck. Behind those guards was a huge, terrifying creature who most probably caused that murder. She looked back at Miss Kress. There were tears wanting to escape from her eyes, but could not, because of mixing emotions covering her. She felt panic, fear, but at the same time, she also felt the urge to fight Miss Kress back. Dire however, because she could not recognize the Miss anymore. The beautiful, elegant red dress she was wearing were now ripped apart. Just like the one who killed the guards, Miss Kress turned the same creature as it—a fury, four legged creature that looked murderous and savaging. Her red eyes and her sharp fangs—those were the things that made her more terrifying. Indeed, Miss Kress was not a witch or someone who performs sorcery, but, she is a werewolf. A dire creature that would not think twice to kill the helpless. Chelsea was facing Miss Kress’ wolf form, and in no time, it will surely pounce on her, and kill her—or perhaps even eat her. “What are you trying to do, Miss Kress?” Chelsea asked, trying to sound unafraid. Yet, Miss Kress in the wolf form did not answer. She swallowed the obstructing lump on her throat as she looked at Miss Kress. Sooner, Miss Kress was joined by the wolf who murdered the guards. Two wolves versus her, a weak human being. What could she possibly do? She wanted to scream and ask for help, but her fear was subsiding her strength to do it. In fact, speaking in front of them required her to pull her remaining courage. The wolves slowly walked towards her. She could not stand up, that is why, she kept on kicking the ground, in hope that she could distance herself away from the creatures. Her fear and panic was focused on the wolves. Because of that, she did not feel that behind her, someone was standing, gravely waiting for her to hit her back at his feet. When Chelsea’s back hit at something, she looked at it with trembling gazes. She lost every hope when she saw an unfamiliar man looking down at him, madly smiling. “Hello there, your highness,” said the man. “Miss Kress said she wanted your life. Perhaps, we can do that.” He looked at the wolf form of Miss Kress. “Wh-What do you mean?” Chelsea asked. “Shh . . .” The man placed his index finger on his lips, signaling her to stop causing any noise. “You will know soon. But for now, to keep you away from your shaking, perhaps you need to sleep.” He grabbed a white kerchief from his coat, and without second thought, he covered the princess’ mouth and nose using the cloth. Chelsea managed to squeal, but it was useless, for it was weak and muffled. Soon after, her vision turned blur. Her head felt like spinning. Her eyelids started to become heavier every split second that would pass. Until she completely dozed into unconsciousness. She fell asleep. When asleep, the man lifted Princess Demeter’s body. He looked at the wolves in his front, and smiled. “Perhaps we must go to our hideout, Lady Kress, Miss Kress? It would be hard for us if someone will notice us being in this very scene.” The wolves howled. Loud. Enough for everyone near the area to hear their sound. It was a call, a signal that says a message wolves were a dominant, primal creature humans must feel frightened of. They left the Wetherby’s place, but as they leave, they stole lives of innocent guards, and an unconscious princess of the Nightingale kingdom. ********** Lord Matthew heaved a deep sigh. He rubbed his palms to make warmth as he walked outside of the Wetherby Hall. He was having a hard time controlling the seemingly uncontrollable pumping of his heart, much of how he could not control his smiling too. He was unsure why this was happening, but, he just felt glad by knowing the fact that he would be asking Princess Demeter for a dance once again. He was not out of his mind. He was aware that the woman inside the princess’ body was not the real princess. However, he still wanted to have a moment with her only because of one fact—it seemed he was having fun looking at her annoyed face as he makes fun of her. He discovered that pleasure when he victoriously got her from Prince Nigel’s hands earlier, when he asked for dance. He felt satisfaction when he saw that the princess’ mood was ruined knowing the fact that he disturbed their dancing. Now, he knew it was crazy, but, he desires another moment with the woman. He wanted to annoy her once again. He has been finding her inside the Wetherby’s Hall, but to no access, he could not find him. Good thing that he saw her sister, Princess Cassiopeia, along with a young gentleman. Through them, he was able to know that the princess was at the garden. He walked towards the place, shaking his hand to remove the unexplainably cold feeling from his fingers. He blew another breath once again. When he reached the garden, he started to roam around the area to look for the princess. “Princess Demeter, perhaps are you here?” he asked at the void. He has been in the area for around half an hour, yet, he could still not find where the princess was. “Was she not here?” he asked himself. “But the Lord Monterick told he saw her here. Perhaps she has already gone inside.” He was about to go back towards the ball, when, not far from where his place was, he heard a terrifying sound—a sound of howling wolves. The people inside the Wetherby Hall must have heard the booming sound of the howling wolves, for the willowing sound for dancing has suddenly stopped. Lord Matthew released a growling sound. Hearing that howling, he immediately recognized the threat that it bears. He quickly ran towards its source. Using his enhanced senses, he travelled towards the path where he heard where the sound came from. Reaching the spot, he frantically stopped when he saw a red gown madly ripped. He remembered to whom that red gown belongs to—it was the gown that Miss Kress was wearing earlier. What is more important, is that, he quickly recognized the way how her dress were ripped. He has seen that kind of ripped clothe for hundreds of times already, that is why he instantly knew why it was ripped that way. There was a wolf shifting that has happened in the spot. Apparently, it was the owner of the red gown. It was Miss Kress who has shifted into a wolf. He was certain of it, because in the area, he could still smell the faint scent of the miss. Until . . . His eyes grew wide. “This can’t be,” he whispered. “Wh-Why was her scent also here?” he asked. He was shaking—both from madness and fear. Why could he faintly smell the scent of Princess Demeter along with the scent of Miss Kress? He growled. “L-Lord Matthew,” from his back, a familiar voice erupted. He looked at his back to check if he was right. Indeed, it was Princess Cassiopeia. “What is happening here?” Along with her, were the people from the ball. The whole elite society was with her, all intrigued from the loud howling that they have heard. It lead them here. Not far from them, they heard someone screaming. “D-Dead! Dead!” the voice of the woman shouted. Feeling the terrifying adrenaline, Lord Matthew ran towards where the woman was screaming. He saw two guards laying lifeless on the ground, both were missing of its head. He was sorry for the guards, but he also felt relieved for it was not Princess Demeter. That means the princess was still alive. That also means that Miss Kress brought Princess Demeter somewhere for a reason he doesn’t know. What does that Miss Kress will do to the princess. If only his senses were sharper, he would have already recognized the Miss as a wolf, the moment when they danced in the ball earlier. “D-Did you see my sisters?” Princess Cassiopeia asked to the people. Her body was shaking badly, sign that she was terrified with what she was witnessing. “I am here, Cassiopeia,” First Princess Andromeda called from the back. “Wh-Where is Princess Demeter?” Cassiopeia once again asked. Lord Matthew clenched his jaw, and balled his fist tight. He looked at the direction where the trace of her scent was still lingering. “She was abducted,” he said. From his claim, Princess Cassiopeia looked at him with horror. “Wh-What do you mean she was abducted? H-How . . .” “Someone must call the Royal Werewolf Hunters. We need help from them if you still want Princess Demeter alive,” he said. Then, he ran and follow Princess Demeter's trace of scent before it could completely fade away in the air.
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